Bad connection is of course a no no, tiger. I war on phone and sit in one of the best s6 war clans. It's a skill thing.
Indi is a horrible train wreck, I don't like the idea of my war season in the hands of an Eb fairy with no war build opting and letting it fly
Out of those 15, 5 will be alt /mole /inactive /eb item hunter. U can't win war with 10 peeps. Y should I waste 1 hour with those fools, when I can go with 15 best possible peeps in my roster?
Well that sucked, even from the sidelines S6 looks horrible. Almost as bad as S5. All primals is the only thing the devs got right, since season wars is about EE warriors who want to shine through with their clan that they've been warring of season with. Seasons war is about them and is meant for them. Not moles and inactives or fairies that get excited when they get EE spell. What sucks is the rewards balance and the equipment (like S5). People in top 100 don't have the maxed out helm or 85 medallions. Top 10 and 100 is supposed to be about competition, static rewards (85, 55, 30, 15, 5) are supposed to be attainable if you war hard enough. But top 100 doesn't even have 85 medallions, devs did horrible here. Losing clans should atleast get 1 medallion, winners 2-3. At least you'll be able to get somewhere when you lose this rock paper scissors of ll wars. Lastly, it's clear devs don't care about seasons war anymore. S4 and previous wars had a theme and full sets of equipment/banner to fit that theme. Mith equipment from each season was actually good when it was released. Now it just sucks badly whilst S5 and S6 gave a banner and 1 stupid helm that no one can enchant. /Rant over
Well my rock, paper, scissor war game didnt go so well. Being rock most of the time we matched paper 60-70% of the time. Tried scissors n would get rock. Now I was only only shooting for 15 meds because I could only war 1x a day because wars were during work/sleep hrs. So that's 30 wars I could do shooting for 15. Nope because the devs are to lazy to hand match 8 freaking wars, match rock to rock, scissor to scissor, paper to paper. After 26 wars I have 9 meds and another junk eq in my inventory
@nighthawk: in the past, devs increased drops. Many asked this question. I wasn't saying "gimme gimme"
I hope you guys realized that not one person got the 85 medal banner lol. Either top 100 from 66 or top 10. Should tell you a lot about this season, and you guys setting an unrealistic standard. (There are players who received 85 medals and way beyond that, but as compared to last season where lots of players hit 100 planar medallions the top tier goal for this season was only obtained by 50 people or so. Which to most it seems like a pipe dream getting 85)
I agree with Jolteon. The planning for this season was quite off. The top 100 aren't even close to 85 medallions.
Not arguing the 85 reward tier other than setting a high bar was fine by me. I see a war season as a gruelling challenge vs events being easier to achieve higher rewards. Grats to all who did S6 & a special grats to ODM dominating and setting a very high bar. A truly dedicated war clan who earned all that they worked for. 35 war clans u fought & 35 war clans u beat. An amazing season for OMD showing a commitment rarely seen. The loyalty shown by your warriors is to be admired and a force that others will strive to be next season.