Perfect! That little post perfectly encapsulates the pernicious elitism of LL war clans. The war season was supposed to increase participation in wars by lowering barriers and increasing incentives. But the evidence is the Apes weren't Thinking.
Barriers are IMPORTANT. I don't like warring with alts, moles and idiot eb fairies who cast woc just for items. And I guess u are one of these. Quality wars are important than quantity. And I don't agree that participation is less, During event there were 20+ clans for all wars.
Wat skills u need for indi? Rogue xtalling? Ps with gold out? Tanks with no sdt adt or semi activity? @demon
You don't agree that participation was less? Enlighten us then, how many participants were in S5 compared to S6?
You don't agree that participation was less? Enlighten us then, how many participants were in S5 compared to S6?[/quote] With 1 less war slot & ignoring the alts casting then there were the idiots there only to mooch/screw around I'd say marginally more in S5. Only the lame make excuses if not in S6 claiming others won't do all the work for them. Entitlement has no place .S6 is definitely quality over quantity. Summary: overall participation is a poor measuring stick and fickle where as war clans allow loyalty to be rewarded. S6 is less chaotic and only clans r to blame and hold themselves accountable when IWar is anything goes.
No indi after S6? From EE 5 down to EE 3 just to renew my EE during S6. With 70 hours left I thought just in time for indi to renew without doing LL wars. But ASW after? I don't think at my size I can qualify.
Knowledge & teamwork for starters. Knowing what to do n when from experience. Do u rely on others only or can u be autonomous as needed or required? Do u posess such skills? If yes will u answer some war questions?
Sadly, you mainly need SPEED. You can be a team worker, responsible, respectful, follow wc perfectly, etc, etc. But if you have no pc access or a bad connection you're out of good clans no matter if you try your best or not. While people who has repeteadly got broken sword is preferred, -.- .