Season 6: Emissaries of the Otherworlds

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 14, 2016.

  1. The 1/2 price LL was a good idea.
    So far changed build many x's as required.
    Hope others especially smaller builds found it cheap and convenient.
  2. Really you gotta be active to take real advantage of the build changes.
  3. Any1 knows how devs came up with 85 medals ? War for so long. Whether it's was good warring or not I guess it's others to say. But wouldn't u agree something needs to be adjusted. Increase medals/lower upgrade requirements. Whatever it is. Please do a reality check. Tq.

    Since I am here....

    Hi All!!!

    Serve All Love All. HRC all the way,

  4. This is true for those who LL War.
  5. I havent change my build once in S6 and im active ๎’
  6. Sure hope u raise medals dropped soon or most of those that participated in this season won't get their helmet maxed... Or even close to it
  7. The only way to get a medallion is through a win?
  8. Which is why so many people lost heart for S6 war. Mith as reward for losers only is really pointless at this time. The top 100 doesn't even hit 85. Hope that devs take people who spend time and effort into consideration rather than what they think is "fair".

    If I have one medal only for the entire season and I am within top 1K+, this is reason enough.

    Maybe devs should have just let people report those who do such tactics instead so that the community has a sense of impact on what they are doing has a purpose.

    Please take a look at Dota with their report system, they cheer on reddit when they post pictures of "Thank you for making DOTA community a better place, the user you have reported has been taken action against." Or something along that line.

    Look at CS:GO, with their Overwatch system. The community feels wholesome due to the fact that what they do can contribute things, even if they don't get weapon drops or whatever, they are happy just to be part of community.

    Look at the previous event we had with community rewards, where we had a crazy high goal of 6million items or something, but we hit the full tier rewards and silver bars were given to everybody.

    KAW is also a social game, with many communities, I'm hoping that future events will bring more people together and not isolate players like S6 where you have to be part of an elite clan so you can be rewarded.

    Hope that the devs notice the significant reduction in clans created last minute for war unlike previous events, this should tell them something about what the community feels about this season.
  9. @8, few clans this season have been winning using *cough* electronic aid.

    With tons of proof sent in, ATA doesn't want to do anything about it. When I see someone do 7 actions in 1 second, I know that is not something humanly possible. I've faced every clan that is doing S6 so far, and a few of them stand out for using electronic aid to win their wars. It's common knowledge amongst the warring community. Where are the devs in all of this? Absent.

    Regardless, ATA is a small company and it looks like Grant is stretched thin across his different KaW duties/roles. When have they ever listened to the community and done something positive? I made my 85 few days ago, took me close to 40 wars. Doubt I'm ever going to chase anything on KaW again, the devs don't care enough to do anything about S6. Their lacklustre response to concerns about S6 is disappointing.
  10. Devs today is the day you change s6 to make it easier to get max helm :p
  11. Where does this notion of max helm be easier to obtain come from?

    1 poster claims 85 medals in 40 wars.
    I pity that massive effort required ๎„…
    I've 27 medals from 42 wars.
    Goal is 30 but might activate insomniac mode if pushing for 55 medals. Slim to no chance๎’
    FYI S6 has 140 wars in total

    Top rewards should be difficult to separate the crazily avid warrior from the wannabes. Already in 1 season i have warred as a Tank n various hybrids n PS1 n PS2 builds. Quite interesting and fun to try them all out. Throughout S6 i've found it the most fair n reasonable system yet whether win or lose.

  12. Devs definitely should look into this, especially when you get ko before you are up, or stolen before your attack says it's successful, something damn sure fishy going on with so of these clans, especially the ps1/2 clans.

    Hell I have even been knocked out @ 0/0 , fishy as hell.
  14. Devs will look into it, just have to wait thats all. Yes i mean wait.............................
  15. Only not-human can warring 24/7 non-stop (u all know what i mean).no one from s6 warrior denied it mean it logic whoever bring it up and spot the anomaly.

    Ps:to A Thinking Apes Development Team,if this scenario proof to be true then lowland war are far more worst in case for events venue than Individual War.
  16. U started warring late bud or u were waiting for increase in drops? Lmao. I got 85 4-5 days back (3-4 wars a day). Now don't expect an increase just coz some of u are between 30-85. Still have a week to go. Gluck
  18. Devs I need a pokemon. Please listen to me.
  20. 7 wars in 3 different clans? Lol Who asked you to join ll wars during season? Should have started doing ll 4-5 months back just like peeps who are currently in good ll clan. You are blaming war system just cz u can't prove urself or u failed to get a good clan to war with.