Season 6: Emissaries of the Otherworlds

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 14, 2016.

  1. The community begged , and has petitions signed for indi wars to be included . Why don't you ever listen ?
  2. Because they're animals and don't know how to read?
  3. Would have been better to have a different piece of equipment and have the piece change each season that way players can have a set of season equip rather than a fancy hat that gets replaced each season
  4. While we can understand the value of an easy to access Individual War system, the concept of Seasons in Kingdoms at War has historically been one that drives clans together, encouraging players to work together or a common goal.

    Season 5 was an exception to this, due to the fact that the war system at that time did not provide the quality of matches needed for the season. As such we implemented Individual Wars, however this led to a number of other issues and was actually heavily opposed back then as well.

    The current return to Clan based wars continues to focus on Clan Loyalty and the old-fashioned spirit of Wars in Kingdoms at War, something players have continued to ask for.
  5. What about season4 I'm pretty sure that was also part/full indi wars?
  6. Honestly, i love the clan based wars its good stuff. But there has to be a format that allows us to use builds. LL gets boring dumping troop as ps1 or trackin regen times of ps1. Id do LL/HL wars, or anything with bigger builds. 1b to 1b plunder not my idea of exciting
  7. So you're telling me that if I leave the clan I win in to go to a different clan (a home clan for instance) I'll lose my win spell??
  8. So a war game encourages people to war with the incentive of...further PvE rewards?

    Oh, the irony.
  9. Grant you should grow your account and participate in S6, all of your Team...

    That would give us the chance, to kick your Builds in Battle... there is a lot of unhappy people and the game is going down from sometime now...

    You should know better about how this game works...
    Thank's to the many bad decisions taken by the developers, there is no clan loyalty, too many events killing the game, too much equipment every month after Month..

    so this helmet looks like a bad copy of magneto's helmet..

    please make an effort and participate in the game, no cheating.. turn things around for a dying community.... Cheers. :cool: ill drink my beer while i see movies...
  10. The one problem with s6 is going to be that after the first few days clans that were put together using wc will quit and then you will only be seeing the usual clans that win LL. So pretty much a lot of people will
    Be missing out because (almost) every LL war they war in they will lose and just stop trying. Where as in indi you are matched with different people every time and it adds a little more strategy.
  11. Ive always just thought, why not add a new set of lands called the war lands.

    Make all the buildings free or at least cheap.

    But it DOESNT affect ur actual stats. It ONLY affects clan wars. (If you want u can continue to keep normal lands in use for indi wars)

    This way the builds can be more complex than just ps1, tank, and hyb. Dumping troops and watching regen times and even ignoring repins. Not as much fun as having a big build.
  12. Users browsing this forum: --MFDP-THe-LeGeNDaRy-MaCHiNE--, -Spyder-, ----> ATA_Charlie <----, ----> ATA_Grant <----, ----> ATA_Mario <----, Avak, BirdbladeL1, chocolate23, DarthOmi, discoxdave, DRDEATH69, EVlL, Fighter1510, GiveThemNothing, IlII_BaronllIVonlIlBagel_Illl, I_B_l, ----> kaw <----, ----> kaw_admin <----, Leafeon, Majin_Venom, NotTom, oriental-princess, ShadyMarine, Sushi, T-Wolven_the_child_of_fllyyy-N, _____iJustRide_____ and 0 guests

    Almost 300 players asked you to include Indi Wars and you didn't - FAIL
    (5 of you reading this thread as I post this)

    Shady will not be participating in S6 & to protest your ignoring the community, I will not be spending any money with ATA until after S6. Suppose we can all take a summer vacation - Thanks for the break ATA

    A Very Disappointed in ATA, ShadyMarine

    PS: Did you even bother to attempt and address the community outcry / petition <rhetorical>
    Never would I have expected a business to operate this way, rather shameful
  13. probably a boring season :/
  14. How about the banners you guys talked about?

  15. My boots from that one event says 6% plunder boost...but we all know thats a lie
  16. They'll probably be viewed on the Events page when the season starts! :)
  17. What a load of crap. Some of eq from the current event parts is better than the season 6 top prize. Waste of time
  18. Amazing! Looking forward to fighting for these!
  19. That's not till the event starts, I want to know right now if they're worth going for so I can schedule around wars. Otherwise if they're trash or look ugly I won't bother. Season 5 I chased because the banners looked cool
  20. It would just be a lot better if it was a different slot than season 5 crown of now idk if i plan to participate or not doesnt seem very interesting tbh sadly