Season 6: Emissaries of the Otherworlds

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 14, 2016.

  1. No xtal rewards 
  2. If the devs didn't give indi wars, then adjust. It all goes down how bad you want to participate in S6. I don't think they will be affected if xtal sales goes down for a month. They planned this carefully and they are ready for any consequence. If they want indi back, they can do it in the middle of the season and we cant do anything about it.

    Good luck to all who are participating!
  3. I haven't read other replies and this is probably the 100th time it's been said but I didn't spend all this time building up to only use LL. no support. Ever. Why is it so hard to just incorporate something most ppl enjoy versus only a LL season. I'm not saying anything new just adding to the pile.
  4. If u gonna do this LL tournament u have to find a better way for ppl to join. Some need time to get free from work, family n other stuff n better Eq rewards that make us want to have it..

    Aways get a match up n with fair match up too.

    Limited clan cs. No need in LL war tho..

    Suggestion: All clan must sign up first n have to stick with that clan for da rest of time..
    Maybe weekend LL WAR..

    Like all sport tournaments in real life u have to have a team before u sign up for da game.

    All vs All...clan with most points win
    Divided in group...Those 2 clans with highest points in its own group. Get to meet other group n compete...u know da rest!!
  5. Rewards are a joke overall lol. Kaw is all about pve events, they never cared about EE and never will. Part of the reason most people gave up on wars and quit playing.
  6. I never rated this game I think it's time for one star
  7. This season is gonna suck hard. When you're sitting around your thinking table, at least use your brain you apes. I for one absolutely HATE ll war and won't be doing a single one. Was is that hard to program some indi's in between for people to refresh ee? Was it that hard to see that the majority of warriors do INDI WAR instead of ll war? No it was not. You're the worst game devs i have ever seen, and i have played a lot of games like this. Congrats
  8. Season 6 is a clan-based event... Why are the rewards going to individuals? It's a team effort and clans should be awarded as clans.
  9. Because it belongs in the trash can
  10. Stay in the clan for bonuses during S6.
    Leave and lose them.

    Those only seeking EE from IWar r SOL
  11. vary poor silver bar as reward event after 28 days of continuous war , as compare to eb event too much less bars, pls devs increase it double it to give as warriors time spent and , for iwarriors put season 6 part 2 with same rewards so others can also get same rewards but pls it shd be called lucky season 6 because in iwar only luck depends
  12. The silver bars are great what you going on about?
  13. Season 6 off to a rousing start with 2 clans participating. Who could have seen that coming?
  14. Has not started....
    See that?
  15. Hasn't started yet lol, next war will be first season war
  16. Somebody cannot tell time nor read
  17. Support idea (indi ll wars)
  18. Honestly they should've picked a different equip piece to give for the war season. Another helm is dumb considering last season gave one with "the best stats in game" yeah sure it's cool, but why replace it? Why not move to a different piece.... The older season wars were cool because you got sets, now they're just 1 stupid ass looking helmet