Everyone is given the Relic, though it is just that, a relic. It provides no stats, but is something for players to work towards upgrading through participation in Season 6.
No support for all-LL season... Finally almost forgot about those awful lands and now this! Oh the humanity!!!
Fail, no support. As not everyone who wars will be able to war back 2 back. To not lose spells for bonus rewards for helm. Keep trying devs.
Break one weekend halfway through so at least I can retain my ee. Not interested in starting ll wars just for more overblown equipment. #workwithyourclienteledevs
Probably should have put some individual wars in the season 6. War schedule a lot of players love THEM.
Is the Anima Furia a way to encourage player to always war at the same clan? Can someone elaborate a little more?
As part of an elite LL war clan, of course I'm going to not disagree with this 'only LL wars' for the season. BUT...I dislike how it is only LL wars, it should have been mixed up with both LL and Indi wars for the season. I also disapprove of another helm as the season equipment reward. It should have been changed to another equipment piece. Really, only the LL warriors are going to gain from this season and and everybody else is going to miss out. It's unfortunate. BUT...there is no reason why others can't get together to make new LL clans. Shy, pvp beasts, ducks, PS3, HYHD, dotb etc...they all did so there is no reason why others can't follow too. Good luck to all for S6
Considering the majority of kaw will not b participating is there any way devs could plz remove s6 notifications/adverts from popping up & wasting our time & can i have casque removed so it doesn't waste my time scrolling thru eq's & as i'll never get a chance to ug it? You should of really made it opt in & those who don't opt in, don't recieve notifications or casque's as a constant reminder of how much the devs suck everyday lol
After seeing 6-7k sb as rewards these noobs will be the first One looking for war clan. No need to change ur plan devs. LL is the way to go even after s6. They are crying because their alts won't get free sb which they would have got by doing 1-2 actions or moling.
Really wish you'd post banners lol, I'm not going to buy xstals or invest my time if it's not worth it
Can you Atleast add one individual war in between ? Where smaller and other new warriors learn and how to war. Great reference for them and 75% of kaw hate these lowland wars. Please make a change.
So your excluding indy because you think that's what people are "asking for?" When you've got a petition (right above this) with 500 people asking for some form of indy? I don't even.....
ok. can't read all 30 pages but are they extending the current EE spells thru the season? Since there are NO indi wars available for weeks it only seems fair