Season 6: Emissaries of the Otherworlds

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 14, 2016.

  1. Sure its easy for me and any other player like me that's sort of established in kaw it's the new player's that I'm bothered about. I won't be doing it but good luck syl.
  2. I've always thought of CRD as a great war clan btw grizzy. I hope you decide to change your mind. Cheers
  3. :D some one erase my last post, where i challenge Grant to participate in S6...

    Good Job... Cheers. :lol:
  4. *Cough cough* Equipment from the Thaumalite Shards event also gives a ℅ plunder boosts, is that PvE plunder boost or PvP plunder boost?
  5. When will it be cheaper to upgrade my lowland??
  6. It should have been 2 minutes ago, 8pm UK time / 9pm Central European Time... Give it a few more minutes and make sure you restart your app...
  7. Lowland building and upgrade price reductions are now in effect!

    Also, relaunch your game to receive your Barren Casque Relic in preparation for Season 6!

  8. No support
  10. So every ine automatically gets a helm even if the don't do the wars or do they have to do the wars because I'm confused on that please explain
  11. Its a barren relic now.U have to collect war medallions for stats.
  12. There should be a chance to renew ee lvl with a daily Indi war. Thats not fair to ppl which havn't a war clan.
  13. As noted in the first post, this is the Relic item. It has no stats and cannot be equipped.

    Through warring you will be able to earn Medallions which upgrade your Relic into the actual equipment items which you can determine the balance of.
  14. Why was my post deleted? Or can we longer express our support or no support for ur ideas?

    Tbh it doesnt look like u care either way so...but still
  15. Okay ty for clearing up for me
  16. People have home clans and aren't looking to be doing war 24/7.. So the whole idea of losing spells when leaving a clan after war is outrageous! Furthermore you guys are trying to loophole the request of the ones that are helping you guys stay in business. The least you could do when it comes to events like this is give the players ideas consideration and actually use them not just read them over and still go with your own plan ???
  17. Don't get me wrong the game is awesome.. I just think we suggest good ideas that would attract more players or more business for you guys but you'd rather just do it your way
  18. Make it so if they are a mole, they can't join war for the whole event
  19. Didn't get my 50% discount.
    Reported to feedback.

    Parameter issues? Anyone else?
  20. :cool: I See grant in Forums, Lol

    This relic should be giving only to participants in War. Lol