It has problems sure I can't fix them only the devs can do that to say they don't have a place for new players is silly. They could do ll and indi in every time slot. The new players under a certain amount of stats that can't get a lowland clan could opt in to indi and everyone else could do lowland but whatever it's not my game.
Grizzy i agree IWar is good that it allows all ppl a chance to war. I IWar a lot but in LB Tier there was rarely as many issues but that cannot be said in lower tiers.That said it was abused in S5 way too much is why i am against in S6. Its also why i constantly promote more war events and want to see more War Tourneys. That is my way of making war bigger n better. An IWar type format as well as a clan is possible IMO.
I've been reading and you keep saying "all people can do ll war" in different ways, but seriously. How many people ask for LL war on wc? How many clans do LL wars each slot? Someone tried to build a LL war clan, who joins him? No one cause they know they aren't gonna win. Maybe that's where the envy comes from? Indi wars, people do something wrong? Report them, the devs do well doing their job then.
No point now to continue arguing devs have said all ll ignoring lots of people...the petition had 250+ ppl think about how many war REGULARLY now in my opinion about 600 to 700 anyway decision is made so participate if u want or like me sit it out
Is that mean we play kaw a hole day? we cant skip the war for real life? lol... a month event with all war??
The number was just a guess based on number of indi matches i see but has no propercalculation behind it But the point was very few war now and majority of those few(again opinion) were ignored
Season 6 will have the lowest participation of all the seasons and with good reason...its a crap war format...why do we play and build buildings to not use them in war...lowland wars was a stupid idea from the start and its only gotyen worse. Enjoy your failure of s season devs your revenues will for sure be down from season 5
I agree s6 kind of doesn't really go well for people who build towers for indi and lost out on plunder etc to only get this Before u comment on my lack of towers know that i dropped them today...whats the point of them if u get war formats like this being done for whole s6
Towers are still very much relevant for Us Osw Lovers.. Drops them towers and run ur mouth to the wrong person and watch a few weeks worth of fake gold disappear in mins left naked like last night date