Season 6 Details (Coming June 22)

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 7, 2016.

  1. Here's news for you. Nothing is set in stone.
    It wouldn't be the first time that the developers have changed their initial plan in interest of the community's request.
    I see a huge number of people asking for iWars to be included in S6 and only a small fringe group against it.
    Hence why it just might happen.
  2. It's set in stone. Grant has actually said that this season war will be lowlands no matter what.
  3. This is enigmatic of the problem with ATA - they only look one step ahead. To "fix" clan wars they introduced indi wars. Now to fix indi they introduce LL wars. Just like when they try to address inflation with new lands and buildings. They don't get that it causes bigger issues in the end. Soon LL wars will need a fix and a new system will be introduced.

    How about you fix the problems in front of you instead of creating new ones? All indi wars needed imo was extra rewards for wc and trackers and more harsh punishments for low/inactive players.
  4. Pls bring back 100 roster chaos iwar
  5. Please devs, individual war for s6 too, pleeeeease.....

  6. No. If everyone else is going to be screwed so can india and australia. No special indis for anybody...either indis at all times or gtfo
  7. Promote clan loyalty? LMFAO

    What for 4 weeks ?

    It ata wanted to promote clans they first make hte clan killing eb free , install better clan structure and other forms of clan loyalty bonuses.

    In the copy and paste kaw world take s5 swap out indy for low lands presto s6.

    Their fix to the war system is low land wars? never once tried to fix hit ranges and other issues that been wrong since season 1.

    Enjoy I guess those 5-6 clans that will partake in the garbage
  8. I guess around 14-15 clans will war, which is better than 8-10 of indi consisting of 50% idiots.
  9. The fix was simple....
    Round and Primal Wars r gone for clans.

    LL Wars r here and anyone can enter cheaply without matching big LB etc. Builds r more controlled.
    Nothing has changed for war clans and their perm members. Give LL a chance before all the doom n gloom.
  10. Ll wars are horrible thanks a nothing we season
  11. U r miserable to say the least.
  12. Why cuz FURY can't bother to enter a clan?
  13. Looking for a s6 clan.
    Will change ll if needed.
    Rn I'm ps1.
  14. Please keep running indi war, it more fun than ll, and not all ppl in the clan oriented doing ll war, Tyvm
  15. What a useless waste of time, developers must be retarded, I mean surely they can't be that stupid can they? heaps of clans will start out and then dwindle as they can't win, only a handful if that will get 30 medallions, they really don't care about people warring as it makes them no money so they spend 0 time organising them, oh well good luck to the loser who will spend every waking minute sitting on their asses doing every war, may you be happy with your crappy helmet at the end, will only participate if they bring back clan wars and Indi wars, everyone always finds ways to cheat, so what!! "bring back clan and Indi wars for seasons"
    I don't read forums, so have fun trying to troll and giving me crap for not growing as I couldn't care less and won't see it anyway!!!!️
  16. look at that they didn't let me write a bad word in forums, so now I look like I can't write a sentences!!
  17. Absolute garbage.
    No individual wars, that's what indi means.
    ATA execs are mentally challenged,in this aspect, the game, otherwise is fun.
    Season 6...insertion of male member into female orifice....metaphor...
  18. I applaud the developers for not retaliating with all the insults. I'd be resetting accounts and roasting people left right and centre.
    Some of the things people have been saying are things you can get your skull rearranged for. So much disrespect.
  19. You, are obviously still evolving, two stages past the missing link. Resorting to violence is still your primary thought process. Good for you....only a few thousand years left.
  20. What are you on about?