All u people commenting don't want s5 bc u most likely don't war. Those who do war would like some answers as we have been waiting event after event.
Ee wars are dying and being replaced by pvp events. You can clearly see devs putting all their effort into that. Its clearly more lucrative getting players to chase items in a determined period of time than your now defunct season wars. Not sure why you even want season wars as your roster isnt good for anything other than primal. If and when season wars return you will be humbled after realizing just how good your clan really isnt
I don't think season 5 will happen. I think it's pretty obvious that ATA is putting it's cash in promos (as evidenced by the new app features). My belief is that the current war structure is here to stay.
This game could have gone down the EE route or the PvP/ PvE route back in season 4 and ATA chose PvP/PvE because it made more money from xtals/ seals. And strange enough, it worked and people now hit ebs for gold and then for hitting more ebs and so on but I guess people can't spend 1hr of their life at least warring. Times have changed significantly
Yep. ATA will keep shoving these stupid promos and events down everyone's throats with all of these shortcuts in handing out equip & bronze bars til people realize all they ever do is face roll p2p ebs with their wallet open and the game dies.
respect to kotfe you are intitled to how you misgotton as it may be thx for letting us know that.i will try harder just to impress you.
be warned this thread was not desighed to talk bad about other ppl clans.but to vent to ata how we fill about s5, With all due respect stay on topic or leave my thread thx
Do the devs not realize that ppl buying xtals for war isn't the only way they get money from EE wars? The only reason some people spend 100s and 1000s of dollars on their build is to get ready for EE.
agreed numbers.Theres alot of revene that will be lost if in fact they stop season wars alot of clans do wars.And as i saw today alot are showing more support by testing the waters i see the intwrest i wish more ppl would come out and support the thread,People ask to be heard about getting s5 started come out and at very least say support to s 5
Pretty tame response considering you tried (and failed miserably - gave up after you got 2 days of inc) to farm me over comments in my other thread that didn't even say anything bad about DotB. Guess you're only a tough guy to those who are smaller then you & without an alliance. I remember 2 friends in DotB telling me you begged Sylv to put me in CA lmao.