Season 5 - The Worst Season Ever (So far)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by NotTom, Aug 31, 2015.

  1. Comparing clan wars to S5 is apples n oranges. There is no relevance whatsoever. FYI to those who do there is no clan wars so get on topic.
  2. a high bfa sh asking for a return to clan wars to make wars more balanced/equal/fair simply wont get any support here. period. lol.
  3. Funny how so many complain that the system they destroyed through exploits has been destroyed by other players.
    In actives = player fault.
    No xtals = player fault.
    Sucky Sh build = player fault
    Build limits excluding majority of players = player fault.
    Clans excluding based on equipment for playing = player fault.
    Stacked clans = player fault.
    Dual clan rigging = player fault.
    Moles = player fault.
    Leaks = player faults.

    Call me picky. But I say stop blaming devs.

    The ee community destroyed ee, not the devs.
    Live with what you did to the system.
    And accept responsibility for your own actions.
    Especially when posting with an exploit build.

    And how many are intentionally sabotaging this system to try and force the return of clan wars?
  4. This.... The community managed to destroy ee wars. Granted devs are to blame for clan mis matches, but the stacked rosters and exploit builds are entirely our fault....

    Creating a war system with a MINIMUM cs req would be nice. This would take away statless and ssh. Then if devs could fix the matching system I believe it would solve a lot of problems
  5. Wanting to win is not a fault. There will always be someone working to find the next exploit. It is a by product of measuring success by wins. Accept it or embrace it. Those are the only options.
  6. The 200bil to 300 mil loss in the recent individual war was not player fault...that is a horrible mismatch by the devs
  7. When your need to win destroys the system. Everyone loses. As has been proven.
    Selfish desire vs what's best for the community and the game you claim to love playing is not winning at all costs. It's shooting your nose off to spite your own face.
    When your desire kills the war system how can you then win?
    Who's going to war and how without a system?
    And where are app those lovely stacked clan teams now?
    I can't see any clans working effectively as teams now.
    So again. Player fault for short sighted greed, over long term game and community progression.
    How many ( Achem ) warriors have quit due to these wars?
    How many more will?
    And how many more would have stayed if things had gone on without exploits.

    The only concession to blame on the devs. Is that a minimum plunder value combined with the requirement for 1 troop build minimum would have killed every exploit tried to date.
  8. System is broken. We broke clan wars by stacking and only using "good" builds.

    Indi offers all a chance to war and participation is much greater than clan wars. But it has its issues. Hoping devs fix/tweak indi so it is not ruined as well.

    Solutions? Dunno. But I've seen people asking for xtal to enter war, ip banning cheaters and stronger punishments for inactives.

    I just hope the ATA team works with its fan base to create a better EE environment going forward.

  9. Devs cannot ask for xtals upfront to war. It would become a pay to play game and alter its listing in app and android store thus damaging its marketing.

    If its such q big concern. Players can fix by agreement to ban all xtals in war and problem solved.
    Growth encouraged by using xtals in hte.
    Problem solved.

    Harsher idiot abuse penalties yes.

    Or the devs could offer xtals for free prior to seasons for people who sign up to season for war xtal only.

    I have no issue paying for xtals to war if I want to. But many do. And it needs to be a solution that doesn't damage ata or player ability to be included In events.
    Not an easy ask in a competitive arena
  10. Everyone has a losing streak, Tom, deal with it. You've been riding an exploit build for a while now so don't be surprised when others also exploit. Put up some decent buildings, come war in my tier, and you will encounter far less exploits.
  11. As someone who did not have a war clan to perm at for s4, I think I can say that this season is worse than s4. I had 25 medallions at the end of s4. What do I have now? 5 medallions. I've done just as many wars as I did in s4 also.

    Jumping from roster to roster in clans hat weren't event on the prestige lb in s4 worked better for me. So, I do agree that this is a crap season. It was a waste of time and gold along with mith/xstals.

    Idc If sh would've prevailed in and s4 format for s5. At least a lot of us could've gotten further in the rewards.

    I give s5 a thumbs down.
  12. Suck my plums tom
  13. Also, I did one war where there was literally a 40 minute fight over how we lost and who's fault it was. Like really? People say this season isn't that bad. I think a 40 minute fight in ḉc is pretty bad. Just my two cents about this season.
  14. I have disdain for the sh build, but this is a good point
  15. Everyone works harder when they see a LB player on their team; the better they do, the less confidence the other team has
  16. Sorry but your a Sh or what ever they are now get a real build
  17. Anyone remember back to the S5 Proposal 2 thread where all of the current S5 problems were forcasted by many Kingdoms? Devs stuck with it anyways. I highly doubt ANY of this feedback is going to change their opinions on Individual Wars. So give up.

    Spend the xstal money on EA Battlefront am I right?
  18. I like it better than the clan stacking wars of the last 4 seasons.
  19. This is how season one was except it was 4 hours of your life and two xtals - and no one knew what they were doing. 

    I'm not sure where the crying comes from as this method allows maximum exposure to the wider kawmunnity - and in theory if more people war the devs get more money from xtal sales, which keeps kaw up and running.

    Completely support the idea of an xtal spell to ensure everyone has an xtal. I think the devs will too as this impacts their bottom line.
