Season 5: The Ultimate Proposal

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Olypics, Jul 2, 2015.

  1. Just gonna reserve this post for when this gets popular later..
  2. Great idea on the "Clan Treasure" concept mate!
  3. Your idea for indy wars is dumb and defeats the purpose. Didn't bother reading anything else.
  4. Read it all. Only thing I liked about this proposal was the "Clan Treasure" part. Nice work on the thread though.
  5. Do you mind elaborating?
    No, wait, you're more busy telling NotTom how wrong he is...
  6. What's there to elaborate? You want to make indies into a clan vs. Pick up group war. You need me to elaborate on how stupid and pointless you'd make indies and completely defeat the purpose of them? I can elaborate more on how idiotic of an idea it is if you wish.
  7. I hope they do the indiwars that when you win you collect stuff for your war clan. I suggest something like that in the first proposal and even sent it in feed back have no idea if they like it or not
  8. I'm not sure how an indyclan war is even Indy. U still basically pick who's warring in the clan and that's a round war.
  9. Support, you put a lot of thought and effort into this I hope devs looks at this
  10. Just 100% indie let's get rid of war clans altogether
  11. I wanted you to elaborate to see if you read/understood the proposal.
    Now I know that you did NOT.
    And as often when you don't understand something, you become agressive and start to insult everything and everyone. Sad.
  12. Only if rewards was that good
  13. Who told you 100-man rosters were unbalanced? Some noob. Last week's 100 man indi was decided by under 200mil. I'd say that is really well-balanced.
  14. Sorry, unbalanced is not the correct term for what I meant.
    I meant that you have LB players alongside statless. Whatever the statless does, has 0 impact on the outcome of the war.
    Basically, the bottom 20-30 members are just here to have fun and try their luck, when everything is actually decided by the Top40 in each roster.

    Does that mean you stopped reading at line 6? :lol: :roll:
  15. No support lack of effort
  16. I have to disagree with that last statement bud. 100man indies limit the ability of the lb up top. Mids wins big roster wars.

    Lot of thought went into this post. Support your effort 
  17. You don't support your lack of effort to actually read it?
  18. Support
  19. Never said LB decide the war, I said Top40 do, bottom30 are powerless to the outcome.