Season 5 Proposal #2

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. I used to ee a lot during season 1 But now I see it as corrupt and unfair
  2. Also in terms of fixing it, maybe allow clans of ___ to form (let's say 10-15) and they get 15-10 indi casters. Since there may be more indi casters also have clans of only those people. Then get matches from all of them.
  3. Support 100% Proposall # 2 as it gives everyone the options to war. I have nothing against the other war types, but they are inclusive to a small portion of KAW.
  4. Why would you call it a season if there are no teams? Every major sporting activity out there comprised of more than 1 person is usually set to a specific group of people with the ability to substitute if necessary. Having Indy wars where there is no guarantees tracker, or war commander is ridiculous. Go to a system similar to last season as many upon many suggested in your last proposal thread, but since it wasn't your idea you're ignoring it. If you're going to do pure Indy wars, then why bother having a season at all. You would get more turnout to clan wars if there were more incentive to war like during the season. Turn out during Indys is for people to renew ee (always a gamble), and to earn mith. This suggestion is a very poor option.
  5. Shush with your logic, I'm getting max ee during the luck wars.
  6. Seeing as there is a lot of hate from certain build types *cough sh and build droppers cough* perhaps have 3 types of indi wars available. Normal indi wars where all bfa/bfe is enabled. Primal indi wars where no bfa/bfe is available and a new type of indi wars where bfe is on but no bfa is. This would mean that those who have warred for decent equipment can use them.

  7. I understand that they were unfair at times but you have to give credit to those clans who were able to put together such a successful roster. I think we should continue the seasonal wars as they have been as I previously mentioned whilst the devs continue to try and ensure no particular build is to dominant.

    I do agree that in the seasonal wars there has been issues such as GH in Season 1 and SH in Season 2 & 3. However, assuming the Devs have continued to work to ensure that there is some sort of fairness implemented I don't see why we have to take away the ability to put together a strategic roster that has to adapt to different opposition.

    I do understand why Indi has become more popular because it brings about more fairness but Indi war system is not what the Seasonal Wars were build on. Yes it had its flaws but we cannot deny they were enjoyable evenstill.
  8. @ KAW
  9. Support :lol: this idea is actually the fairest idea kaw has suggested in a very long time I'm shocked they are actually making the game fairer on everyone without the usual ass juice[/quote]

    Says the person with the leaky hansel build who probably pays the enemy team 3b a war[/quote]
    Lol your just jealous you can't stack those rosters anymore, I know the feeling buddy I too was a sh but decided to build dont be a hater just because those days are over move with the times bro it's fairness and no stacking on the s5 menu.
  10. Full supporttttt
  11. @kaw_community
    D1,Dotb,GP,PN,Psychosis are all war clans that have done primal wars for this off season. We enjoy warring with our family and friends not random people. Why should we have to give up warring with our family Bc people are scared to war in primals?
  12. And the credit to your efforts from past seasons, is the great equipment you have equipped. Your victories earned you those spoils of war. This fall will be my sixth year playing kaw. One thing I've learned all these years, is that there is not one flawless method to "win" kaw. The game is always changing in it's war aspect. Just have to adapt each time to fit the needs of the war community.

    This season will be interesting,never before has there been a season specifically with randomized teams. The turn out will be great. Wish you the best. But after the 1st Proposal, it's clear the community yearns for Indi wars as much as you or me think otherwise. It's just for the best. :mrgreen:
  13. Round Wars are the purest form of war as they allow all aspects of an account's strengths to be used - but there is the problem of exploitation.

    This could be fixed by:
    - Allowing only people within a size bracket to cast together (10-50m CS, including bfa/bfe - for example) and then they can only match a clan within the same size bracket. This would stop the oh-so-hated stacking (it's only hated because it's so effective, and many of the haters just couldn't make it work for them)
    - Allowing people who do not have a clan to cast in the same way as indi and match up a clan in the same bracket as them.
    - Allowing clans that can form at least half a roster to have their remaining spots filled by those who cast for the indi aspect

    All of these would mean that people can war with who they want and matches would be far more fair and for those are not casual players, we will not have to rely purely on luck to get equipment.
  14. Completely support the Indi plan
    However I would like to ad a small suggestion
    1- can we have 20 roster in place of 25
    2- can we add primal wars as individual wars so that all builds including Statlessand new players who just joined Kaw can get a chance to war
    3- can we remove loosing a medallion for loosing a war

    Thanks devs
    We love indis
  15. LOVE THIS, about 3days ago before dropping towers lol
  16. Says the person with the leaky hansel build who probably pays the enemy team 3b a war[/quote]
    Lol your just jealous you can't stack those rosters anymore, I know the feeling buddy I too was a sh but decided to build dont be a hater just because those days are over move with the times bro it's fairness and no stacking on the s5 menu.[/quote]

    Judging by your equipment you were a very ineffective SH considering how easy it is to win wars as a SH... Oh wait, it did actually take a team with a good strategy and war knowledge even using SH...
  17. Indies indies indies yeeeehaaaaa I'm so happy to hell with the roster stacked clans and the pre planned teams I flip you all the bird and say give us fairness NOW! I want to see you all casting for S5 ! Regardless of adt sdt bfe Bf'a build type or acc name or tags let's roll the dice and roll with the times. Let's band together and dance in the flames as we burn the old ways to the ground!
  18. GOOD IDEA.

  19. Warring is not about winning. Learning the ability to adapt to different scenarios with a roster that is built on family and hard work - It is not all about mith. Yes fairness would be great and it is most of the time.

    Tradition must be upheld in the seasonal wars and fairness must be tried to achieve but not whilst changing what warring is truly built upon. A foundation of family and hard work learning the ability to adapt together.

    I do understand the community is changing, but wouldn't it be nice to keep some aspects of KaW the same as it was? It's just my opinion and I appreciate the concept of changing attitudes towards warring and keeping fairness - I just don't want these wars to miss out on something that the other seasons had.
  20. YES DEVS, YES!

    Individual wars always have the highest turnout for a reason.
    Individual wars are more difficult to win then clan round/primal wars since you do not get to hand pick/fine tune your war crew.
    Individual wars are the most difficult to exploit; the most "fair" type of war where leadership maters the most.
    YES, YES, YES! A resounding yes!

    I was so close to quitting permanently until I was directed to come read this 2nd proposal.
    Go with this proposal but increase the duration of the season by a month (2 months total).
    Also, please look over this idea as it would be amazing if this was incorporated into Season 5.

    I quoted the OP in the thread for ease of access:
    Actual thread can be found here: