Season 5 Proposal #2

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. Support.
    Indi war rock. No bullying clans asking you to change built , we can play with built we love.
  3. need an update here
  4. Maybe all Indis wars isnt the best answer but it's better than all round or primal wars
  5. At this point no one really cares
  6. This. I just want S5, got the xtals ready on the accounts I am warring with.
  7. Wow. Indi wars should to hated by all. It does not require any skill of any sort. Theres no loyalty involved, whats a war when people don't listen to wc and don't have mith or xtals, its a war that sucks I'll tell you that right now.
  8. It doesn't
  9. Yes because exploiting lb/sh rosters takes skill, agreed man
  10. It's fair and equal for everyone who enjoys EE.
  11. I'm not ready to waste xtals based on the hope my team has less idiots than the other team
  12. Silly Seth. Nobody wants fairness and equality. They want to win. Look at the exploits, does that look like the work of people who ee for fun? They don't want fun. They want rewards.
  13. At least it's more enjoyable than being in a war which you know you are going to lose bc of lb/sh rosters
  14. Seems an appropriate thread to say this on.. my last indi war some of the participants in asw where in my team and against me yet i was ranked higher in our cr and was too small for asw??? lol maybe work on fixing the lb before you release your next promo, doubt im the only one whos noticed this
  15. This is a mixture of building stats, bfe and bfa. From memory, the clan roster only takes into consideration the building stats
  16. I believe roster ranking is based on overall strength from buildings as well as allies. BFE however isn't included in ranking.

    The overall leaderboard includes things such as value, bfa, buildings and number of actions (troops and spies.) Just to say I don't know all the fine details but this seems to be the general breakdown.
  17. I always thought overall lb and cr# where a combined total of build,bfe,bfa and propacks, so how/why even should they change it for wars?? or am i misunderstanding your point?
  18. Pretty sure clan roster is cs/bfa overall lb is everything you have less win so you will be lower.
  19. Dev .,

    You already removed the War Clans after S3 and not more than 4 war clans currently. Roster size about 25 pretty hard to set up nowadays unless some playing 2-3 accounts because no one can't trust about xtls.
    20 roster for primals and also wish to have 2-3 hrs wars at weekend thats more interesting about strategy and tactic.
    Indi supported because good for everyone to get their eqs.
    Primal wars ., pls change plunder system. Its really bad for Attack builts .

    anyway my seem will not same with everyone but really happy about you asked players opinions and suggestions.

    Happy Kawing Everyone
  20. after carefull consideration and in my infinite wisdom i say we let this thread die like our S5 hopes lmao, be better off scrapping s5 and just making a 6-8wk war promo with eq. and mith as prizes