Season 5 Proposal #2

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. All indi wars

    Excellent proposal as it prevents all exploits 100% support, it also unburdens players from organizing rosters thus reducing key active players from getting burned out and increasing overall satisfaction and activity - Shady approved all Indi war format
  2. haha we saw you using sh build before.we saw you doing all sh roster too. this is a strategy game. how about all ps lineup? attack build lineup? its about war prep and sorting what roster and size you will do. remember your arcadian empire all sh roster?
  3. I said this last season, I say this again - punitive actions ie losing medallions is not what you want ATA - you want to incentivize participation not penalize it - I strongly oppose losing medallions just not gaining any for a loss
  4. I would also add this, which won't sit well with top LB - if there are extreme BFA LBs with no offsetting LB I suggest that you not roster them (but reward them 1 medallion an refresh their edge let's say) to keep rosters balanced
  5. Zoom knows his stuff. You clearly don't know his background. With that said- bleh to your clan now Zoom ๎„…
  6. He clearly doesn't "know his stuff" as proven above where he didn't even know basic game mechanics. Being in an exploit clan & winning with an exploit roster does not make you good in any way shape or form.
  7. you should explain about your all sh roster why you lose against us. 8v11. we still remember that. our top cant hit your sh but we still win. 8sh vs your 11sh.
  8. Sora...

    Just stop. I understand your passion. Taking advantage of war glitches is awful. BUT, you've done that, many here have. Stop pointing fingers
  9. i got screenshot of arcadian vs rh 11v8 sh. he is there. top plunder but he lose. now he cant explain. such a loser. telling we are exploiting it. he just cant beat rh. thats why
  10. Hahah. Mechanics? Your kidding me. Hahahahah. Your a funny guy.

    I love clowns like you. Try to discredit a clan that mastered a format by using the most efficient and effective roster possible.. Thats the most common hater, the guy who applied on happys wall, got no response, then we beat your ass clan every time. sorry we didn't recruit you bro, you werent good enough.
  11. It's not about losing....good lord! Stop manipulating the glitches. That's pretty simple, and that's also why iwars are proposed season. There are 3/4 clans that do primals now. Slyv, RR, Dev....stop rostering majority hansels- we created this community problem. It's up to us to change it.
  12. Sure. As with all of my rosters it was a roster built from world chat. We had 2 people inactive/no mith at start & we had 5 people not xtal. Additionally, some people obviously didn't follow strat as you guys had 424 assassinates to our 160. I cannot control what other random WC warriors do. RH only won by 1B with a team of SSH (who some on my roster couldn't even hit) so I wouldn't be that happy about beating a WC roster.

    I did however out-plunder all of RH SH but one while being sat on all war in classic ruleset.
  13. You only won once against a roster of random people from world chat for one & if I "wasn't good enough" how did I outplunder all but 1 of you while being sat on in classic war?

    You mastered how to exploit & with builds that do not give anyone plunder. That doesn't make you good aside from in your own eyes.
  14. now you said your reasons. inactive ahahahahahaaha twice? tell me how to post picture in comment. i will post the screenshot ahahahhaha hard loser :p 8vs 11 sh?
  15. Good for you sora! There are 3/4 clans that do primal atm. Sly, RR, Dev- stop rostering majority hansels. Mix your rosters up. We own this problem. You 3 clan owners that do primals and make it suck for the rest of us- just stop๎…
  16. Hahhahahaha yall suck. Nice clan bro. Wc ppl? Ahhhahaha pathetic to argue a wc ee clan leader... ahah
  17. Really doesn't matter how angry you get. The EE clans I run are always built from world chat as I do not run them full time. Anyone who has warred with or against me knows this.
  18. You guys only won once and it was only by 1b. Not sure what you are so excited about?
  19. hahhaa you said you out plunder? we got 2 peeps out plundered you. 1.5b and you got 1.2 only. our 3rd wr got 1.1b hahahaha it just explain you are not good. trying hard :)))
  20. it just explain you are telling that we win because we just exploit roster. now explain that you got advantage 8 vs11 sh but you lose. that explain that rh outskilled you mr.hard loser hahahaha