Season 5 Proposal #2

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. You quoted my post but talked about cantonesewhineball's comments/post of the link to your SS. Was that a mis-quote? If not, what do you not approve of?

    I simply stated it was not my SS/program & to speak to you or KaW Devs about it as I have no idea how it works and/or how in line with the ToU it is.
  2. To be fair 14 SSH in PvP Beasts were bigger then the normal SH (some of which were naked or had only a few pieces of equip) that I picked up from world chat.

    PvP Beasts (you) love to throw around the LB excuse but I myself plundered half of what our LBer did so it was not all LB as you like to blame it on. Our LB only plundered 2b. Your LB just SKO'd all war & our LB had nothing to do but spam him (never once ko'd him).

    Your SSH simply weren't good enough even though they sat on us literally all war & half of my WC roster failed 50%+ actions on them.

    Stop making excuses & accept your loss with dignity.

    Additionally, it's funny to see exploiters make excuses for why they lost when the only reason they have ever even won a war is due to stacking Silph, Cella, and other LBers with top ally LB SSH so that the enemy team can only hit SH (and make what 1-10m per hit?) or fail on LBers and make nothing.
  3. Devs can we just get the indie season started already ? Can all the exploiters take your discussion to either another thread dedicated to that or even pm as your personal arguments are not really relevant to this topic. We all know the exploiters are butthurt over this great idea that is the reason behind it all after all. Devs please roll out the indie season !!
  4. Can you guys keep the This on topic pls? Not at all helping. Devs are looking for constructive feedback and not your constant back and forth dispute.
  5. No, no, no. Devs don't make them indi! Clan wars give more excitement and competition. There will be more control and organisation that way
  6. At least make a system where clans can join war together along side individual player, so there are individuals signing up but there are also full clans ready
  7. No. Man up & learn how to war without the crutch of a stacked roster.
    If you want to war with your friends so badly then get them together & get into some OSW.

    Also, your account is what 45 days old? Post with main or have your opinion disregarded as you have never even experienced a season war.
  8. I haven't voiced much on these proposals as I've been sick and was to much to read. However I liked proposal 1 better as I love clan wars. This will be major changes for everyone but good job devs.
  9. Sora jesus you want only indi that bad. Well we our entitled to our opinions too I enjoy recruiting and the other aspects clan wars offer that indi does not, that being said I'd like to have both still.
  10. Why should someone who has never experienced a season, has no war equip, and no EE lvl on an account that is 45 or so days old be entitled to an opinion about season wars again?

    He is most likely someone who has already stated his opinion posting from an alt to try to manipulate the results of this thread.

    That is why I pointed it out.
  11. ATA advertises this game as free to play. Wars are big part of the game and the usage of xtals are optional. Of course it's common sense everyone needs to use it, but it's not obligatory. They can't force people to "pay" to participate in any aspect of the game therefore this xtal requirement system can't be implemented.
  12. Not here to banter or further dilute thread,but even if has never warred their opinions matter too. Maybe wants to start?
  13. Actually it can be implemented. Every F2P game I play provides part of the game free of charge but requires you to pay some sort of fee or subscription to access different features, levels, zones, or portions of the game. KaW can be played for free without doing system wars.

    You are basically warring at half strength if you are unwilling to xtal. They should make it a requirement.
  14. It is more likely that he is an alt of someone pushing for primals then a random person who has never warred (with a build that would not even suit primals) biasly pushing for primals for no reason whatsoever.

    Like I said, he should post with main & stop trying to manipulate the thread with alts.

    If that is his main then the fact that he has only been around for 45 days, has never been involved in a season, has no war equip, & no ee lvl, should be enough to show that he isn't involved in EE wars & shouldn't comment on them.
  15. Ugh ok sora sure buddy. Pm if wish to further discuss.
  16. Half indi and half clan wars would be great in my opinion.
  17. Not sure if people realize but the devs have adjusted payouts based on amount of bfa. I payout to a 20mcs player(my size adjusted for bfa) the same amount as i make on them. Btw im not a sh. Im a small hansel. Is small hansel build now considered an exploit or just any build that has bfa. Redstar that darn exploiter and all his bfa
  18. My loss? I wasn't in that war lol
  19. Call your build whatever you want, atm. You've been playing for over two years and less than 7m cs there's a reason for that. Exploiting ass fools..
  20. Yes any build that intentionally stays small but stacks bfa to be able to hit players much larger with static stats so they earn more then they should but pay less then they should is an exploit build. Redstar isn't intentionally staying small so is not comparable.

    You do not pay what someone 20mil CS would pay. You pay what someone 6mil CS would pay (your CS).

    I actually just tested an attack on you & an attack on multiple people who are 20mil CS. I can SS the results if you want? You pay significantly less. If people paid what their true stats are with bfa included then your build would be obsolete.

    Additionally, you are still basically an SH. You just added 2m cs.