Season 5 Proposal #2

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. Giving extra reward to wc and tracker will lead to fight among peeps in cc and question will be who will wc ? Especially when 2 or more wc are in same clan, clan will be divided into 2 groups even before war starts, so I oppose this opinion, Yes they deserve something for hardwork but I dnt wanna see cc with crapy comments just before start of war.
  2. Have a good cry. Took ur ia tags off i see.
  3. That's a 'bias'. It takes effort to set up a clan war. Indy wars are easy- cast woc, leave clan, twiddle your thumbs and wait for the clock to strike -1:00. Not even the same 'yard stick' in terms of comparables. The same reason why they paid out half as much during season 4.
  4. Indi wars WC does all the work with comparing all of the variables between both rosters (raw cs, bfe, bfa, etc) & sets the strat for the other 14 people in war. It's simple for the other 14 as you have outlined above.

    Primal wars WC does all the work with comparing all of the variables between both rosters but the only thing they have to consider is raw cs since bfe/bfa do not apply in primals. They also get to stack the odds in their favor through choosing their own roster with exploit builds. They also get yet another advantage in choosing what clan they want to match & matching them. For the other 14 people it's as easy as you have outlined above.

    As you can see there is little to no difference in the amount of work done for either roster. 14 people do nothing while 1 person does all the work.

    The only differences are:
    In primals WC has to do roster but can stack the odds in their favor. They also only have to worry about 1/3rd of people's build.
    In indi wars WC does not get the advantages of choosing their own roster & have to factor in all of a person's build & not just their CS.

    Those are not "bias opinions", they are facts that can be proven by anyone with even a basic understanding of how indi/primal wars work.

    Primals are not more difficult, they are clearly easier.
  5. I'm just completely wowed by how easily you downplay the 'matching' clans part. I have been a part of clans that look to match and clans that recruit the right builds for wars. Both cases, take time and effort that are delegated to clan members in a good war clan ( but, you're right it ain't exactly a calorie burning workout- but so is everything KAW). I have also been a part of a third kind which would fit your description- post a message on wc looking for war and scout thru the wall posts that follow and join one ( still takes more effort that casting the Indy wok).
  6. Sora, you're forum repeat button is working perfectly. You complaining about someone repeating the same thing over and over is hilarious.
  7. Takes time & "effort" by the one doing the matching yes. Generally the one doing the matching has this nifty thing called a "matching sheet" ( you can see it there. That one person simply fills in the SS of their target clan then matches it.

    Even without any work done on matching it's easy to tell what builds/size established war clans cast then match or avoid them. Only time you really need to do work on matching is when matching a random clan from WC since their rosters are random.

    Either way you look at it, it's 1 person doing all the work for 14 others in clan wars or indi wars but clan wars are easier for the many reasons listed in last post.
  8. I respond to posts with actual facts/data/information backing my points. I don't blindly make bias allegations because I am angry at someone & spam them every post.

    Your anger is noted though, ty.
  9. Thumbs up. Gives EVERYONE a chance a to war instead of fighting for a spot.
  10. Facts/ data/ information that you see through your eyes. The same eyes that see anger in hilarity. 
  11. Hey we get it sora. You're an ex-sh that is now angry at the system you once exploited. Ok. Fair enough. You've made the same point over and over and over. You don't like exploiters any more. We get it. You don't like exploiters. You were an sh. You don't like exploiters. You were an sh
  12. huge preparation and work you do there
  13. The devs put this post up for feedback on what the community thinks, but I would guess that half of the responses are arguments and off topic bs.
    Lets help get S5 underway instead.
  14. Support
  15. I don't see what you are getting at. What you just posted are the war statistics from a war that already ended. Tom has this nifty program that pulls war stats. I don't see what point you are trying to make by linking it?

    Cool story. You keep spamming I was an SH. That was the only viable "war build" for someone who just started the game. I started the game at the start of S3 then quit when S3 ended. When I game back I was an SH. Surprise? I'm not an SH now that I have had time to grow. Surprise? I don't like exploits, correct. Neither does the majority of the community; read through the many pages here of people wanting indi wars > all.

    You can be angry about it all you want. Won't change anything.
  16. lame story sora. what build are you exactly now? how long ago was s3?
  17. So u use programs to pull information from servers which information is not publicly available? Hmmm
  18. S3 was about a year ago & I came back about 5 months ago.
    As previously detailed in this thread, I was around 10-15m cs until recently when I tore down my offensive troop type buildings & replaced them with defensive troop type buildings (wanted to make the switch before it costed me trillions making it later) as well as moved my towers to abyss (still working on building abyss towers - it's costly). Now I'm around 9mil cs & growing daily. If you would like to drop some seals for me I will grow at the pace you want me to. Until then I will grow at the pace that KaW intended players to grow at.

    I'm glad to respond to your angry allegations but please post them from 1 account only.
  19. Yes, TOM uses a program he created to pull war stats. What does this have to do with me again?
    Your unbridled rage trying to somehow link me to it because you seen my name at the top?

    As far as the legality of the program goes, ask Tom or take it up with KaW Devs. I have no idea how it even works.
  20. Sora, you can spin that build however you like but you're a drop build, exploiter too. Nobody is raging dude. Just telling you that you're in denial. I agree it is tough to make alot of gold when you're a drop build.