Season 5 Proposal #2

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. Yet you are still here. If I thought this was the "stupidest game ever" I would reset and leave.

  2. Ive played soccer for 15 years. Im playing college soccer next year. But I have a problem I am 5 ft 7 inches and weigh about 140 lbs. I will be playing against people who are a whole foot taller than me and weigh 50 more pounds than me. I have to make a choice. Sit around and do nothing or go out and work hard. Hit the gym. Run. Take protein and other supplements in order to adapt to the competition. If i don't well then I'm just screwed and i will get nocked down and destroyed and I wont even play. This philosophy works the same way as wars. You cant have a noob build for eb's and expect to do good in wars. If you want to do pvp you cant be an eb build... Its just preposterous. You want to do ee? Than make the changes and do what you have do to be good.
  3. Very good point. I see all the whining about hansel being a build "no one can hit". It's simply game mechanics. If you can't attack hansels without gold out that means you're an attack build which also means you can't be stole while you have 0 gold out. Now explain to me how this isn't fair?

    It's the same mechanics since the beggining of the game.
  4. Who exactly in my clan despised me besides the two people I was OSW with? What reason would they have to despise me? Never had a problem with anyone and lead like 50+ people to rancor 50. Yes during S3 we used alot of SH. We didn't use lb/ssh just normal sh and normal tanks. We mostly fought clans like Death lncarnate, Division 1, Ghost Legion, Mushroom Kingdom, etc who all used the same type of roster (though some used LB).

    Also, how did I exploit the first PvP event?
  5. I have to disagree with you here Frog, it is 50/50 however, it is up to you the player to tip the odds in your favor. If you have Gold EE it just means that you are an asset rather than a liability to your team.

    Just read the rest of your post and essentially we agree that you build and skill will either help or hinder your team.
  6. Like I said, I share the same sentiment.

    Alas, like you said - things change and when you do ya have to adapt. The choice is yours to make. Those who want to win, know what to do.

    The game itself is changing - I hope in the future there is more competitive changes for wars. New game types etc. Today's is a Canadian holiday btw, I don't think the apes are around.
  7. So your suggesting that I, an young man without a job and thousands of dollars in college debt grow and attempt to compete with people who spend 100's of dollars on multiple accounts in a game everyday? How about? no? I am a sh at heart and if true old style classic round wars are the season i will drop my build and buy allies. I will work hard build more bfa and compete because its competitive and you cant have both.

    You guys hate the sh? Find a way to beat it. Its not cheating its fun make an sh and try it.

    Ps chaos. Sorry for my derogatory tone i respect you very much and have nothing against you.
  8. That's meeeee :D
  9. Adapt to the war type you crap noob. Your banner says it all. Rising Hawks, bunch of scrubs exploiting wins & thinking they are good for doing it. Now since SH is useless you go to the next exploit build; PS1.

    In response to the scenario you gave above though:
    Yeah some wars you give it your all & still lose. Suck it up kid. If you are so sensitive that you can't handle losing then you should go outside more.

    Organize your team the best you can, use the builds on your team the best you can, learn to WC/track, & your chances of winning will improve significantly.

    Stop relying on exploiting for easy wins then smashing your keyboard & screaming at your mom when you lose an indi war.
  10. You had 30 people max at rancor 50 because you only let the same builds roster: the highest tanks you have ( which were LB. trust me. I let them all in :lol: ) and sh with 4-5 rime lvl 1 on hf. And yes, people despised you. I also want to point out that said clan was disbanded so congrats.

    Also you were not the only WC (although you made yourself sound like it) and the trackers practically did everything for you.

    My memory is perfectly intact.
  11. No worries Morgulis, I'm a throner too man - you have my respect either way! THE NIGHT IS DARK AND FULL OF TERRORS!!! :lol: :p

    I want to push kaw to give more F2P stuff, whether it's xtals, nobility or seals. Given that, you won't need to spend hundreds to play competitively. Sheer activity should reward that.
  12. You hate indi wars? Find a way to win them. You're a child screaming about your favorite toy being taken away. The majority want indi wars so deal with it kid.

    Also get a frigging job you bum.

  13. I dont care about losing a few wars. Its when i lose 80% of my wars bc of the devs. I cant control match ups but hey when you have 11 ps on one side you come talk to me about what to do. and Rising Hawks? Sorry we didnt see a pt to primal wars because we don't get to use our hard earned gear in war. Theres no point to earn gear to do what we love and not be able to use if. I was only with rh during s3 but we didn't use only sh/lb. our roster had 2-4 attack/tanks almost every time. And sorry anyone who has had me as a tracker knows i don't struggle at all to track a 100 person war.
    You look like a scrub to me sora. Im done with your idiocy. You say youve played since s1 but your still 4mcs why? What your doing is "exploiting".
  14. you beat them with bigger and more sh
  15. Broken didn't even join the game until the November before S3, much less S1 :lol:
  16. I WC'd every single war when I joined & started WCing, there was NO other WC as long as I was in the clan.

    I'm not sure why you think trackers "did everything for me" when I handled our rosters, strat, calls, etc every war? You must be new to warring.

    Also, what does the clan falling apart in Season 4 have to do with me (I quit the game after S3)?

    Our tanks were mostly CajunSpice (not LB), CajunChico (not LB), Yon888 (not LB), Titan_God (not LB), Hmong (not LB), Freya (not high on LB). Towards the end of the season we added Rambo & Obesa to our tanks who were 200ish on LB at the time. Also had some frequent guests who were 300-1k on LB but NEVER used any significant LBers (top 50 or anything) & NEVER used any SSH.

    We also had much more then 30 rancor 50s. My alt whom I just started playing the last 6 days of S3 (this account here) got rancor 42 in the last few days from 0 lol.

    Your blind baseless rage is quite entertaining though.
  17. Never once said I played since S1? I started warring at the start of S3 lmao.

  18. So if you quit the game after s3 you can leave this thread bc it does not pertain to you. Also sorry how about you use your brain. Check my equipment you can see ive played plenty of ee wars and won. anyone who knows me will tell you to take me out off the bat in ee war or ill be dangerous. My rage? If i was enraged you'd be pinned.
  19. Spice was a WC. She did pretty damn good. She didn't win as much as you because she warred with a clan, not numbers on a roster.

    I also want to point out that Obesa,Rambo, and Troll were in there before S3 started. All were LB. I know for a fact because I was the one to get them before you even started the game. Congrats on your alt, you rostered it over loyal clan members every war. What a great WC. You obviously are the only correct person on this thread because you know how to manipulate a roster.

    Oh wait, you're arguing against exploits?

    Hypocritical much?
  20. Chaos take bungie and the Trials of Osiris... There are few people who actually get the full 9 wins... Why? Its hard work.. Its not easy but you understand its mean to be hard. Its why there are not 1000000000's of people complaining on the destiny forum.