Season 5 Proposal #2

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. Didn't realize dotb are noob indi warriors?
  2. Also we didn't "rage quit" rounds , we just don't war if no other clan except ssh/lb are warring. Haven't seen you face the ssh/lb clan , apart from the war I was in and got you the lb :D
  3. Yes you have spammed constantly about how proud you are about your recent win vs dotb after losing every other time. We get it. You had enough large hybrids to beat them. Get over it.
  4. Then Pervigo neco , d1 and countless other experienced clans must be indi warriors?
  5. IE: You ragequit round wars when you had nothing to face but exploit rosters that you lose to.
    Started primals with your own exploit rosters and only won based on your exploit rosters just like you were losing to RW exploit rosters. GG
  6. U guys r both noobs, stay on topic
    Edit: Can't compare ps1 rosters to ssh/lb rosters. The ssh/lb rosters have only lost 1 war in the past 6-8months. Ps1 rosters although very successful have lost 10-20x more than that
  7. Exploit rosters and strategy are different. Also. When have you beat a named war clan? Just a question
  8. Pervigo is a real EE war clan that doesn't stack 75-100% PS1 like you do, that's why you beat them. Exploit rosters are nothing to be proud of.

    D1 is a pretty good war clan but also uses more "normalized" rosters, hence why they have lost many wars to stacked PS1 rosters.
  9. Yet you used 10 ps1 and lost to d1. Must be the exploit rosters?
  10. With my world chat roster? I have also beat Pervigo roster @ their other clan The Dark Corner & also beat DotB when they were 150m cs bigger. Also the only clan to beat PvP Beasts exploit roster. All with a world chat roster of strangers; not a clan of noob exploit builds.
  11. You keep bringing up the ONE loss to D1 when you know mysteriously Roman went inactive & leaked all war to D1.

    You know we turtled & him going inactive ALL WAR (When he clearly was there as he was PMing me mid war) & staying up open for steals all war while we were down turtling is the reason we lost but since you have nothing else to say you keep grasping at that.

    Even if he didn't do it intentionally (which he did) that doesn't change the fact that he was up with SDP & 0 spies just bleeding plunder to D1 all war.
  12. @sora the only reason you beat pvp is bc I brought the lb so don't act like you went in wc and got that roster. Also I don't see the dotb win? Your not a bad wc , but when you say ps1 are exploits it proves that you are scared to face better/experienced clans. Tell me. Will you match d1 again?
  13. Why all the bickering about shabby prehistoric archaic exploits ? They are a thing of the past move on guys it's 100% Indies from now on that settles it all! Let's see how many want to be a sh when it's solely indies :lol: nerfing is hilarious good job Devs don't give in to these crying nerfed peeps when I'm doubt nerf them. Indies all the way heeeeyaasaa
  14. Is there any chance of getting a hybrid war type?

    Would be nice to have clans sign up with 5-10 perms. Then other people cast clanless like they're doing indi wars. Devs put them into clans to balance rosters and make match ups. Clan prestige should be a factor in determining matchup.
  15. You brought a LB to counter PvP Beasts LB & that means I didn't build the rest of the roster from WC mostly?

    You were in that war with your alt who had like 2 pieces of equip. You know our roster was mostly random WC warriors, some of which had little to no war equip.

    I made 50% of the plunder that the LBer you brought made. You know Silph dived & sko'd everytime so IMF really had nothing to plunder aside from the start of the war. That left 13 ssh vs 13 WC sh. IMF was too big to hit anyone but Silph & Ami was too small to hit Silph & too big to hit anyone aside from Gerald (an SSH).

    DotB win is in The Arcadian Empire war history, same as PvP Beasts win.
  16. Support
  17. better proposal than the first one !! 1 hour war , 1 xtal is quite good !! roster size 25 is quite managable.
    but the only problem is we like warring in our clan (with our family) !! so rotation of 1 primal with 1 indi will work fairly well !!
  18. @sora and immort, any successful roster is an exploit roster in the eyes of the community, remember that - SH are exploit cause they don't leak, ps1 are exploit cause they don't leak blah blah blah. Nah. It's called using mechanics in a clever way to get consistent wins. Oh and about the statistic of how many losses we had at pvp beasts, I'm sure we would have lost far more had more clans signed up rather than us just getting no matches. But that's beside the point in all honesty - the point is that people want to war with their friends for the benefit of each other not complete strangers, and primals which take into account only 1/3 of an account's strengths are not the answer to that. If enough people warred then the first format would be better as there would be very few so-called exploit clans and it would mostly be "legitimate war builds" warring each other and having to "suffer" at the hands of those of us who know what it takes to be successful.
  19. People get a little to happy getting a win on us
  20. Exploits refer to taking advantage of glitches in coding...

    If the devs did not intend for certain builds they have had plenty of time to correct the problem...

    Stop abusing the term "exploit" when describing legal parts of the game.

    The fact that you:
    A: don't agree with it, or
    B: aren't capable of contending with it

    does not make it an exploit.