Season 5 Proposal #2

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. Damn I forgot about zafts lb/ps exploit, anyway you get the idea. Find a solution to that roster, ridiculous how many exploits there are, indi it is then. :)
  2. Or maybe consider not making plunder the reason to win wars? It could be based on "points" system for every successful action.

    Attack : 2 PTS
    Steal : 2 PTS
    Scouts : 1 PT
    Assassinate : 2 PTS

    KO : 3 PTS
    SKO : -1 PT
    KO'ED : -2 PTS

    Plunder generated by the 2 teams during war will be given to the teams (like payout on EB's), thus:

    Winner : 90% of TOTAL PLUNDER
    Loser : 10% of TOTAL PLUNDER

    As usual, MITH shall be earned and crystals will have a % chance of returning.
  3. Everyone wants to be in a winning war clan. For the rest of us, we only have iwar. Don't make it like the last season where winning iwar gives out less points than other war types. Give us a chance to catch up too.
  4. Geez, even my own fellow clan mates are having a go at me. Anyway, in response, I don't recall that happening in S1 or it must have come late in the season and hence if this is true, why did Devs continue to do these wars? Also I was talking about wars before season wars and I recall clan loyalty there.
  5. Agree. This is not a true Season - it's called letting every noob with the crappy eb fairy build to war and lose for their teammates who have actually spent time building up towers, bfa, etc (yes this is statless alt but main out of charge)
  6. Once the loss of EE level got removed for leaving your clan it was open season for exploits/clan hopping
  7. Yep and did that happen 2 seasons ago?
  8. ok so heres the thing...

    the more you grow, the less noobish builds you get rostered with in Indies

    game progression, incentive to grow... thats what Most games are all about

    As you grow up guys, you get better builds in your rosters and less noobs - great stuff this game progression

    And inactives, moles and alts have been a part of seasons since Season 1

    Rose Tinted Spectacles
  9. Pretty one-sided comment, FYI LB league has plenty of noobs as well. So like I said again few posts back, an equal balance is better than 100%, much less of such arguments as well.
  10. Are you actually serious?

    You have a 1 year badge yet you are a statless alt with gold EE bonus.

    You are a prime example of all that is wrong in kaw ATM, did you drop build to mith farm for the equip then bully people?

  11. I like it but please add some verity. Primal, different roster sizes etc...
  12. look we wanted everyone on a even playing field and some fairness to brought back to kaw. Already had been noted that inactives spammers etc shall be seasoned banned, this eradicated a lot of the issues surrounding indies currently. All I see is a load of exploit builds having a cry saying daft stupid lines like "we sacrificed a lot to have this build" no you did not many of you simply dropped build, this is nothing difficult anyone can do it. Now your exploit build has practically been nerfed dry your eyes, just like the gh was nerfed now the sh has been. I have seen so many who keep thinking they have "earned" their equip exploiting is not earning wake up it's closer towards the lines of "cheated".You are lucky it lasted this long now sell your allies in this stagnant market and grow, or get you other acc to buy them! If you dropped your only acc then more fool you not are problem that's yours! You will get no sympathy for your exploit build is now less effective and practically nerfed. So bring on the indies and let's get this party started !!
  13. The purpose of indie is to war with different people- people you don't know and not just some people from your clan. Maybe 20-ish player roster consisting from LBs to SHs, for greater variety of builds. That way every indie clan will be pretty equal with at least 1 LB in each of them and matchups can be better. :D

    It should also consists of different types of wars must mainly indie for the people who don't war a clan to war in. I would also like to see perhaps a war every 2-ish hours to solve the timezone issues. This will result in greater indie participation

    The rewards regarding S5 should also be a bit better than EB event rewards, maybe make the reward system similar to the event reward system with BBs implemented and a prolific plunderer for every X amount of wars won. This will encourage fairies to war if the war reward system is fairly similar to the event system. A greater war participation is necessary for better matchups, etc.

    If round wars were to be implemented, BFA should be nerfed- for every 50m BFA maybe only X percent of them should count. That way BFA will not be wasted and can still play an important role in war while not giving a huge advantage to LBs :p
  14. Putting lb and sh together in a indi roster wtf is that solving?
  15. it won't make a difference either way still a random placement
  16. It will make a difference I dont like sh I dont like warring with sh thats why I do indi despite a few lb drop build exploit builds we dont get many atm.
  17. Gotta love Spock and saying what everyone is thinking.
  18. Support.
  19. Horrible ideas. Just do indy and primal. And do the rancor like always. 2 lvl for a win lose 1 lvl for a loss. Easy.

  20. So, fail scout bombing on a spy is a 'strategy' and fail attack bombings by a hansel is ummm an 'exploit'. The answer to your questions in primals actually is- "you just aren't doing your roster right".

    The good WC's I have warred with like Atropos, rrimmort and devin know what to do ( I have seen them do it predictably). Also, PN/rawrr ( I haven't warred with them, but, I have warred against em and seen them get their strat right on). This is not a post about the best war commanders- just about people who know 'what it takes'.
    I'm not gonna take digs at the other war types. Indis have their place but, they aren't the 'gold standard' in determining fairness.