Season 5 Proposal #2

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. That would do nothing to prevent all SSH rosters (who have enough bfa to match mid-sized clans).
    A roster "template" is the best solution.
    That also would do nothing to prevent these cowardice all or mostly PS1 rosters in primals.

    I don't care either way but if the majority doesn't like the idea of losing medals then it should be 1-2 medals per win - 0 medals per loss. 3 per win is too much if you can't lose them.
  2. Please include clan wars into this. Maybe merge both options together with the tweaks we asked for like increase war group we can choose from and do not do random times.
  3. Awesome idea. Lets people with more skill and less money to spend compete for top rewards
  4. Love the idea, will stop war clan exploits entirely imo. What's great about indi wars is that they are 50/50, many clan wars are so one sided it's disgusting.

    And if noticed there are more people doing indi wars compared to clan wars
  5. Trolls not welcomed, it's an idea for devs, not you. You know who you are.

    Dear devs.

    A few thoughts on reading your second proposal.

    1. "Wars are 1 Hour in duration"
    - Thanks for switching to 1hour, it's fine.

    2. "Wars have a roster size of 25 players"
    - Wouldn't like it as a fix number, keep it like off-season should be fine, where weekends have large rosters. Variety reduce complaints.

    3. "Composed entirely of Indiviual Wars"
    - As I've mentioned on your first proposal, page 61, I did mention that a mixture of rounds and IWs will be preferred for all-roundedness, this proposal 2 took me by surprise. Is this another 5min proposal again? It's totally OFF from proposal 1. Please have more creativity by combining both, not a whole new idea totally.

    - Do I have to list out all the cons of IW? I'm on a neutral stand, but if you're gonna make it 100% IW for a season, I have no choice but to list the bad points to make you re-think twice.

    IW is more luck-based, there's not gonna be any clan-bonding if it's 100% IW. I'm not saying it's bad, mind you. There should be a limit to that. For one, if you make it 100% there's gonna be lots of war liabilities (Inactives/Bad builds/Irresponsible ppl who turn up late/Ppl who dont even give a damn to the war) who cast every war just to ride on the luck of winning. Losing doesnt affect them, they just cast do a few actions and hope to win.

    Before you argue about what I said, think about it. How many times IW always ended up with lack of WC or trackers. It's all luck. I emphasize again devs, I'm not saying IW is bad, but 100% IW is bad. Those who are biased on supporting it fully are definitely not those who step up to help in tracking and wc-ing. They'll never understand the exasperation we go through.

    There's no competitiveness as compared to signing up as clans for clans war. You can say you will minimize liabilities, but how "minimal" isit going to be? One selfish person or one selfish mole will ruin the whole thing. I have met in one war, where one dude had a 1T ally sold and he didnt know until war start cos he casted woc and went off till war start. He resorted to diving in classic IW just because he didnt wanna lose his gold from tanking. We lost that war btw.

    You can ask me, how now, what we gonna do if proposal 1 (all ROUNDS) and proposal 2 (all IW) won't work? Well, I don't know, devs, you're supposed to be the one coming up with proposals for us to improvise, not coming out with a DRAFT and making us do the PROPOSAL.

    However, I do have an idea in mind.

    Alternate the wars. Make it 1 IW and 1 Hybrid. Hybrid, meaning it's a clan war, just not stated what it is. You can let clans choose to sign up at that time slot as primal/round depending what roster they have.

    Pros to that, you can suit half the population who are complaining "too less primal" or "too less rounds". Let them have a choice, and in addition to that, dont have to wait till a certain timing for primal/round (like off-season), since that timing will just have both.

    Cons to this is that you'll have both primals/rounds happening at the same time.

    Might be complicated, but that's just an idea.

    TL;DR? Summary: 100% IW is not a good idea, make it more of a mixture.

    Appreciate some consideration over the points mentioned, devs. :)
  6. I like this one better than the first proposal! And as well as some people have said, it should have a mix between round and primal formats.

    Maybe asking for too much on this one but bring back the random double regen for season :3 that was a delight
  7. @Florence support

    100% iw simply a very very bad idea.
  8. Support Florence
  9. Support florence
  10. No offence.....but what good memory?

    S1 started great ended with Rosters stacked with LB

    S2 the guild hansel exploit

    S3 the sh/ssh hansel exploit

    S4- pre season great primal wars, build v build..wars won and lost by strategy

    S4 season proper spoilt by stacked hansel rosters

    S5 : players can't be trusted so indi only EE.

    Support to indi only season 5, until someone decides they need an easy way of winning then bye bye EE
  11. If Season 5 will compromise of only individual wars, then please consider a change with ally sales during EE wars. At the moment, outside players are incapable of purchasing allies off of EE warriors while they are locked into their rosters. As you are likely well aware, there are players who cast and go inactive during wars. Some of said players have what is called a pure spy build (all spy buildings and zero attack buildings). When an EE warrior who is a pure spy build has gold out and they are not knocked out, they can be attacked until the gold is depleted or they are knocked out. Some players will even cast pure spy build alts for the sole purpose of hoping they will match against it to open it up for attacks. This enables the enemy roster to gain an enormous amount of plunder in a short period of time that is nearly impossible to overcome.

    With all of that said, my suggestion for Season 5 is that you implement a system that locks ALL ally sales thirty minutes prior to war start and the ally sales continue to stay lock during the duration of the war. This will prevent outsiders from purchasing allies and prevent warriors from purchasing allies off of each other and permits warriors time to bank gold. This will not completely fix all of the issues that occur with pure spies warring; however, I believe it is a great start in the right direction.
  12. season 1 clan loyalty went out the window - as people wanted in on winning clans and werent prepared to learn and grow with their clans

    season 2 and 4 - kotfe did very successfully and i can tell you, those that didnt want to war with you in season's 1 and 3, all came a knocking once you were smashing out those wins
  13. Support Florence Idea 
  14. Oh Cool. Love this.
    I mean love 1h.

    I certainly agree with Florence.

    She's hot and has great ideas
  15. Or...... Include clan wars, let clans roster and sign up but only reveal the war type ( primal/round)after matchup. Took this from Florence's post, genius idea .

    LB/sh get destroyed in primal

    Tank/hansel gets destroyed in round

    Force clans to build a balanced roster
  16. I'm sorry you don't have many fond memories of Seasons past Rob. But win or lose, the excitement and the frustrations, the changes in strategies and mechanics, pitching clan against clan for me still holds its own appeal.
  17. S5 should be regular wars(primal) so we can war with friends and have successful wins. No need to take chance on moles and in actives and miss match. Not a risk to be taken.I believe we should do primal wars and war as a team we want.
  18. id roster a few huge BC tanks and rest PS ;)
  19. This is the easiest & by far the best/most ingenious idea I have ever seen. Just make it indi wars & clan wars. Only reveal the clan war type (primal/round) and ruleset (classic/advantage/random) AFTER signups have closed. Since clans refuse to stop stacking & build a balanced roster, this will FORCE them to.

    Yes there will be alot of no matches but when matches do occur they will be balanced (as they should be).
  20. PS are useless in primals. Enemy smalls could failbomb your tanks down for enemy tanks to plunder them.

    In round wars that roster would be nice but you wouldn't know ruleset til signup ends. Most clans would choose a balanced roster over a stacked one with 50/50 chance to get the ruleset they wanted.