Season 5 Proposal #2

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. Only difference is you choose your own teamates who are all a bunch of ssh then match a clan with mids that you can plunder/ass with your static bfa & earn big on them but when they hit you they make little to nothing. Yeah... we know. Dumb exploit builds. Glad round wars died. Now you can no longer be the 40yr old dude hanging out with teenagers cause you never wanted to grow.

  2. Difference 1. No exploits in indi
    2. Wc and tracker aren't hand picked in indi
    3. no rosters are stacked in indi
    4. There will be more wars in indi
    5. I don't need to have an insane ammount of allies to find a war in indi
    6. I don't need an insane amount of towers and eq to find a war in indi

    Do i need to continue
  3. Seems a little bit luck based...Im a lucky guy support...
  4. If all or most of the primal clans are using a heavy hansel roster.....How is that an exploit ?
  5. to be honest i wont be happy with any season proposal unless its a mirror of season 4.

    why cant we keep it the same as season 4?
  6. Yes you choose a bunch of exploit builds to destroy noobs. That's what killed wars in earlier seasons. Derp....[/quote]
    That's doesn't make any since, 1st of all a clan of noobs be to small to match us, 2nd the only noobs I war against is in indi.
  7. Ur moving in the right direction devs  support this proposal over the first one!
  8. Some people chose to NJ uild adt,sdt, or just raw stats, I chose to grow bfa, it's not my fault devs need to fix the plunder issue, not punish us by taking aways round wars...
  9. They mostly intentionally avoid each other. They mostly intentionally match clans built out of world chat that don't really have a proper chance since the WC roster is basically an indi roster vs a stacked roster of people who war together frequently.

    There is only 3-4 clans that really war somewhat consistently.
  10. For the record :

    Released on July 7, 2000, concurrently with its successor the PlayStation 2, the PSone was a considerably smaller, redesigned version of the original PlayStation video game console. The PSone went on to outsell all-other consoles, including its successor, throughout the remainder of the year. It featured two main changes from its predecessor, the first being a cosmetic change to the console and the second being the home menu's Graphical User Interface; a variation of the GUI previously used only on PAL consoles up to that point.

    ️ Hansel or PS are the spy builds. Hybrids fall between attack build and hansel build.
  11. Why cant we have both? 2 Seasons, different equips with same stats, sounds good to me. Like events that are PvP and PvE, that way teams can still enjoy warring with clan mates.
  13. Says you. There are many words/phrases that have many different meaning depending on what context you use them in.

    PS1 is a term used to separate normal hansels who can have towers & multiple troop buildings from PS1 who are hansels with only 1 troop building.

    That's like saying...
    Tank: a heavy armored fighting vehicle carrying guns and moving on a continuous articulated metal track.

    All tanks should be called attack builds. No. There is a difference between a towered tank & a non towered attack build like there is a difference between a towered hansel & a PS1.

    If the term upsets you so much you should prolly find another way to deal with it.
  14. Support

    I will only do inde as this is the fairest way to war against peeps your own size.

  15. Ok... ignoring the people who have no idea what they're talking about and are only here to disrupt the topic (even if unconsciously)...

    First of all, let's face it. Individual wars and clan wars (primal or round) aren't the same thing and can't be classified as such. Individual wars don't require near enough organization as the other two. Individual wars are totally random except for players being average the same size. Why no separate the two of them?

    The first step to eliminate "exploit" rosters would be to bring back clan loyalty, something so many people scream in forums asking for. It's a fact that most "war clans" are formed by mostly mercs. People who will leave as soon as the losses appear.

    [*]Talking exclusively about round wars here, a way to eliminate stacked rosters would be do the matching in 2 steps:
    - Step 1: count player cs only and in order to move to next step every player must be within everyone's hit range. If it's a 15 man roster, the number 1 on both sides must be able to hit the number 15. (note that at this step there will be no bfa taken into account, so people can't manipulate hit range with bfa. It will be stats and build type only)
    Step 2: now include bfa and bfe into account for total size and match clans accordingly.

    About individual wars, they exist for a good purpose, to bring new players into the "war world". There's no sense in removing them. But you could separate them from clan wars. Individual wars have nothing to do with clan wars. They aren't organized as such, they're random. They could happen at any time. You could literally have individual wars starting every hour, or every two hours. Increase the rewards and you'll see the participation grow exponentially. The KEY is here.

    It's very clear to everyone that primal wars were just an easy fix to the old issue of stacked rosters. Fixing the matching system would remove the need for primal wars. But if people still want to do them, so be it. Keep them alive. Your goal should be to reach all players war styles and not exclude them.

    [*]Just like you recently did a two-way event with different equipments for PvP or PvE participation, you could do the same here. Same duration (in weeks/months), different equips with same stats, two different ways to reaching the same goal. Hell if people want they can go both ways.

    And again I will say: no matter what you do or change there will ALWAYS be people trying to get an advantage. It's human nature. So do your best to minimize the issues and increase the interest in wars. Like I've said many times, the key in fixing the system is increasing the participation. And you can only do that by improving the rewards.
  16. Says the sh exploit build. Funny those I see comment here got have towers got to have battle losses , he's a eb build etc

    Makes me laugh ... this is a war game all builds are war builds . All members deserve to have a fair war with out the mighty war rosters exploiters crying they won't get a chance to cheat.

    They can't fix wars because they know a handful of these so called Mighty Warriors will find ways to exploit the system. So sssshhh already Noone cares your in love with your own chest thumping.
  17. In looking at the build bible created by Bellemorte .....PS1 is not a build.

    It's a contradictory title given to a non-existent build.

    You are either a PS - Pure Spy, no attack building OR a Hansel. PS 1 - Pure Spy with an attack building totally contradicts itself.

    And Sora. I'd suggest another past time besides trolling forums. ☺️
  18. @Seto
    Most if not all of what you said has been suggested many times over many years by many players (myself included). If they were going to do anything to fix these issues they would have done it. Move on.
  19. Definitely don't troll the forums. If you don't like the name given to a hansel with 1 troop building then make up a new one & get others to call it what you like. Until then people will continue to call it a PS1 & a few random people will continue to get angry about it for whatever reason.

    There is a clear distinction between a PS1 & other hansel variations.