Season 5 Proposal #2

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 30, 2015.

  2. This is certainly a step in the right direction and a good move away from your first Proposal.

    I see builds all calling for the type of war that suits their own build...lots of SH saying do round and Indiv only, PS wanting Primal included, etc.

    Therefore go with what they all want.

    1. Mix It Up - Similar to S4 format, a mix of mainly Indiv, then some Primal and even a few Round thrown in. This will cater for everyone.

    2. Safe Point - I also suggest a 'safe point' if players reach a certain number of points or even remove the 1 point reduction for a loss. It will be tough enough already without additional punishment for point reductions.

    3. War Times - keep the current timings, but then please throw in some equal distribution additional timings to try and at least reach all TZ noting that you can't please everyone all of the time.

    Lots of great ideas on here, but in essence I am requesting you include a bit of everything in order to reach/appeal to the majority of builds. It's not hard to did it last time!

  3. No
  4. I love warring with clannies in round/primal as much as anybody. But at the moment it is not viable. It is a flawed system because of exploits.

    Having said that, just because s5 may be 100%indi doesn't mean clan wars are gone forever. Exposure to wars is what is needed right now-and that's what 100%indi will do.

    However, if devs don't significantly increase war rewards then it won't matter. If they do increase rewards though, far more people will be interested in warring and will adjust build accordingly. Larger pool of war builds means round wars and clan wars may be viable with minimal exploits in the future.

    Until participation increases 5-10 fold though, round and clan wars just aren't a viable fair option.

  5. Amen
  6. Despite the fact that I kind of supported you before you posted I now withdraw the support for team wars and reserve my support for indi exclusively.
    Thank you for looking down on so many of your fellow kawers. Selective clans are one of the biggest issues that cause players to be excluded.
    But it's our bad attitude of course. Not that of your clans and your rules you insist everyone adheres to to war.
    The overwhelming cry out for allowing exploit clan stacks and exploits builds has convinced me that this is the only fair option to return wars to a pleasurable environment for all gamers. Not just the self appointed elite.
  7. Indi wars are obviously too hard for some noobs :roll:. Stop needing the crutch of a clan behind you & learn to fight where everyone is on somewhat level playing field.

    You can also beat lb/ssh rosters but we see how many people sign up for round wars to attempt that. Stop acting like you are even remotely good. People don't feel like dealing with lame exploit rosters just because "you can beat them".
  8. I like this idea much better than Proposal #1. I would like to see varying roster sizes of 15,25,50,100 man rosters. That along with Adv, Random, fixed KO war types provide different war experiences. This also reduced the ability to "game the matchup".

    I would like to see greater effort to eliminate/punish accounts that purposely try to disrupt wars by:

    A. Spamming CC before and during war to make communication impossible
    B. Casting multiple accounts that could be on opposite rosters
    C. Inactive or very low activity during war

    Additionally, I think you'll get much more participation with this S5 format than Proposal #1.
  9. Honestly I think s4 was pretty good. Nix the round wars, maybe make the less popular war times all indi instead of primal.
  10. Why don't you state why. Doesn't seem like you have a reason, you just wanna troll and stay negative against people and hope they like your ideas.
  11. @Sora
    I did indi wars all s4 so no they aren't that hard and it's not that I need my clan behind its the fact that I've prepared for primals all off season if they planned on taking them out all together then they should have after s4.
  12. Well said.
  13. U guys lack to c they want to by Xstals and SOD ... Kitten RP ALL THE WAYV
  14. Sorry been at the hospital with my daughter today so just saw this proposal.

    This one is way better and untile you fix clan wars this is the direction that needs to take place. The few tweeks i would like to see is the elimination of advantage wars from it. 25 is solid number for most to make a fast war strategy. Need some way to recognize wc and tk. Make it were 2 admin have to pick them.

    Second have a few 2 hr wars on weekends for double awards

    Third 2 times inactive banned from season keep it where only 1 account per ip address

    4th have random chest drop with awards in them ( seal crux xstals etc)
  15. Tom, please remember this an amended proposal and it is being driven in the correct direction. Would I like to war with my mates and friends during S5? Yes. Will there be another amendment to this, and the original proposal? Yes. It seems the Devs are listening, to a point, to the community. This is a step,in the right direction. Is it, or should this be the final format? Absolutely not.

  16. To be honest all these noobs are always going to cry no matter what you do. Eliminate horrible round wars and sh cry. Eliminate primal and spy builds and anyone with bfa will cry. Idk why kaw even has those exploit formats in the first place. Get rid of them both forever. What war is most popular? Indi. What wars have highest participation ? Indi. Its a no brainer. Just make sure you ban ps who open during wars and cc spammers. If you cant get rod of exploit wars just do away with season wats altogether because people wont do the wars just like now. 90% of participation is indi.the proof is in wars every single day. Game , set, match. Either that or come up with an exploit war that favors attack builds so everyone can exploit so nobody has a reason to cry.
  18. If the devs would implement the idea I proposed here:
    you could war with a few friends while still keeping it somewhat "fair" for solo players.

    This would be excellent to see in S5.
  19. Yep. Only thing I disliked about your proposal was having to be in same bracket - I think if they tightened up hit ranges then made it so you had to be within each other's hit range that would be best, then I can war with my smaller friends and my bigger friends.
  20. My current build has nothing to do wth the fact I want to war wth my friend people I trust and have fun with. Simple as that