Season 5 Proposal #2

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. I agree. Yes I love my Indi wars and enjoy primal also but I thought the idea behind a season is clan based. Be part of a clan not a different team each war. Today with my friend, tomorrow against. So now no winning clan.

    I liked proposal 1 better except the random war times. Increase squad to 50 and give teams 3 war times/day to enter. Clan can only compete twice/day and must war a min of 5times in the week with a maximum of 8 wars/week. Round wars with the min & Max caps as suggested.
  2. @Wolverine
    I think that they should keep the primal wars the way they have it except for the matchup system. Anyway, about what you were saying about you making 100m in primal and 400m in indi... I think they should keep it the way they have it. There would be too much of a gap in war if they did this. Primal wars are the most competitive wars I've seen so far.
  3. This is a very very good idea - a massive thumbs up:)
  4. Why should exploit wars get better rewards? That makes zero sense.
  5. I Support.

    I would suggest to have a team of 75 kingdoms in a clan and have all who want to war cast. The matching system will automatically pick 25 players from that clan and match them with a another clan that is similarly sized.

    Of course if the clan tries to cheat the system and only casts 25 players, they have a higher chance of a no match.

  6. Why does an eb fairy feel the need to comment? That makes zero sense. The word exploit is thrown around far too much - we sacrificed other aspects of the game in order to have an effective build for wars.

  7. it would be helpful if you provided us with reasons for such lulz.
  8. Support to both of these points, and they both are relatively easy fixes. Allowing ally bonus in primal wars would definitely nerf the exploitation in primal wars, which is all hansel rosters. Putting a cap on BFA would result in much fairer wars in the LB bracket.

    What's the difference between this and the current sign up system for individual wars? Besides that you would have to join a clan?
  9. However you should set up more wars similarnto chaos wars so there will be like 6 /7 indi wars a day - thats woukd give a chance to ppls of all timeZonea and quite frankly more fun :)
  10. Lol you don't have a effective build now do you ? :lol: Enjoy warring without a stacked buddy :)
  11. Stop crying exploit build. You can always drop some allies and upgrade.

    You're like those twink chumps back in vanilla WoW. Anyone remember those guys that would max out equipment with enchants and then beat up noobs in beginner battle grounds? Yea, you're cool bruh.
  12. I would be all for adding bfa plunder into primals, however if they did that then hansels would no longer be needed. There has to be a happy median were all builds are equal.
  13. Re: Season 5 Proposal

    Actually my build is still very effective in Indy - in 90% of the indi wars I join people's reactions are positive towards having me on their team, unlike for someone like you where any experienced warrior would look at your build and sigh whilst thinking "why devs why give me this leaky ass build on my team".
  14. @Silencio if you had some EE equipment maybe I could take you seriously. Anyone who has warred so little as to not even having a single piece to their name should not have their opinions taken into account into an issue like this.
  15. Well yea know the thing about that is while you were exploiting your way to easy bfe I was growing and doing other things in the game. Now that everyone has a chance maybe I'll get some shinies. Great day, don't you agree?
  16. Your build has had the entirety of season four and since to war - that's no excuse.
  17. Indi/primal mix is better honestly... Maybe half primal half indy..
  18. I just changed my build a few weeks ago to start doing indies. I've been in every one possible my schedule allows. As you can imagine I'm ecstatic about this proposal. Let's have some fun. :D
  19. We have been waiting for chumps who dropped build and exploit to win the wars for us I am not going to deny it any longer but I'm real excited about it all :lol:
  20. Well it's better than proposal 1... We do love Indy wars... But this is 100% opposite of your first proposal... Get more creative kaw!!! Do something for crying out loud!! Give us 5 proposals and let us vote or something! Here's what I have off the top of my head:

    -introduce a new war format.

    -combine clan and Indy wars where a clan 5 casts and teams up with other groups of 5 to form a balanced roster and have a good match.

    -give us option for double fast regens (i.e. After 10 min your troops would be 2 times as high as they would normally be) and we know you can do this because you did it before and everyone loved it.

    Basically you need to make it easy for people to war... Cause currently you have to get on some website and fill in your stats and hope and pray you are chosen to fight, and all you get is a no match... Focus on making it easy and especially easy for mids to war.

    Your welcome for the free advice