Season 5: Pawns of the Otherworlds

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 6, 2015.

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  1. Is the four items event after?
  2. On the plus at least we won't have an event for 4 weeks although they can run two events at the same time these days :(
  3. @kaw_community it seems two questions have been reguraly put to you, first being about bonus medals at end of war and you answered the first earlier in thread ty, other question that will effect wars is about shattered sword spell, is there any plans to change your ideas about activity??, even it means you dishing out a few seals as payment to a few neutral mods to monitor wars or something....anything tbh lol, would appreciate a response even if no plans to change a thing
  4. Devs, for reals. I'm gonna stunt my growth for 4 weeks. That's a lot. Why are the EB rewards 3t? They're growing whilst getting other rewards. I would like 10t for top 10. Give some gold to the Warriors. Please respond on why you will, or why you won't. Or if it's been considered.
  5. Yay S5 :D too bad no clan will accept me for war :(
  6. My reaction as a noob to all noobs who want to fight in this season and none are ready. I'm not either.

  7. Lol, love it!
  8. Sunny tomorrow
  10. If no response fair enough devs, but bit of advice if you want more to join wars then add maybe a few incentives like top 250 and top 500 say with a few bbs or horns or something, couldnt care less about rewards tbh much like a fair few who war for fun........which is why my feelings on the inactive and low hitting alts are strong
  12. Its definitely different than the other ones. I like it.
  13. One last thing... I understand that your eb/pvp events draw in more money so that is why they have more thought behind them with better rewards... But you, devs fail to understand that the reason a lot of people spend so much money is because they are working on their builds specifically for wars. If you continue to keep killing their interest, you will eventually see a difference in the amount you rake in during your repetitive greedy pay to play events.
  14. Heed this. Here is your top place S4 winner giving feedback.
  15. New bfe from basically every event is just as inflated as abyssal lands and their stat boosts. I'll still try and I am going to continue playing but the stats are spiraling out of control at an alarming rate.
  16. Excatly, what seems now like along along time ago in a galaxy far far nah but seriously i share this view also, used to enjoy buying a few hundred nobs a month and buying pp's and xstals, then it was seals included now when i buy its only for clan purposes or is grudgingly to buy xstal for an indi war thats got a 50/50 chance of having a scumbag in it, ones i war reguraly with/against know what i mean...nuff said and still smh at you not responding to a definte answer about these ppl wither its a yes no or a maybe
  17. So let's make a simple calculation:

    2 wars/day (good dedication) * 7 days * 4 weeks = 56 wars.

    Most people will manage to do 1/day in average so 28 wars.
    The most dedicated players will manage up to 3/day (not counting the players with no life) so 84 wars.

    Everyone who has participated in IWars know that it's pretty much 50/50 chances of win/lose.

    With a 50% chance victory, you get in average 1 Medallion/war!
    (1 win) +3 (1 lose) -1 /2 (wars) = 1

    Our dedicated player (2wars/day) will get 56 medallions... Tier 3, yay! :?
    Our family/work guy (1war/day) will get 28 medallions... Tier 2, yay! :roll:
    Our most dedicated players (3/day) will get 84 medallions... Tier...3! :shock:

    Alright, now let's talk to the warriors who defy the laws of gravity... :cool: ... and hit a 66% victory rate (2 wins out of 3 wars).

    With a 66% chance victory, you get in average 1.67 Medallion/war!
    (2 win) +6 (1 lose) -1 /3 (wars) = 1.67

    Our dedicated player (2wars/day) will get 93 medallions... Tier 3, yay!
    Our family/work guy (1war/day) will get 47 medallions... Tier 2, yay! :roll:
    Our most dedicated players (3/day) will get 140 medallions... Tier 4 (most likely Top100)! :shock:

    STOP DREAMING, this is fiction, you won't reach consistantly 66% win rate in IWArs. At best you'll get 60%...

    From these numbers, we can realistically see that nobody (even the most dedicated warring 3wars/day) will reach Tier4!

    @DEVS Let's take measures NOW, the Season hasn't started, it's not too late!
    1- ADD WARS - 6/day at the very least - 8/day (every 3 hours) would be optimal!
    2- EXTEND THE SEASON - 6 Weeks at the minimum, 8 weeks would be best. We know you shortened S5 from 8 weeks (usually) to 4 weeks so that your lucrative EB fairies can get their Chapter 4 of the EB event faster... :roll:
    Why don't you run them AT THE SAME TIME and give S5 participants the event reward with a good incentive (say 150 elixirs for a win - 50 elixirs for a lose)?

    There are other issues pointed by many (individual rewards in a group effort, excluding PS) but I won't get into this...

    MAKE SEASON 5 MEMORABLE! Not by it's mediocrity... :roll:
  18. Whats clan sizes
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