Season 5: Pawns of the Otherworlds

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 6, 2015.

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  1. what was so good about clan wars apart from the things you just mentioned?
  2. Isn't that enough? Especially given the fact that both present opportunities for people to work the system...

    The problem is not a lack of interest in clan wars, it's a lack of leadership. There just aren't enough Wc and trackers to go around.

    Indi wars just force clans together without the leadership, whereas for clan wars people just don't get to war if a wc doesn't have room for them.

    Do you enjoy that feeling in Indi when no one is "stepping up" to wc, and you look at the other roster and see syl, suf, fonzii, or nottom, etc? Does it feel worthwhile to already know the outcome of next hour before it begins?

    If you want to go "Indi-style" in clan wars, you can...there are always plenty of people looking to war in wc. Nothing is stopping you from putting a war clan together. I suspect though, that people wouldn't choose to join a wc/tracker less clan if they had the choice. Indi just doesn't allow that choice.
  3. Increase payout for medals over the weekend so more can get 50-100 medals
  4. Yeah, I'm done with this season, been a total waste of my time. Everything about Indy wars is based on blind dang luck. Does your team get the inactive alt? No wc or tracker? You can be sure that the other side has both. Its just not worth spending money on xstals for this. Some people will make it to 100, but the vast major are struggling to make it to 50 or even 25. No thanks devs. Oh, and the war times were terrible this time, almost forgot to mention...
  5. Not to be the ass, but how is it the dev's fault none of you can war command? It's unfair that there aren't enough good war command? I laugh at you. Learn how to do it and that problem won't happen, as far as im concerned crying about not having a war commander or tracker is the same as crying about lacking skill.
  6. Hope dev can give some recognition to those having 50 medals.... Banner please. We took blood and sweat on s5 too 
  7. Says the dude that can't be bothered to fill out his own spreadsheet… Ok, nice soapbox speech. Rest of us have lives and have to actually duck outta work early or blow it off entirely to war. Keep telling yourself how cool you are though. Whatever gets you through your day.
  8. If you have a life and this game sucks so much then stop playing. And yes I do ask for help because I too am sacrificing part of my time for people who as you stated are half assing wars because you at work. Its not my fault you are all adults still playing a game that was designed for teens not grown ass adults with careers.
  9. I'm a grown adult but I play  and yes I have a career  but I won't signup for war if I can't give 150%
  10. Now that the season is drawing to a close, I must say I agree with the haters on this one.

    I have done every season so far (we even the trial wars BEFORE season 1) and each Season had its good and bad points. Certain rosters (exploits to their detractors) came into vogue with each season. Strategies and builds adapted. I enjoyed some seasons more than others, but overall I enjoyed warring.

    This season, with all indy wars, has felt like more of a chore than an enjoyable season. No opportunity to war with your clan mates really affected the comraderie (sp?) of wars. When you lost with your clan mates generally you shook it off and tried to improve. Now in a loss there is often little but recrimination, blaming, shaming and overall negativity in CC.

    I for one would rather have a season of clan/indy wars. Some suggestions were that you could get a group of 5 from your clan to cast a WoC spell (green, blue, gold, red, etc) and those 5 players would be on the same indy team with other teams/individuals needed to balance the rosters. Best of both worlds.

    Just my two cents.
  11. AGREED.

  12. I'm not getting drops
  13. Will you teach me to wc then, help enhance the ee community
  15. I have no problem with teaching anyone who wants to war or war command, the basics, im obviously not the best but ill help any willing to learn  you can ask those who have asked me for help. Im more than willing.
  16. "I agree KaWing at work really sucks but it has nothing to do with not filing out SS"

    The only thing worse is working a cash registrar at Target while an idiot customer bothers me during a close war.I dont care about you or your dumb kids, im about to lose because of an inactive.
  17. Sushi- you need to be cleared? ️
  18. top 500 should get 750 mith
  19. How do u enter
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