Gimme ideas bro...ears open Anything that makes war popular n fun n fair works for me. Many things will be needed to be done to achieve it.
I like the war type where you have 44 mins to build your war troops sort of like coc. It would make for better diversity and strategy. Do you go max attack for advantage does everyone go ps1 should you go huge tank with towers for classic etc etc I think it'll be fun and break up the fact that now anyone can war as any build they want. For just one war type not all but just one
I'm not that experienced in wars, only been warring for a couple weeks(obviously not on this account ) but there are things that I've seen aggravate me and I wish I could see be improved on. I'll come back later with a list of things I think would help out with your idea.
How's that confusing. You cast you get put into a clan you now have a set time to build your preferred war build. So that way people do not have to build their eb build for war so you can still build what you want for eb but war what you want for ee. You remember the chaos wars or double regen wars random regen something fun so you can break up the stress of warring.
IDEAS: • Achievements/Badges which gives "%" stats like most PLUNDER, KO and SKO when completed. LB is strongly recommended too. • Clan wars that can incorporate the "fairness" of indi wars (I still believe in warring with trusted people). • Award 90% (?) of TOTAL PLUNDER of the whole war to winning team and 10% (?) to losing team. • Include random drops too. Seals (ultra rare), horns (very rare), inferno, aqua, chests and bbars. • Make mith enhance/upgrade troop/spy buildings just like what they do to equips (out of this world).
Well one thing stands out already its not easy to win medals the larger u r but rewards r still big for everyone. I don't begrudge any size build but a quick glance at LB seems very inequitable to the point it seems opposite to PvE where bigs who spend win n smalls r at a disadvantage. Also its almost like pay back to those who were top 10k n could enter ASW but no rewards at all. Pretty sad in big tiers where no regular WC is available like in war clans n usually means doom. The bigger builds size of plundering can decide war before it starts if leaders r not to be had. As for PS imbalance stuff happens n thats how the cookie crumbles.
War should be as follows: - all can enter - better global war times 5-6 slots - reasonable chance at winning - no match beats a bad match - WC n Tracker get added rewards - Shattered Sword is revised - 1 att n 1 spy minimum 2 Tiers: Veteran n Acolyte - Veteran tier is Merit based - Acolyte tier is Xtals optional Roster size up for debate but 11 or 15 too lil 18-20 is my opinion. Thats the root idea with details to be filled in Will keep adding or subtracting as times goes
To be honest I'm enjoying s5 but not anymore than I do normally I war as often as I can it's what keeps me playing. Yea rewards are good but to me not the reason to war but an extra bonus. I wish ppl that have never done indi before had actually taken time to try before they buy sko is as important as getting a ako and even experienced ppl get caught but when a bad att build gets ko every time in advantage war ( the easiest to sko ) and gets upset that there not going to make 100 medallions I don't know to laugh or cry. But that's indi
Same here but wars r not improving n its coolin my jets slowly but surely. PvE events ppl that pay do the best. Those who don't get something still. S5 is neither of the above at all. Yet rewards r good. Those getting 100 medals will shutdown more likely than not than keep warring if not near top 10/100. IWar is pretty fair on most tiers but IMO much less on higher tiers. Reason is less room for error n large PS n too many on one side can imbalance rosters to a degree where its more than difficult to compete. Also all those ppl earlier before S5 started were saying how difficult 100 medals r to achieve u wanna look at LB n speak lol Crap I'm 0/5 n 1 is a mountain to climb
Those people that did the calculations and said that 100 would be hard to climb probably did not factor in the bonus medallions. For those who aren't that good at warring, they will most likely be unable to obtain the bonus medallions which makes the trek to 100 medallions harder. This makes sense cause getting 100 medallions shouldn't be a easy feat and everybody shouldn't be getting there. The only problem I see is for the people who are good at warring and have a chance to receive the bonus medallions, but are unable to because they sacrifice personal gains for the team win. Take me for example, I'm not the best warrior out there, but I can handle myself, get KOs and stuff. I also track, and I'm usually tracking when I'm warring. My first match I was able to get some bonus medallions.(my team wasn't that good, was able to get top plunder and KOs while tracking, we lost though) but I was really lucky to get those bonus medallions. I'm usually very busy with tracking, and so I rarely do great. I'm ranting I know, but I wish there was some way to reward the people that sacrifice personal gain for team glory.
Well in S4 with all 3 war types to enter i maxed out my EQ rewards. It took a lot of wars but thats how it was earned. Approx 75% won from IWar n the other 25% from Primal war n no clan accepted me for Round Wars. Not any luck as of yet but 4 weeks will see what the end result is. 0/5 be it luck or not but so far having WC's n Trackers is a problem S4 did not have to this degree. Hopefully its only an anomaly n not a trend. GL ALL
The Ranking problem.. If I win 1war lose 3wars. Total reward 5 - 3 = balance 2. My Ranking display 422. If we check from ranking list 422 is not my name. ---- Ranking = total reward or quantity balance......
U win 1 war n lose 3 = 0 medals U lose 3 wars n win 1 = 3 medals Being 0/5 i'm unfeated n only can go up Stuck in mud...anyone got a winch pls?
Any prize for the peep who wars the most in S5 n ends up with 0 medals at seasons end? I'm hot n gotta good chance Like a Golden Crapper achievement
Wars 0 from 2. Won two medallions second war tho but lost one for losing war. Both wars I warred while driving else I'd never be able to war..... .Seriously need 6 or 8 wars a day. I feel like I'm going backwards and it's not even gonna be worth trying.
As time goes on there will be a drop off in entrants. Those same ppl will do renewals Others who cannot war enough n win rewards will also war only for EE. Many ppl hunt BR eb's n EE for sole purpose of eb plunder only.
Devs You give to the EB community a tremendous effort to do events! Just think, events that has a story line! It has bbars, chests, banners and EQUIPS!! Plastics getting swiped by the minute! It is a very good business opportunity! All we ask is, what effort you gave the EB community, please PLEASE also provide for the warring community. There are people in here who dedicate their time to give feedbacks and computations just to make a system evolve to something better. Don't wait for the time when your player base just don't give an F anymore.