I personally would like to add that failed actions should also get credit. There are many altruistic warriors that sacrifice themselves to help the team win the war. They should get recognition for their efforts too.
I would also like to suggest that wc and trackers could activate a special spell when they opt in for ee. If possible they are then distributed evenly to both sides. If more than one is opted to one side then the team votes. Wc and tracker should then be awarded extra mith or medals ( if during season) as its significantly more work to do these two jobs. The people that put in this extra effort should be rewarded.
Good idea in general but devs wont add a few wars each week or up the days shattered sword lasts for so i highly doubt they will add this as id imagine it would be more difficult for devs to implement....unfortunatley devs dont listen to community these days as it means they must work for there dollar lol
Mr Singh posted ty ok. Anyway ty for your suggestions. Good to see an lb contribute to this thread to help the community
My only issue with s5, idiots. Idiots who war with no xstals and horrendous builds. Idiots who do not know how to sko and blame it on lag......
I am under the assumption that you receive the extra medals regardless of win/loss. Why is it that every time that I lose I am not receiving the extra medals? Is anyone else having this problem?
Say that you have 8 medals and like you said you lost so at the end of the war you would be demoted 1 medallion meaning you should have 7 but say you were top wr meaning you do get the extra bonus medallion so instead of having 7 from that one medallion taken away you stay at the same amount.
Also maybe devs you could consider increasing the mith payout so more people with war :roll: it's way easier to get event equip and quicker. Ever wonder why less people war?
I suggested this a long ass time ago please increase the rewards for lb bracket. There is no way someone is going to convince me that the bottom bracket has it just as hard as the top bracket hence the current lb. Just tier the rewards why does a sh need the same equipment I do any damn way. They want to stay small well here is your small as equipment. About to start casting this small full bfe hansel to destroy that Tom dude every war.
Tom wars against 25mcs tanks, and has enough overall bfa to tank in his bracket. I wish your hansel the best of luck lol
Exactly what I thought. I have been top actions on both sides two wars in a row and have nothing to show for it. War 5 I lost (-1), but with top actions I should have gotten (+1). Same goes for war 7, top actions along with a loss but no (+1) Medallion. *edit* In both of these cases the extra Medallion should of kept me at a certain level, no drop should of occurred.