Season 5: Pawns of the Otherworlds

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 6, 2015.

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  1. The devs don't play.
    The ppl war or don't.
    Ppl chase HtE n Events r where to lay the blame but u never hear them being honest.
    Collectors of Baubles n Trinkets with no intent of using them r the problem.
    Bank gold or BFA r taboo or there is an outcry at the cost. PvP is the devil to those 1 dimensional eb button smashers. They r the gift that keeps giving n if it were I at ATA its a no brainer. Dangle what candy that works the best.

    I've decided for me its EE 1st n eb when i can finish it before my next war. Time to prioritize n clan hop for eb's as it suits any war plans i have.

    Loyalty is an empty 4 letter word other than those in OSW. Off EE shift I'm an EB merc.
  2. I know I'm gonna sound like a real smart ass, but I really felt like I had to point this out, Loyalty is 7 letters. Sorry
  3. Sarcasm

    Don't take everything so literally.
    Really felt i needed to point that out
  4. Other than OSW clans ask yourselves what is there that actually requires loyalty now?

    I say nothing other than if KaW is a chat group game only. Hang with friends.
  5. The devs clearly do not care one bit , about any of the problems or concerns raised by the community. It has been days since they commented on this thread. Not sure why everyone is still complaining . They don't care about the war community , they could have a year round season , with lots of war times , good rewards , and yet they would still make more money from the next farmers journey. The devs have rarely ever listened to the community because all they care about are $ signs , and let's face it wars don't generate $ sings.
  6. Event (S5) chest missing anyone?
  7. Yup
  8. Hopefully they are reconsidering s5
  9. If they are then I hope timings would be their main priority
  10. S5 starts tomorrow, if we get no word back then obviously this half ass season will run its course. Then another event will come around and probably give out some equip that's better than our ee reward and a banner that's close to it in stats. Then the never ending cycle continues.....
  11. I think a large myth payout would insight ppl to do s5. They added the large bb payout to the events. Maybe 10k of myth or more would be nice. Even 30k would be better. U might think that's alot but giving the top event ppl 150k in bb's is quite outrageous considering all the gold they already made in the event xstalling/HTE/marketplace trinket. Here have ur cake n oh yeah have another cake and eat both of them
  12. even the 25 medal helmet is way better than any helmet given, right? Also for good warriors the chance to win is higher than 50% plus, the top tier, 100, isnt meant to be easy so everyone can reach it.. js.
  13. That isn't really true...
  14. Nothing will change, season 5 begins tomorrow as stated. I noticed the event page has temporarily been removed. I'm assuming it will re-launch when season 5 begins tomorrow.
  15. That's pretty sad ._.
  16. Glad to see I'm not the only feeling this way. 50% win rate is almost expected regardless of skill because of how big the rosters are, but still, you can get lots of medallions if if you KO and plunder
  17. There was a time, kaw would let us know what is going on, and interact on their own thread with the community . They actually cared, but now we can only assume, and wait and see half prepared events thrown at us. At least communicate kaw_community, hello?
  18. They need way more wars. With school starting on Tuesday there is no way I'll make 100 medals. At most I'll get one war a day maybe 2
  19. It's so sad kaw is dying this way. It's gone downhill since HTE was a permanent eb. Devs you killed yourself like it or not. Yes you will have a number of players willing to seal 5x 10x a day but that number is slowing dropping and you have not listened to the majority of the players in kaw. So sad I'm afraid to say the good times of kaw have gone. The game is dying think what you will but it's the truth. Respect to everyone in kaw it's now a chat app or a pay to play app. Your choice
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