Season 5: Pawns of the Otherworlds (Reward Suggestions)

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by King-Arthurs-Corp, Aug 7, 2015.

  1. Currently, if you use a crystal and your side wins you have a slight chance of receiving your crystal back.
  2. There were a lot of comments addressing that 9 trillion gold was a lot of gold to pay out as a reward for Season 5. Thank You, for your feedback. Will be presenting some new suggestions, in a few hours, along with the ones already presented.
  3. support on everything but the bronze bars lol too much money for warrers
  4. War incentives IMO should be war related mostly. Ppl will vary on what that is.
    Idk what is suitable but a 4 week season though shorter than usual the rewards r OK.

    More important war gets smoothed out more n the war experience gets better.
    Bigger question is will War Events be less waiting in between.

    I'd like to see bonus levels for War EQ also added eg S1 n up. Max 1-2 levels
  5. Insane support!
  6. the BB reward is way to high in my opinion
  7. You're high
  8. Not when you factor in gold lost in banking, pots, last minute ally hires and banking, PS being stripped during war etc.
  9. :D nice effort - if the argument is growth no1 likes mith. Mith is only important if u need it to buy equip or enchant those. So i prefer bronze bars and plunder spells as reward.

    Unless devs come up with new equip that would change my mind.
  10. Devs should come out with spells that we can cast using mith or some wild thing like that. Oh wait. We can.we should be able to ug using mith though, forreal.
  11. This thread has been updated, look at suggestion 5.
  12. Nice work... Fully support .To get warriors into ee wars rewards should be interesting, it's easier just do ebs, no need xtals, no need bank gold, no need towered builds dropping your plunder, no need fully focus during 1:30 hours , if inactives other will finish eb..
    Another good idea could be same as pvp, when you reach 10,25 or 50 medals lvl don't go down if you lost war..
  13. All suggestion are gud. Except 1. Where it is hard to reach top100 and even to get 100 medallion.

    Hope dev do something. Lets pray.


  14. They have no plans on doing so.... Sure the crown and top 10 banner are good but the rest of the rewards are total crap
  15. 400K? HA you want close to 9 tril in BB? yeah right these rewards would push everyone to EE killing off other parts of the game. And devs would never give out xtals like that lmao
  16. Yup I support these rewards...... cause I'm nearly gold rupt doing wars and buying these pots....and no upgrade