Season 5 Inactives - Wall of Shame

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IllIll_BlackHandLegion_IllIlI, Aug 10, 2015.

  1. Inactive Name : Pytokonda
    War Clan : Dauntless Oathkeepers
    ACTION: 0
  2. Cobra
    Black raiders war 11
    5 actions and was talking all war long
  3. 59. xXxrpl_kinfeezi_rplxXx

    I'mma own that one. But everyone on my roster should know that's uncharacteristic of me. I coulda avoided the sword, but we were winning and I didn't wanna mooch.
  4. -anoobus- ( mains name is xxx-fallen_smexy_puppy-xxx - also claims that he got a scout in so therefore he wasn't inactive )
    PlagueOfPestilence ( claims he was hitting but 0 actions )
    NovaEmperor ( second time inactive )
    Ju5tikun ( registers few actions every war and then leaves )
  5. Stosrider

    Dauntless Executioners
    War 12
  6. Are these inactives get banned from S5?
  7. Half my team may aswell of been inactive.
  8. BlackhandJenni in Malevolent Cutthroats
  9. INACTIVE: Legendary_Beast clan Virtuous Hunters. Shattered sword right now says it all
  10. -LS-_LosTSouLz_-LS- inactive and get sword.

    I farm the inactive and he use main hit me lol.

    main acc:

    Post on my wall say got important to do but.........
    His main is active at every hte
  11. So now, morons are just warring poorly and throwing wars. They elude this thread, but achieve the same thing. You can't prove they throw the war, so once again, morons win.
    SAD ata
  12. Then they can just go back and hit hte blindly woo!
  13. -mrkev- leak PS was open for the last 20 minutes of war
  14. I unequivocally deny this accusation.
  15. War #14 superduperfox inactive whole war
  16. it's pretty easy to know if a ps leaks, just screen shot the ps profile pages before the war, and then again when the war is over. Then compare the "battles lost" on the 2 screen shots.

  17. I was on other side and back him. He didn't leak.
  18. Updated. Mrkev has teammates behind him so I won't add him to it
  19. What about my post above :) I think you missed her ;-) by accident I assume