Season 5 Inactives - Wall of Shame

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IllIll_BlackHandLegion_IllIlI, Aug 10, 2015.

  1. Also are broken swords banned from rest of season?
  2. Who was this? I believe I may have warred with the same person and still have him blocked
  3. _--THE_LONE_RANGER--_ 0 actions
    TUKIYEM 3 actions
    F4T4LXXXP41N 4 actions

    all in Fearless Looters
  4. Legendary_Beast 3 actions
  5. 1. Chasers123
    2. KSINovaSwift
    0 actions.

    Clan : Heedless Fiends.
  6. NovaEmperor
  7. I've noticed today in every war I did that there were warriors that only registered little actions and hoped that their team won for free medallions ... It's really pathetic to watch . You want something you should have to help the rest those actually trying
  8. I'm genuinely amazed at the number of inactives in only one day of s5...
  9. Thousands of players took part and if you say there is 1 inactive per team each war it adds up quickly.

    With that logic ~4% of players were inactive so if 5000 took part a total of 200 players were inactive.

    Not every inactive or leak would be posted here either so the list is most likely shorter than it actually should be.
  10. Ajatshatru

    2 actions.
  11. Not sure it counts but VFlight was inactive for first 35 minutes of war got over 5 actions though so up to you what you count it as.
  12. Unless they were wc or tracker that doesnt count i believe
  13. I know that it adds up and makes sense, it's just a pretty big list....
  14. Hello, I was active in war 1 2, war 3 I opted in but fell asleep and stayed in home clan
  15. killdrone

    Both with 0 actions and other side knew our xtal time what a coincidence
  16. ROJO was our wc and tracker and he spilled water on his computer. He is like you lost your war. I lost my pc. :lol:
  17. Updated. Keep posting your inactives :p
  18. IIIPsycho_Ward_BunnehIII and matty5858
  19. Pinkfrogsofireland123