Season 5 Inactives - Wall of Shame

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IllIll_BlackHandLegion_IllIlI, Aug 10, 2015.

  1. mokeybollucks/BvB_Reus Moling for the SECOND TIME.

  2. it's been wayyyyyyyyy more than 2 times lol
  3. Yeah I know but ATA couldn't give less of a ****
  4. War_wolf got the shattered sword for the third time
  5. Rufina80 1 Action no mith bad attitude
    XxX_Wolf_XxX 0 action
  6. CA-Gamer-Z-RAS 0 action no sword
    _Genesis_PR do 5 action and mia whole war. war finished sudden appear and left clan.. ( mole)
  7. No sword means he was active and trying to succeed.... Just got sat on well.
  8. You don't belong in EE if you cant get 1 succesful action in an entire war. New ee players like that dont get sat on well, they are hardly targeted, unless pretty much everyone else is down.
  9. Same with statless alts in low tier. If you can scout another of your own statless accounts 5x each to avoid broken sword, you can scout other smalls up to at least 1 full unload. So fixed, so obvious, so sad ATA. Worse than SH exploit/strategy. But go ahead, wear those Vancouver sunglasses and look the other way. The honest, warring 1 single account in a tier player is the one getting penalized.
  10. Gene doesn't mole he is in my clan and he said he was sat on in our line chat
  11. Will update asap, been on a hiatus lately.
  12. GOLD55LORENZO again !!!! :(
  13. Add Daphnia.

    I haven't done it yet, but I like to imagine I have the potential.
  14. String_Cheese 3 actions inactive entire war avoided sword
  15. Add me to the list.
  16. Geez... Week one must have been half of everyone that casted.

    Your list for week one probably would of been shorter if you listed the actives instead.
  17. War 8 - Clan Heedless Thieves

    IlllIllIIllSquishyIIllIlIllII (twice)
    -CREATED-TO-KILL- d0 actions and not broken sword
  18. Is the week one list of inactives bigger than say, a list of all the actives?

    Like, damn. Phones have calenders, clocks, and alarms on them....
    Just saying.
  19. Why don't you add people from your own clan on this list...blackhandJenni has ss.... Lmfao hypocrites
  20. I don't really see why some of the top ranking people this season are in this list...