Season 5 Inactives - Wall of Shame

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IllIll_BlackHandLegion_IllIlI, Aug 10, 2015.

  1. I will make clear that if any inactives want to appeal their inactivity they can.
  2. Look at match against Malevolent Cutthroats. Opposite side.
  3. Tricraft
  4. Lol this won't achieve anything.... It's indi. They can just cast again. Lololol
  5. This is not a wall its more a thread. Doesnt achieve anything unless u farm them until they stop signing up.
  6. Dragondelta
    0 Actions.
  7. Does this list include moles? Or can you have a sperate section for that? Like asshole PS's with gold out.
  8. All the same aren't they?
    Everyone one of them falls into the "ruined indi for their team" category.
  9. --CM-- open PS lost us the war even after war end
  10. I support this thread, and maggot's thread. Thank you Op.
  11. Would Ops like to include PS1 Hall of Shame?

  12. Season 5 is becoming quite exciting with the help of NA's events, and threads like this.
  13. DarkMagic247
    2 actions all war. War 2. Immortal Assasins vs Fiendish Slayers Was at IA.
  14. I would also request that Op extends this list to include...

    Useless Trackers

    Unqualified WC's that everybody follows for some reason.
  15. Saltyfeet. 0 actions during war. Spammed cc. Farm asap.
  16. I see --CM-- on that list lol. He is the kaw champion for leaking. He leaked 55B last war :p
  17. 55B? How do you leak that much?