Season 5 Details (Coming August 10th)

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jul 31, 2015.

  1. And tarnished...
  2. No way I'm putting that on my head. There better be better looking pieces.
  3. Well played kaw_com, well played  thanks for the sneak peak
  4. Better have minimum cs to cast. Better be no SH. You promised Kaw Com.
  5. You like shiny things right?

  6. Kaw Com, Are you still making minimum Cs to cadt? Would rather not see tiny exploit builds dominating lb, and undermining built up players who worked hard.
  7. Developers, Season 5 seems good after review but there seems to be a issue that still is getting talked about. As you see, you previously stated that there will be an extra medallion drop to those top players who 3 top plunders, 3 top knock-outs and 3 top Total actions. The problem that seems to persist with this, is that the players will instead of following there War Commander will shoot for one of those categories.

    Instead of doing that. Why not make it for the extra 1 Bonus Planar Medallion to be dropped to random players within the clan. Even out the war field for everyone, and keeping wars fun.

    Additionally, it has been a long time since you have been seen in Forums.
    Welcome Back, Kaw_Community. :cool:

    Kaw_Community, any progress on the Shark Epic Battle?
  8. Support to shark eb <3
  9. Will there be a minimum stat requirement and when can we expect the full event thread?
  10. Full event thread will be coming later today (assuming we can get the final puzzle pieces in place without issue).

    At this point there's no minimum state requirement, as that was to be part of our Proposal 1 with the different round robin/tournament style system.
  11. Thread out in maybe 2 hours? Or a lot later?
    Love a good read
  12. I don't want to see a min cs however I want to know whether there will be stricter punishments on those who aim to ruin the season for others e.g. inactives, spammers, moles etc etc?
  13. Oh yea thats right! As an SH I can pretty much plunder anybody in my tier of indi wars! Maybe even get a fancy medallion for top plunder...

    Hello my name is Mr_Tubs, an SH "exploit", and I want KC to bring back clan wars in S5
  14. I do c a problem w people casting into every war and just tapping few times. Chances in indy truly r 50/50 so really whoever wars most will turn out top spots. Not that I've considered doing that. it getting hot in here
  15. The thing with people casting and just hitting once to have a chance to win is combatted with the f act that you lose 1 planar medallion if your team loses and 3 if they win. And if your just doing 1 action chances are your going to end up with negative planar medallions
  16. Every indy war has inactives and low activity people. So no. Still 50/50. And devs havent really done anything to measure effort w indy which is its fatal flaw. Clan wars if u do bad u get kicked n banned from clan. Indy people will wall u mad hit u twice n u just cast into next war...tbh i dont think ill b the only one i mean i bet more than 1 will do it
  17. So for years large lb and war clans have used explotes to gain the atvantage but when smaller sh builds and such use explotes you all cry?

    Dispite the common feeling large $$ spenders and huge cs peeps should get everything talored to them is moronic.

    Most other war games I played are pretty much inde style where your only allowed to hit peeps near your own size. And you don't get seriously reduced gold/plunder for building up defensive units.

    Only in bizzaro world of kaw this happens. Can't wait to see the crybabys all season long. People can war as they wish ... it's a fricken game after all.
  18. Will my ee level be reset upon the arrival of Season 5?
  19. No minimum state requirement. Great prep as usual just like asw
  20. Going to be my first. We're looking so forward to this. Finally it's here. Ty