Pretty sad to hear only one equipment will be given out. And that event equipment handed out for free from doing ebs is stronger than season 4 equipment. Kinda a slap in the face for those who fought hard and sacrificed their time, put tons of effort into their build and competed for top equipment to get bfe. Not to mention the gold they could have been earning instead of losing warring.
Relax everyone, it's only a short 5 week season and then we can get back to the important part of KAW ...... Promo's Besides it took a year for ATA to create the singular piece of equipment which will become obsolete in the next few Promo. We are sorry ATA that the KAWmunity wants more than a short season, deminimus rewards, and devoting our time and money during the off season for a lack luster season 5. Forgive us Maybe with another year of planning, more time and money invested from your player base Season 6 will be better and changes can be made to the primal / clan war system. <Veteran sarcasm and cynicism> Shady
Wow. Can't believe my eb equipt rewards ( barely logged on for it) overshadowed my season 1 rancor 50 "exclusive" reward (ring). Thanks devs! Try making ee equipt better (or at least different ) than eb promo rewards.
Also can be lazy asses n mooch for free. IWar can hide all the lame ppl. Only an idiot thinks war clans don't have to work hard n spend the time or better yet idiots conveniently ignore those details.
Why does everyone keep insisting that old gear should trump new gear indefinitely. It's illogical. It's called progress. It happens in every game. Eventually your amazing pwnzor gear becomes obselete as the game grows and changes.
If you think war and not events is keeping KaW lights on ur very naive. Ever bought about how many seals had to be purchased and xtals used to get to 24k elixir? X3 events?
S1 was long ago its to be expected. We all know events rule n war is less an less a facet. Doesn't mean clan unity need suffer.
Well, devs said, they will announce the rest of the what-have-you's on the 10th. Might as well wait for it. It couldn't get any worse right?.......right?
Disagree. Are people spending all this money on the equipment because it looks pretty? I'm going to guess no. Most people are looking for the stats. If this is the case, then there is the assumption by players that somewhere down the road these stats will come in handy whether in OSW or EE since EB's so far do not hit back. Dev's will have to tweak the less directly profitable PVP parts of the game if they want to keep people interested in promo item drops. After all, what good is a shiny new piece of armor if there is no place to take it for a spin. While I'm sure promo after promo is profitable, it will only be so in the short term unless the devs put work into the foundation of the game-the PVP.
Dear Dev, I heard people saying, S5 is all about one equip. If thats true, we are really not intrested. I jst dont want to waste xtl which is jst bought for this special ee war event. Please increase rewards with gud sets of ee equip than those stupid pro equipts which new bies can possess too very easily. Thanks and regards.
If it was an ee ring that trumped an ee ring that would be one thing. That's logical. Keep fighting ee wars to get certain stat equipts. But that didn't happen lol. There was no skill or thought involved into earning this equipt. That's the face slap.
Im in favor of every person that has a ps alt , keeping it open every single war . Just keep all your pure spies open for hits. Every. Single. War. Will prove what a genius idea this is
How about a evolving ring?, We get the eq as we win our first match, and would be much like the scrag eq, 0 stats, but we can enhance it with said Win tokens from season. Would be nicer then a Mith-Hole that takes thousands of mith to enhance.