I hide my allies, but it was discussed prior to s5 and has even been mentioned on this thread that ppl have SS of ps allies in case they feel like stripping. In that case even a responsible ps with hidden allies is in danger of being stripped. Please note that this thread wasn't started by a Hansel, but by someone who has to war with them. My comment was just to point out that many of the arguments in favor of stripping PS seem a little poorly thought out. You really think DL is ok with CC spamming? Probably not, though his arguments in favor of stripping PS would also apply to CC spammers. That tells me that even he doesn't completely believe what he is saying.
I couldn't agree with you more. There have been many arguments stating that this is a war game so "deal with it" or "mechanics permit it." I saw one person in particular support stripping a PS's allies who I also witnessed talking on walls frustrated at the fact that one member of a large osw dropped pots and opened for his friends on the other side of war. He can support stripping allies, but cannot support a player dropping pots to open. If you have no issues with stripping allies, then you should have no issues with CC spammers, moles, and friends intentionally opening up for friends on the other side. Because guess what..... "Mechanics permit it and this is a war game so deal with it" Yes, I am being sarcastic and simply throwing your poor arguments back at you. I don't support any of that type of behavior considering I support old school system wars where everyone behaved respectfully towards one another.
PS build should be abolished for a test war. I think if we could not sign up without 1 attack building it would change the dynamics of war. If for example both sides had Hansel builds the war result would be more fair. It would also encourage us spys to rethink our builds. Just a test war would allow us to test a theory. I for one find it boring as ps in war.
Explaining what? That they would be silenced? Sure I'm not saying they wouldn't be...but how would you react. Would you complain about losing a war due to a cc spammer, or would you walk away thinking "Oh well, they sure did a good job disrupting us-all's fair in war."
yeah they set "rules" but only certain countries,not all, follow said "rules" as a community we have set "rules" just the same but not every one follows them... deal with it
Lemme put it simpler, thot u would have understood: spamming faces a possible ban(consider it addressed by devs) while moles and intensional leaks will be harder to address and police. U can go on whining about it though it's within the rules
Frog most of the time i agree with you. Hitting a ps1 you loose less troops as long as war smart and stay around the 85 to 90% troop level you are not opening yourself to being att. Its easy gold in a one hour war. The way i w start off 2 or 3 quick hits then i hit my sb target that way my first troop regen is not wasted and i have 600b to 750b and full troops
You still haven't answered. So the spammer could get in trouble. Call them a kamikaze or whatever for the team (since apparently we are trying to compare this to real life, lol)...they knew the risks, and considered them acceptable... My question is about how you would feel... Would you walk away from the war feeling like you got fairly beat by the tactic? Would you say, "I guess that's just war and I have to expect sabotage and betrayal. As much as I hate it, I have to accept they kept it real and out-gamed me." Or would you feel a bit cheated and take a break from kaw for a few minutes of bejeweled?
I would feel great if I won, and rather angry if I lost ... Fact is, there's already a solution proposed by devs on spamming cc. What else do u want? Take it up on my wall and stop boring everyone on this thread with this.
War is war, kaw is kaw. Ally hires make the market go round. If it happens in your war, keep a few Tril in bronze bars to counteract it just in case. No support sorry.
I am leaning towards thinking being a PS with allies puts you the same category as a mole or a cc spammer too, you purposely enter a war situation with you weakness exposed, and whats more you think its your right to do so.... much like droppers who make a predetermined choice to say open for hits. So instead of stopping ally sales I agree with calls to ban ps from war.
Oh I was merely agreeing with the pro no ally hires crowd, trying to bend logic to suit my cause. @,@