Anyone else noticing the trend of ps going ps1? Ps opt for the initial loss to save the strip and potential massive loss. Not that it matters I guess. as long as here are ps1 on both sides no one gets an advantage (which is what happened last war to us)
We are talking about pure spies in a war, aren't we? Why on earth would anyone enter a war as a pure spy with allies? I have had my bunch of osws and I can assure you that a pure spy with allies won't keep those for very long... A pure spy doesn't need any allies to earn ally bonus plunder on ebs, so why would you have some? Basically, you are converting to a non viable build just before entering a war, so you should be aware of the risks you take. Funnily I have to agree with balle on his point of view: sell your mp allies if going ps or don't convert if your BFA is massive. Hell, I even got stripped while opening up in PvP events when I couldn't drop pots fast enough... You then either retaliate or just learn your lesson and adapt.
People going hansel is not a fix its a leak in wars. Hide your allies simple fix. There is a 24 hr spell that keeps u safe. Please please please don't go hansel to avoid being stripped go ps and hide your allies. Unless your on opposite roster of course because as a big hybrid I find u yummy
If we don't most people in the higher tiers and some of the lower ones have ss of all the ps/hansels allies so the spell is then useless
People still call hansels PS1? PS1 is an oxymoronic term. By definition you can not be a PS if you have an attack building. A spy build with one attack building is a Hansel.
No Support, its a dog eat dog kaworld, ps always knew they could be stripped if they hold allies, why should devs constantly change things for a few Special P.S. In some ways it was your clan Death on the Battlefield that made devs go down the indy road, you war up to 3 clans during pre season sapping warriors from other clans then if matched against another dotb you caused scout draws more often then not. Try gettting over yourselves if you dont like getting stripped war as a hansel easily solved. Stripping is part of kaw has always, been deal with it you crybabies. Wah wah wah.
Seems like everyone hate ps so much. Why Do u think hansel turn to ps in Indi wars? They have to do it to minimum the dmg from troops leak. They did it so u all can war without worrying troops leak from hansels. Well, since u agree to strip ps, we as hansels do not want to be ur gold machine by becoming ps anymore.
Again ps have it easy. There are han out there with alot of adt. I really dont care how you war but warring with one att build is hurting yourself more than helping. Since you wont have 80% of your roster wont be that type of build you will leak gold at start because i will get 3 to 5 att in (because i dont need pots to be successful ) while you are trying to dump your troops you are being scouted so by the time you are able to spy actions you are weaker and almost useless unless any easy ass target. The options are keep your allies hidden, over price them or have an alt or clan mate strip you before war
Yea, turtling for 48 hour wars was common. Back then shifting to PS often enough, would pose much more risk than actually staying hansel when you slept. Nothing worse than an entire team of 100 dropping max xtals on an open target. Stripping an enemy is an unruly tactic of EE wars nothing more. Some do what it takes to win, at ANY cost. Meanwhile others deem it as unnecessary, seeing it as unsportsmanlike or that it results in too many repercussions. Morale of the story, stripping has ALWAYS been an option in kingdoms at war. As has farming any player. To dictate or restrict how people should play, has always been a sensitive matter. If it's condoned by devs, it's open game imho.
6 towers nowadays is 20m adt, way of the future imo. Still high spy atk also. Lets tower up. Useful also when enemy attacks u instead of those who can actually plunder.
It seems PS think they deserve to have all the benefits of massively high spies without the risk of the downside to their build, imho thats a little having your cake and eating too. All builds have their ups and downs and to take away a builds weakness just because you say so, displays a supreme amount of arrogance on your part, that you are outside of the common place understanding and known tactics of war. That these rules suddenly dont apply to you. Thats its unfair coz you dont like it. You think it needs to be changed for team mates sake how about not warring with allies as I did almost every single war I have warred in as a PS coz I knew and understood the risks involved. If you cant handle your build switch to one that you can. End of story, want me to leave the light on while you sleep too?
And Bloom that is your choice make it, go hansel or PS, I dont care, all I care about is changing systems for ppl who cant fathom its a war game not monoply.
I honestly dont have a right to voice an opinion on this thread. Why? Simple, the devs set such ridiculous war times that entire countries are literally excluded from participating on weekdays. As i have no capability of participating, i should not comment on this first world problem.
No Support. In-match Ally Hiring has always been an Open Strategy. It is up to the WC or the roster discretion to exercise that option. Dishonourable it may seems, still it is part of a strategy available in a 'control' War. Nevertheless PS should know the risk and takes necessary precaution. And Most harden PS warriors are doing so. Also I don't think a Memorandum of Understanding (No Ally Stripping) would help but you can try it. All the best in future Wars.
I disagree u may have got 1 attack per repin but barely any on xstal and I made a good amount myself.