All it does is take the advantage away from the build. It cant be hit unless gold out. Over price your allies or dont war with allies.
Can anyone actually ARTICULATE why stripping a PS is considered dishonorable, but building a roster with say 12PS1/3LBS trying to get an advantage in EE wars is honorable? Each one is a strategy within the rules. Do I like facing a 12PS1/3LB roster? Not really. I also didn't like facing Rising Hawks. Or a roster full of SSH. But they were all within the established rules of the game. Some of those rules have since been changed or rendered obsolete by new lands/builds. So other than saying "I don't like it" or "it seems unfair" or "but we want to encourage participation" or other such fluff, again please ARTICULATE your reasons why one act is "dishonorable" but these other actions are "honorable". From my perspective the comments seem to be largely stemming from -- "if this is something that might negatively affect MY WAY of warring it is DISHONORABLE, but if it is something I DO, it must be HONORABLE."
No support. Stripping PS is dirty, cheap tactic admittedly, but its a tactic all the same and if those bad warriors who cant win w/o it feel the need to always do it, so be it I guess. -,-
Support. Allies should be locked to outside and inside hires if match up has been made. This is supposed to be a system war with rules, not OSW.
No support. I don't strip builds before war but I think it's dumb to prevent it. It's an element of the game that you have to prepare for. Don't want stripped, spend 4 mith and hide your allies. It's generally that simple. Now OSW trackers may have Allies marked, but oh well. All is fair in love and war.
It's a war game, nut up or shut up. I warred with over a tril in Allies as ps. Hire away, they are all op stripped allies. Stop crying you wimps
Please look at my moral thread. Lol I do not think it is dishonorable. I think it is a good tactic personally. Only reason why I don't do it is because I prefer stripping people as they sleep.
No it won't. It doesn't prevent them from dropping allies and even if it does it doesn't prevent them from selling potions. Stop begging the devs to take things away from war. If you don't like how a PS acts in your ear, farm them. Hell strip them after the war.
No SUPPORT, may I remind you this is a war game, in real war the enemy does not wait for you to get ready when you are vulnerable. NO SUPPORT
FULL SUPPORT , unless all ps agree to go ps1, some of us won't lower ourselves to such a disputable way of trying to win. So I ask to the players who are ps, will you all go ps1? This would help hansels also have a shot at medals. To the wc of these wars, will you respect the unwritten code of honor between those of us who give our time and efforts to lead wars, and not take the easy way out? To the developers, can you not come up with a solution to this issue and keep these wars competitive and classy?
In my tier(s) I find that there isn't much stripping, more so its just ps that are opening for trolls and letting enemy win. I do agree with you but im not sure even something like this will solve the problem entirely.
Syl, again please explain WHY is it a 'disputable way of trying to win"? Please ARTICULATE your reasons for WHY it is a disputable way. Without reasons, it sounds like you just don't like it, but can't explain why. I agree that everyone is entitled to their opinions, but just because someone has a different opinion does not make their way of warring "disputable" or yours as upholding an "unwritten code of honor". Again WHY is PS stripping dishonorable (other than you don't like it)? You have to articulate a reason or it simply comes down to you don't like it, so it must be wrong.
Devs mentioned this over a year ago that they were okay with that strategy... To all the PS, just be PS1, and no one will strip you. (I do not condone doing the hire ally, but I also do not condone changing to give that advantage to one play type)
It is dishonorable because you open a no def person to extreme amount of hits. This is a dirty tactic for an easy win. Now us as ps should be the ones doing something about this. Go ps1 to the benefit of us all as hansels.
That player cannot contribute to plunder without becoming open to attacks. Its a lazy warriors way to try and secure win.
But isn't that precisely what roster building EE teams try to do when they war? Make a roster full of people who make it easier to win? For example, DI is known for the 12PS1/3LB roster stack. You don't just cast whomever shows up. You work within the rules for what you perceive is your advantage. A PS strip hit is within the rules. Again you say it is a 'dirty tactic' because you seem to not like it. But it is clearly within the rules.
No it is not kage. What we roster builders do is use the best builds to fit our strategies, and work with what's available.