season 4

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Adora, Mar 17, 2014.

  1. Sorry, I read your initial post too quickly, the draft would fix the stacking issue. I would give the draft wars a try, but I do hate warring outside of my clan.
  2. I would prefer to war with my clan in a fixed EE system, but I have pretty much given up hope of that ever happening.
  3. yea, I don't really care for leaving my clan either, however, this may help promote clan loyalty, actually, because your only be gone for a few hours each week, and non EE clans can have EE enthusiasts residing in their ranks with out any problems.

    The current system has hurt clan loyalty, IMHO, as people who wish to go professional need to frequently abandon their family clan for a season, and mercs float around the system, being loyal to no one
  4. youd better stack your roster then 
  5. Mixing players does not solve the fundamental issues that plague ee ... Which is plunder

    If that's fixed properly then stacking will not be effective
  6. Ee needs to be open to most and needs to be regulated to the point it can't be manipulated so easily at the same time ...

    Only way to do that is to fix plunder as I've said 100 times in every thread I've seen

    Unless this is stabilized there cannot be a long term lifespan for ee

    U suggest an end around instead of a fix but wat happens when these mixed players try to get their clan to do ee?

    Same crap that's going on last 2.5 seasons
    So the Ata dev league ud always be stuck in with no idea of tactics or team work in war ... Just a bunch of button smashers hoping for the best
  7. Chaos wars should be used to test new ideas. I am a hansel and struggled to get in a roster. Let's try things like scout actions without spy attack pots, and I like the idea of KO by spy action staying stealth that was a good idea. I guess I am saying test wars try new things .... To help hansels out !!!! Lol
  8. Pre set roster slots with max and min cs per slot. Every clan would essentially be within the same stat range and all builds would be necessary for war
  9. I do feel we feel chaos wars are a good testing time for new ideas. I'd really like to test mooses draft idea, seems like it could be fun. And remember, these things don't have to apply to every single war, we are allowed to mix things up and throw in more styles.
  10. In draft idea:
    1. elemination of dominance of gh and sh.
    2. A chance for player to sign without adt and sdt.
    3. More proper matchups.
    So a more number of players can participate and it will be more fun.
    Support the idea
  11. Will work for about 1-2 weeks then no more trust that no one will sign up for those messes after they get a taste off ee like that
  12. ASW was done by hand picking rosters by the devs there's no way to program a comp to do that on a large scale with multitude of clans

    Any algorithm needs a start point and stop point specially in matching they could draw from 80 players and make 2 rosters starting biggest or smallest first and work the other way ... But no way to do that for 4 rosters or 10 rosters would be impossible

    Also impossible for devs to sit down and hand pick matches every sign up or else it would have already been done
  13. Give Mids and Hansels a better chance to war and...
    no more big-stack-small roster exploit please. Thks
  14. Ok how bout a point system instead of a plu Der system. Say 5 points for a success attack. 2 for a successful defense and so on for each action but set it up in a way that promotes offense over defense. And makes it so that all builds can compete better. Rather then trying to grab 4b plunder, you go for as many successful actions as possible.
  15. I got an idea stop letting people buy allies after sign-up the increased BFA is making it impossible to hit people
  16. Cs/bfa/bfe divisions are only way to make it a level playing field…distribute mith/equip based on level of competition…highest division gets best equip/payout etc…allow clans option of moving up divisions but not moving down…if clan signs up with higher stats than division allowed they get no match and warning…second time they get suspended and so on…this would almost but not quite end roster stacking…let champions of each division slug it out last week of season and have one champion at end…could be cool
  17. Why not just a cap on bfa you wouldnt be able to stack war would be fun again I would put towers back up wont ever happen because devs dont want to upset certain people but still.
  18. EE wars have become a disaster for most. Creating an alt that's a sh was a better option than banging my head with this acct. I know I'm not the only one that feels like S3 was the worst yet. There have been a ton of great suggestions made, but I find it comical that the Devs haven't really changed anything at all. People continue to make suggestions like they are listening. The cashflow from EE wars must still be good. The only reason for them to make substantial changes would be because of a substantial decrease in revenues. Accts this size without BFA are useless in a roster.

    My two cents. Troll away .
  19. A tiered system would be nice, sadly I don't think realistic. It would give less clans in each bracket resulting in more no matches or lopsided ones. Also with bfa and bfe, smaller stat guys can push the strength on this while remaining.....small
  20. How about going back to the very first ee wars??4hrs 15min set KO..that was fun..