Season 4 Review - The good, the bad and the ugly

Discussion in 'Wars' started by RedHotVixen_MaCHiNE, Oct 27, 2014.

  1. I don't see anything funny in those two sentences ...
  2. Typo - should say

    they win by a huge margin and they dun even have to xstsl
  3. primary are not that bad I agree with tiger you really just need to have a good wc and I still think sh are exploited.
    In primarys war too.
  4. I think this season was much better than the last two. I really enjoy indi wars, they bring a level playing field. Personally I think primal and round wars both suffer from stacking issues. The best WCs can tailor their rosters, and while I understand this takes a lot of time and effort, I prefer to fight in a war where the outcome is not decided by the stats of each side at match-up.

    Also I would like more equality across time zones. Everyone shoukd have equal access to war. I think the easiest way to achieve that is to bring back 24hour wars.
  5. Season 4... Oh my... The "wheel of indi"
    The Good: Thank you to all the indi WC that knew how to use my build. I know how to war my build, and not all knew; but alas I followed the WC no matter what. Without most of your skills I would not have achieved a top 500, so I thank you.
    The Good 2.0: Week 2-6 thank you indi warriors! We all knew each other like clanmates. No matter the match, it was good fun.
    The Good 3.0: Thank you Apoc. No matter how hard you pushed, I am thankful I stood firm in not changing build for Primal. I appreciate that you all found a place for me and I was able to prove the need for hybrid in Primal.
    The Bad: Round wars. We all know what the devs did here, so I hope you all enjoyed them.
    The Bad 2.0: Medal increase. We all know what happened here...
    The Bad 3.0: Another medal increase! Yes, it is embarrassing to have a war season where 70 medals would have put you in the top 500, so the devs increased it again. Not only did they insult the "wheel of indi" warriors again, they slapped them in the face. I have yet to understand how planning a war in 60 minutes deserves less reward than Primal or Round, but my guess is money talks.
    The Ugly: The devs. For every indi war I won (week 2-6) there was an equally deserving group matched against me. The inactive, non xtal, rouge warrior decided the war. Why would indi NOT pay the same in medals as Primal or Round? Money?
    The Ugly 2.0: Week 7-8... Thanks to the devs, the "wheel of indi" warriors were welcomed with a new set of warriors while medals never increased to what Round or Primal paid. Thank you EB builds for trying out indi with us. It's not your fault, I blame the devs.
    Overall, I would give this season a 65%. For the devs, that would be a solid D since I know you are terrible at math.
  6. Bad, why to do season wars when you know you won't be able to use it in wars 
  7. Good: Tons of time slots

    Bad: Round Wars

    Ugly: Non towered, inactive, non xtalling, EB fairies
  8. Tons of time slots? 

    I'm guessing you don't live in Asia
  9. I had a blast in season 4  it was the first season I had time to war the entire season from beginning to end thanks to the increase in war slots from previous seasons.

    Other than mith and equip won from wars getting the chance to war almost everyday in indi's with some really wonderful ee warriors from all over was probably as nice a reward in the end as the season 4 rewards 

    Cheers  and respect to all of you 

    The ugly? Hmmm well definitely the medal increases lol
  10. Everyone keeps bringing up stacking. The reason why all sh or all sh and a few top 100 or top 50 lb was so messed up is that u couldn't plunder any where usually however even the lb sh roster is beatable if u have enough tanks to kamikaze the lb. All sh however was the worst it pitted a smaller portion of your roster against all of theirs and forced multiple large builds to sit out usually. In primal all ps1 isn't stacking it's hard to beat ya but they can be hit plundered and sb to lower their effectivness. One last thing what bg did wasn't stacking either they just used the biggest builds they could and the best warriors they could which made for a very hard fight every war.
  11. Completely agree with what syl said. This 'ps1 stacking in primals' crap a heap of people are going on about, is just that. Crap.
    There was no real way to counter the plunder sh were making in wars and that's the cause for the massive amount of outcry that we still see today. It was stacking and limited wars to certain builds.
    What makes primals so good is that the only people who are limited to participation are those who are not prepared to tower up, or change build to PS. One can't simply drop their build and profit. (by becoming sh, which is a simple solution) It takes a heap of gold to achieve either of these prerequisites.therefore its labour intensive, and we all know there r a heap of players who don't like labour. Primals separate those who are prepared to work and those who want a cheap easy ride.
    Don't think ps1 can b plundered? Change half your lowlands to sos, hybrid up, stay banked and zs in wars and have a feast. Ps1 pay great when u skim them and pay a nice att KO.

    Season 4 was fantastic in so many ways, none more important than the fact that those rewarded the most were those who put in the most effort. Both in their build and also in general play. Inactives and non xystallers were just a challenge to deal with along the way.
  12. U summed it up to a T. I agree with everything thing u said. IWars were the most chaotic but given more time they will get better.
    I to would like to thank all warriors for 8 weeks of lil sleep n fun.

    A BIG SHOUT OUT to all the ppl doin rosters n ss n wc n tr. The backbone to everyones fun.
  13. Outlaw Tom well said
  14. I agree with Outlaw Torn also..well said

    Primals r as stated earlier build vs build. Whether if its BG goin all BC Tanks or a clan goin 75/25 PS1 or any other roster plan its both fair n acceptable. Those that disagree r either non-towered or clanless n jealous. Primals r best suited for loyal clannies n mercs roll the dice.
    Round Wars we can like them or not so enter or don't end of story.
    IWars r unique as they r randomish n afford all KaWers a place to war n learn etc.

    Summary: something for everyone 
  15. Agree with both Outlaw Torn and ObEsA_CaNtAvIt.

    Like mentioned, the different types of wars are to cater to all, people can choose what war to do, so the complaints are pretty funny when they complain of "stacking" in primals. If you see it that way, you can also find "stacking" in rounds and IWs.

    For primals, if using all ps1 is stacking, then why not say using all HFBC builds is stacking as well? Purpose of primal was a war system that cater to those who spend time on their build I believe. There are plenty of successful primal clans out there like BG, DI, KoTFE etc. It's not entirely "stacking", it's the roster choices and strats in war.

    For rounds, do you think that using LB and sh is definitely guaranteed a win? Let me tell you that, no. Most of the time it still goes back to strategies and of course the speed and co-operation between the warriors. If you have players in your roster who war on 3G when they're drinking in the bar, don't put the blame on your opponent who has 20 people that take their time out to war on PC with wifi. :lol: Most people neglect such stuff. They only complain about "exploits" and "stacking".

    If you complain that primals and rounds are full of stacking, why not look at tier1 for IW? Like also mentioned plenty of times in this thread, the LBs are pretty unevenly distributed if a LB like Red or Donno cast. It becomes 5LB vs 14LB for them, do you think it's fair to them? It's almost as though they could not do IW, the system will put plenty of LB against them to "balance" them out.

    Each war type has its own benefits, primals cater to those who spend on their builds and eliminate towerless LB and SH. Rounds cater to those who build their roster well, compromising well this time with LB and SH.

    People always go back to saying blahblah exploit, blahblah stacked therefore they win. If you look clearly back, that is not really the case. There is no unbeatable clans. Rounds and primals alike.

    What devs should review is:
    1. The Asian Timezones war. Wartimes now have too few that caters to asians.
    2. The inactives punishment. Shattered sword spell is only issued to the player after the war, what good does it do? It already made the clan lose, very COMMON in IW. Maybe do something about it, like letting admin be able to kick those who did not mith up after war start, or letting admin be able to kick those who have 0 successful actions after 2updates of war plunder.
  16. No I don't live in Asia, why would I do that.....
  17. Agree torn ;)... GOOD...i met tons of new friends in kaw. I wc some wars late in the indy season which was very exciting. Even beat some well known wcs as well as lost to them. Got top 500 and over 100 medals. Got to war with some great people in clan amd indy. All in all s4 crushed s3 horrible experience into the dirt. .overall good season.
    Bad.... inactives in indy. Non xstlers in indy. Clogged cc in indy or those not following wc and xstal calls. Not in every war did i.experince these things but in some indy it happened....
    The ugly..... will mention no names or situation but lets say i was almost a ca target :p.....
    Ty to all wc roster makers and tk in.silver and in indy. Ty all active xstling warriors who particapated to make it a fun.exciting season. I met some awsome peeps this season some i loved to hit in.war some i hated being hit by. Til next season all and see most in wars in off season cheers;)
  18. TBH PS1/hansel roster is not stacking, they are plunderable unlike SH, I have matched an all PS1/hansel roster and it was one of the best close war I've had all season. It was definitely fun.
  19. You guys are confusing stacking with exploiting . Stacking is imo just using an odd build as more than 50% of your roster.

    Stacking ps1 in primal is not an exploit , stacking sh in round is.
  20. Exploit* not stacking :D nothing wrong with it