Season 4 Review - The good, the bad and the ugly

Discussion in 'Wars' started by RedHotVixen_MaCHiNE, Oct 27, 2014.

  1. 1) the increase of medals were an incentive 4 ppl who didn't war earlier to get in to the action. The truth is devs should reward medal increases to those who warred in the beginning - not to latecomers.

    Example: medal increase after 3rd week if u get in 30 wars and if u get in 60 wars by 6th week. This means if If U get in 30th war after 3rd week, you not eligible 4 increase till 6th week.

    2) season is just too intense
  2. My post got cut...
  3. Did you use ampersand?
  4. Ampersand strikes again
  5. Bad : iWars with one side with 4 wc's and trackers the other side with none. Something should be done with that. We've all been asking yet still nothing

    Good : getting to know clanmates as warriors and building trust in them.

    Heartfelt thanks goes out to Ulster, Zoe and Spilatch for giving their time and experience so unreservedly to make wars happen. You guys rock ️

    Pervigo Neco became the war clan of DysFUNctional made from two awesome clans who shared the same ethics. No Stacking. Just Great Warring and we did well.

    Roll on S5. We will be there 
  6. 2) season was just too intense and short. You can't simply war trying to get top 500 - you have to war with the intent of getting top 100. I dun think it's I'm kaw interest to burn ppl out of warring which is what happened to me.

    I'm throwing an idea out there but how about a 4 month season where 100 medals gets you all equip, same rewards 4 top 500,100 and 10. This being said, I lost my heart to go all in future seasons - I burned to a crisp so even if devs did this I'd prob b still out but who knows mayb I'll change my mind when s5 starts.

    3) indi wars top tier. When an ally lb ranked top 5 wars and the 2nd strongest guy to cast is ranked 40 - devs compensate by creating a stacked roster of lbs to counter to top 5 guy. Example: the roster of the top 5 guy will have 7 lbs vs a roster of 15 lbs - often this is a mismatch. Btw if you are unaware the gap between top 5 and someone ranked 10 is huge, which means the gap between top 5 and 40 is astronomical.

    Since devs have shown an inability to create a balanced roster when considering bfa. Why not send a message to top 5 guy saying that they could not place him/her in a clan 4 indi war?
  7. Was a great season! Happy with it all except noobs who dont listen or xtal in indys!! While am here...Big shoutout to apoc family who ran and organised more wars than any other clan/family. U guys worked hard n deserve alot of credit
  8. Season was great
    I only did indies on last day. Those are ok.
    I think there should be a wc slot in every roster (in form of casting) and that person shld reap more rewards. Indy n primals
    Boo round wars. Total waste of space, that could be used for prep or another indi spot for the (significant amount of customer base) ppl who got low medals cuz they not part of a dedicated war clan.

    Also reward the dam prestige. Maybe more clans will aspire to come together and war-builds clan loyalty. Need more of that these days.
  9. I loved the indi wars
  10. Pervigo neco/ Rawwrrr 55-19 nuff said
  11. Hated seeing op in matchup KWM is a well a
    run and organized EE clan. hahaha funny line about your Indy success rate though, figures. Haha

    My favorite things about this season were the amount of wars, and the interesting and cool new people I met in all the clans I warred with.

    Big shout out to Drag at RMR. I began the season wanting to maybe get first 2 or 3 pieces of eq, but after a nice win streak in the middle of the season i dared to dream bigger. So thanks.

    Least favorite things about this season were the medal increase and difference in medal rewards for different types of wars.
    Imo the medal increase did nothing for people who had been warring all season except create more tension as we saw an influx or newb's trying to get 25 medals in the end of the season quickly, and make it harder to find last minute merc spots for primals. Maybe those things aren't all correlated but that's how I saw it.
    The fact that round wars are still around baffles me, but then to make them pay out more medals than indi's seemed silly. Even primals paying 1-2 more seemed silly. I'm not a WC, but if I was I bet I would want a bigger reward for organizing a successful win with people I may not know, in an hour(or less), than something like a round war.

    All in all I liked the season, but would like to see different ideas and plans implemented in s5 to keep it interesting.
  12. Well thank you Andrew. Did very good yourself. Disappointed I had to end my career as WC. But busy asl and not feeling war like I use to. Tyvm to everyone who everyone who caught with me. Big thanks to oz,stark,vass,estate,zoom,paladin, and many more for warring by my side. Gtg, Have a good day everyone
  13. Agreed that wars starting every 3 hours is too much. Would be nice if they could be 5-6 hours apart. give us some time to breathe already!

    That said, I gotta say Apoc the most organized group I have ever warred with, being able to support hosting 2-3 solid rosters every single primal of the season and winning about 90% of the time, absolutely amazing teamwork and warriors! Thanks for everything guys! Looking forward to bigger and better things in season 5!
  14. Enjoyed the fact my build was useful in ee again , had a few ruff indi wars but for the most part was great macth ups . Didnt really chase medallions . Thank you to all the great wc and trackers that stepped up ova the season , you guys deserve extras imo .
  15. primals were great and i wish to see them in future seasons/off-seasons
  16. Introduction of Indy wars were the best part for me. In my tier we did not have too many issues with inactivity. Met some good peeps. Never did any round wars so no comment. Only got into a couple primals and they were okay. Generally Devs I think it was a success. I still think Indy wars should have paid the same. Sure rostering is hard work. I grant that. But if you roster well your chance of winning increases. That's the benefit. Indy wars are random so you take a big chance. All wars still cost the same. So sane reward. Anyhow. Congrats on winners!
  17. Did just 3 indis.... First time warring and had a lot of fun.. Cheers to the WC and tracker of those wars for helping out a newb like me, being patient and making warring a great new experience for me
  18. My opinion:

    Indy Wars: Great, they were lots of fun, I met lots of new warriors whom I'd never come across before, enjoyed them a lot mostly (despite my 20 Indy loss streak mid-season)

    Primal wars: meh.

    Round wars: May as well ditch them altogether; of the round wars I signed up for I got nmf in all of them as not enough clans signed up. The few times when we engineered our roster specifically to match other warring clans they changed their roster in order to not match us. You know who you are ;)

    In summary, keep Indy wars (maybe even add more), let the bigger builds continue to rule primal and ditch the round wars.
  19. I did one or two Indy wars and really enjoyed them. Kudos to the devs for those. 
  20. I did not like not warring with my family

    I did not like the stacked rosters that i happened to find in s4.