Season 4 of the Estoc Trials (Updated)

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 29, 2014.

  1. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    Event just went from being an ok thing to participate in to a complete waste of time. Indis the one place most people can actually war.
  2. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

  3. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    How about while you all are out doing those indi wars, you happen to make friends, and wuth those new friends you happen to form good war clans in your size brackets. Then you get medals from both indi wars and the higher paying, more organised clan wars.
    I am picturing indi wars like the minor leagues and clan wars the pros. Should minor league players make same pay as the pros who have invested much more time/effort into their builds to truly be war ready?

    I could be wrong with that analogy, but i have strong suspicion that the devs were aiming for that with the way payout is set up. Also remember, there are more indi wars a day than there are primal or round, so you more oppertunities to war you choice type than those who prefer primal over round or vice versa.
  4. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    Say if someone gets 86 medallions and they are in the top 500, do they still get all the equipment?
  5. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    Exactly, it is a fun and exciting format as your chances of winning is 50/50.
  6. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    Organized clan wars lmao what a joke...I've been war admin at wingless angels...yeah it's a lot of work but you sort out rosters that give you the win!!! Individual wars are way more challenging...even out the medallion payout devs!
  7. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    Should we expect an hte promo today to distract the masses from your dumb ass decision? Isn't that how it works? You apes do something dumb as hell then appease with shiny gold? Hte promo = the reach around of kaw.
  8. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    KaW Admin,

    I agree as well that Individual wars should have 2 medals awarded, same as Clan wars, and I don't buy the reason for this discrepancy being "more strategy". The high end Indy wars are very very strategic and some of the best/fairest wars I've ever done.

    The issue with giving more points to the clan wars is simply this, clan wars can be exploited, or "strategically taken advantage of". You can see where primal wars are going....the advantage in primal wars goes to the LARGEST war built Roster. EI, the roster with the most towered attack built, HFBC builds on same roster. Watch, Rosters are already turning into this, 20 big in essence, your rewarding "stacking" rosters again. Don't get me wrong, 20 big tanks hitting 20 other big tanks is fun, I would venture to say it's not very "strategic"...but it's a fair war. But, still, the biggest flaw with the clan made system is that, there IS an advantage to having the biggest roster, cause there is #1 spot...and if u can't have the number 1 spot then, we'll you clan is at a u try and avoid the #2 spot, which started this whole "ranking lower" issue.

    So if it's gonna be 2 points to Clan wars, let's be honest, your giving a 100% advantage to the following account types to get the top prizes.

    1. LB accounts.
    2. HFBC Towered Attack Builds
    3. SH accounts

    Now...with that said, maybe the counter argument is that Indy wars are full of NON towered, smaller, weaker accounts and you maybe don't want to see them get the equipment just cause they actively participated in a bunch of wars? Maybe, but it sure as he'll isn't "strategy" related, clan wars, have always and will always be about ROSTER CREATION, NOT IN WAR STRATEGY.
  9. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    Dear Devs,

    You finally have wars to please everyone, if not, almost all of us.

    I wonder if you can explain how Primal and Round wars have a better reward than indi wars.

    you said that on the first two ive mentioned, the reward was bigger (2), because to compensate the effort take by clans to prepare for those wars.

    i honestly disagree. i wont just say no support ill try explain why.

    Primal wars and Round wars

    yes clans have to get a roster, prepare a strategy or several etc.
    all the clans that do them already have that figured out, they know the members they'll have for each war, who the war commander will be, the tracker.

    all they need to do is to do a sheet every week to see which members are avaible for a war in specific day. according to that they determine a strategy. if they get a matchup they just need to change their strategy, pick a new accordingly to the opponent they have to face.

    Lets just say they dont cast woc with a 50% probability of winning, all the work theyve done makes those odds higher. If thats not the case with some clans perhaps they souldnt be warring imo.

    Indi Wars

    You cast you woc and start praying or whatever u do to get lucky. Yes its 50% chance sinc you'll face someone your size at least or close to that.
    If u get lucky u have nice builds, a wc, a tracker and people that actually know what they r doing.
    IMO the risk is higher than a clan organized roster. you have to sort everything out in an hour.
    Inactives, people that dont go along etc can ruin it.
    But the reward for it is smaller....

    I just want to know why not the opposite? Why not more medals in indi wars than in primal or round?
    Higher the risk Higher sould the reward be!!!! Otherwise, for example, any sort of gambling would be doomed!!!!

    Just imagine if u had new employees every day and try to keep your business running as it is.

    Waiting for your reply, because i just cant understand why a big risk (indi wars) has a smaller reward.

    Kaw is a game for everyone, if u want your new equip and EE5 join a clan, change your build go for the safe path. If u cant do it u need to do the indi wars and gamble.

    Not saying that one war is better than the other, or criticizing people for their lack of effort to adapt to the system. Just honestly i dont uderstand why.

    Berd out Happy Kawing
  10. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    Sorry since majority of Round wars players are SH you are saying that SH are big league player?
  11. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    I didn't know facing loada imf sushi were the minor leagues. I guess I could be wrong vamp.
  12. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    For once can you answer me devs
    Simple question
    What date does 4S start?
  13. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    September first
  14. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    Glad you figured out you were wrong cloud
  15. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    knight, if you look at the rosters i war on, you will see that i dont war with a super stack of sh and i was also against the round wars coming back, i like the primal wars, where its build vs build and all comes down to strat and team work.

    Cloud, indi wars for bigs are a toss up, luck of the draw in every aspect. Why give big rewards to those that just got lucky to get on the correct lb team?
  16. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    Damn...devs hated indi wars from the beginning!!!!REMOVE it if u will only give us less Medallions......I hate this ****
  17. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    Vamp, why give the advantage for the largest rewards to 3 groups of accounts: LB, HFBC attack builds and SH? If they already have the advantage in getting onto rosters in clan wars and also in winning clan they also need 2 times the amount of medals awarded, and 2 times the chance at the top prize?

    And I'm a hfbc build, so the reward system as set up benifits me! But I can see the wrongness in it.
  18. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    Are you even listening ?? S4 was looking so bright before this update. But you just killed my interest in s4. #EqualityForIndyWars
  19. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    All clans wars are stacked Primal or Round. While you may not stack LB/SH your clan probably stack all big build.

    BTW Indy Wars come down to team work as well!
  20. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    Half the reward for winning an Indi war?? That's ********. It makes zero sense to do this. That's the only war ill be able to participate in without jumping in with a bunch of other mids to get smashed by a stacked roster.

    Crappy enough that those Indi wars are luck of the draw to begin with. Now you need to win 2x as many to get equip .

    Way to cater to the uppercrust. Us peasants will just move along...