Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials Was planing on trying this season but there is no way i can be in 13 winning works a week
Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials Making a strategy in an hour is easy. I can normally do one in about 15 mins. Takes longer to break down a roster then to make a strategy. I like the hour prep less waiting around
Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials Thats why there are tiers, not everyone is supposed to win the top tier
Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials I agree with fonz. In all seriousness devs you are risking kaw going the way of the dodo bird. It needed a shot in the ass and s4 was your opportunity. I say this having had multiple accs in kaw. Some big, some small, some very big. It's nice that rewards are harder to get this season. That's great. But for the love of God why are you so stingy with rewards? Seriously-make it worthwhile. As much as you'd like to think that kaw is our lives, truth is...for most of us it's not. So make it worthwhile! Make us want to do wars-and the rewards worthwhile. BIG GOLD. Triple mith...whatever. You're being penny wise and extremely pound foolish. Make rewards ridiculously unquestionably worthwhile. Not only at end of season but throughout. Just my 2 cents. But I think you need to adjust it significantly.
Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials Lol kaw_community thinking indy wars take less prep etc than primal and round thats why indy are worth less shows u know nothing. It takes more work and time for indy as u dont know the builds of ppl u are warring with and they could be of all diff skill and exp levels. Clan wars will take leas cause u generally know ppl u war with and whilst u r recruiting etc u already know their build etc. Round wars are easy sh and lv know what to do
Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials With my cs is there any clans i can war with and not switching builds
Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials **** ee wars! Seriously individual wars should get more medallions than primal nd round wars! Way harder to get a win...can't manipulate roster to get individual wars you war with what you've got it's way more fun!
Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials Thats stupid devs... All the mids who were counting on indi wars are disappointed all over again... No future for mids is proved.
Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials Indi wars and clan wars should have the same payout because you still have to come up with a strategy to be successful. That's like saying if you can get into a good warring clan, here are your 4 pieces of equip. If you go out and do 150 indi wars and are good enough to win 2/3 then you can have your 4 pieces. Why even have indi wars if they are a "lesser" bread of war
Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials Ata shooting themselves in the damn foot again. You had a good set up and went and ruined it with an unneeded decision to screw over the majority of people that will be warring. You all are absolutely inept at making your community happy.
Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials Even when you fix things that are bad, you manage to come up with new f*cked up ideas. 100 indi wars in 60 days ? Really ? What do you guys think ? That we don't have to work to pay for the damn xtals we burn to participate ?(because, needless to say, you guys managed once again to skip war xtals, nearly a year after the original announcement)
Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials Kaw_comm... Indi wars take just as much prep for those that wc. Sure, others just show up and war, but that's no different than round wars and primals. Please rethink rewards and make all wars equal. I know you probably won't even read this, so I'm gonna go see if I can get Harb to make a thread for it. Then you'll listen, make the changes, and probably suck him off if he wants too.
Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials You promise war xtal for s3 //nothing happend /now you can make up at least with Indy ( big prob is people they don't xtal ) now you can give free war xtal at least for Indy so all kaw (Indy war) community can benefit from the ones at moment aren't use it /I lost my last 3 Indy cause of no xtal people /can't do primal too small //war round (don't know yet ) depends from wc what are looking for /make something right /cause at moment you are leaking -I mean from everywhere
Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials Nothing against primal or war round about free xtal war you deserve it as well
Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials This are the leak you can fix before Monday /double element pay out so easy for most to get max level /make equal pay for all 3 system war /free xtal for all 3 system /extra Mith pay for winners /make 6 war equip instead of 4 and upgrade power for this new equip at least is worth it /what you done so far is cause prob with clans cause they can't war togheter (mercs everywhere --prob with Indy lots are on osw been farm cause refuse to xtal or be active //kaw community at moment hate each other and slag each other what use to be brother call /anyway after this post I know I'm gonna to be farmed /Thanks Devil for the mess /love you all kaw community you rock