Season 4 of the Estoc Trials (Updated)

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 29, 2014.

  1. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    Actually I got 50 Rancor on my main doing less than one war a day in Season. The last 4 weeks the rewards increased.
  2. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    Kaw getting Old...
  3. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    Hey you moron 2/4 = 50% 5/18 = 27% ADT or SDT for that matter. Why don't you go back to preschool, you sure could use it.
  4. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    So in effect Indy War players may have a better build than you ass hat putting them down.
  5. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    Cleric ?
  6. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    The point Troll was trying to make is a 40 million cs player has 3.2 mil ADT, 4.3 SDT so he is Master of War Build.

    If you watch Indy war at all half of the players have larger proportional percentage of ADT & SDT than the so call Master of War Build.
  7. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    I 100% agree @nighthawk that "Less work less reward" !
    Oh, wait...
    then, shall devs less reward for primal wars ? Since Primla wars are not require ppls to built their bfe and bfa but indiy and round wars need.
    Everyone knows that hunting bfe & built bfa are much difficult than grow up CS lol
    you need at least 1 year to hunt 450m bfe from EE or EBs (about 9m cs) or built 450m bfa, but you only need 1-2 months to stuck at EB to get those 9m CS...
    Does this means "less work less reward" ?

    Okay. i am just joking .

    Actually, all wars, you need to work hard if u wan to win to make roster, preparing strategy and team working in war. But indiy wars still give u a chance to earn Medallions even you don't want to pay anthing with it. As my posted earlier, you can just cast your account, do 1 action and go to bed in indiy war, you still have a nice chance to get a Medallion lol

    And I bet devs not going to fix this bug, what they can do is just cut the medallion drop to 50%.
  8. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

  9. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    How long until exploit wars are dropped? Hopefully no one is stupid or desperate enough to field a straight clan into stack fest. Devs should take 2 coins from the ass hats who sign up for these wars, the stackers are the asses who ruined EE for the rest of us.
  10. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    win 5 clan war and 2 - 3 indi war a week for 8 weeks to get 100 medals it mean we have to win 56-64 war if we are in a Great EE War clan
    then be competitive with your clan mate to be top 100 people to get 4 equipments and a better banner

    if we are in a standard EE war clan or EB clan it will be impossible to get 100 medals

    season 1, 2 and 3 we need only 20-30 win in 8 weeks to gain max level to get 6 equipments

    PLEASE ADD more Reward (Etc health crystals, Horn of calydor and seal of the Damned)
  11. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials


    OK let me speak a lil slower for u.
    Indy War u leave clan n cast WoC n poof ur in a war. Idk about u but war clans be it Primal or Clan wars only wish it were that easy. Call me dumb or does the EB Fairy sprinkle some magic dust n POOF we war. Grab a brain n get off ur lazy butt n try running a war clan instead of spewing ur ignorance.

    As for Indy War takes next to nothing to get dropped into a war n do 1 successful action n get rewarded if u win. Ppl can be inactive or claim they xtalled or whatever. If u read forums u will see its rife with these complaints.

    As for medallions read Season war histories or listen up in learn. Previous Season Wars u won 2 Rancor for a win n lost 1 for a loss. So if u do 50 Indy wars n win 1/2 u get 25 medallions. Old Clan War system if do 50 REAL Clan wars n won 1/2 u get 25 medallions. If thats not clear for u then nothing is.

    Now that u have been educated tell everyone that recruits n organizes any war clan the work they did was only their imagination.
  12. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials


    Yup yup same crap every thread cuz the ppl that whine senseless crap i feed em crap since they enjoy writing it yup yup
  13. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    Difference between ppl being constructive n whiners blaming the devs for everything is whiners pout n never have anything good to say about them.
    I'll pick on every whiner that sounds like mommy won't coddle to their every want.

    FYI i build my build for war n earned it win or lose i'm cool with it n will war again. As for sayin i do not help any clan i'm in ur self deluded.
  14. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials


    my last post about u i slammed ya.
    This time around ur post gets a thumbs up
    All ppl building BFA/BFE earned it n idc if from war exploits or not u still earned it in that system or not.
    In fact everyone earns exactly what they get n I cannot knock them.

    Indy Wars r for everyone with any build n i'm all for it n yes a few bugs to iron out fine.

    Primal Wars were born due to previous Season War exploits n the system it now works under has been the result.

    Clan Wars r back n i'm optimistic they will be fair n an even playing field this time around.
    There must be a system for LB builds that have spent tons of money n time n the backbone of kaw from its early days til present times.

    In all fairness to all kawers IMO these 3 formats cover us all that want to war. Give it the time needed to play out n see what comes of it. Its in the best interest of the devs to continue monitoring n improving and or fixing this game.
    They might not be perfect but they certainly r not dummies neither after all they invented this app did they not.

    Once again ENJOY S4 n pick on me at will
  15. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    why do u bother with YUP anyways and let him bug you lol
    look at his lousy build n say no more
    my build sux in war n won't even try war til I'm not a useless leak and hurt my clan
    lots of work for me but hope i can catch some of Season 4
    anyone know what a Hybrid like me should do to my build can pm me
    ty and good luck everyone
  16. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    Aaah doesn't bug me i just enjoy talking smack when i feel ppl r outta line. I've been laying on thick about SH n how some took the easy way out. That said the way war clans operated under the old system dictated what some ppl should do also n it was difficult for mids to get in war clans. I was one
  17. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    I think the fact of the matter is that indi gives only 1medal when it's the only fair system. Clan wars are manipulated by the EE elite. Common players do not get the chance to war outside of indi and be successful.

    Congratulations on all the effort you put in on wars. It still does not mean you should be able to win 90% of wars against casual players. As has happened this extremely high loss rate has put many players off war because they benifit in no way.
  18. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    I'll prolly check out clan wars n get tossed around like a rag doll again by LB's with their massive BFA n better BFE. Happened before n i guess i am a glutton for punishment 

    SylverDragon u out there

    Can i join u instead of ya pickin on me lol
  19. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    It's difficult for mids to get into war clans. Hence why war participation is so small. It is not impossible of course but it is far harder then it should be
  20. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials


    I hearya bro but my WC has posted in another forum that he's willing for our clan to take on mids n advise/teach u. I gladly would step aside in our clan if we have excess warriors for a war for anyone willing to learn n follow his advice.