Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials I guess the point here is the same as the one Harb brought up. Harb and a lot of LB agreed that they wanted clan wars INCLUDED so it was fair to LB, cause in primals an LB account paid more then the same stat non-LB player (still not sure why that issue couldn't have been fixed in primal wars instead of adding back in clan wars if that was the real issue), but ok, so what's the big deal? No one really gonna complain hard if LB want their wars "included"...not "instead of"... But you see...ALL of that was before the Dev's came out and announced the actual S4 set up, and these medels...It sure smells like a set up, don't it now? So I guess, if it's OK to give the LB what they want and have these lopsided Clan wars it really nessecary to give those wars 2 times the reward? A week ago there were no clan wars? Now they're included "under duress"...and get twice the reward? Also, everyone happy to agree and hold hands and let the LB have their clan wars, cause it doesn't effect them....But NOW it does, cause there are rewards for the MOST medals...and I see now the biggest complaints against "even medal distribution" are from the biggest guys? Why? Cause even medal distribution would mean LB would have a harder time getting the highest medal awards. I would also venture to say that the majority of the moderates who could "see the LB side, and hey what's the big deal if they add another type of war, doesn't effect me"...had all this NEW info...that giving the LB clan wars, would also HURT them in getting the top rewards, they wouldn't have agreed to the clan wars in Harb's post at all. Sure smells like a set up to me.
Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials Here's my take. I'm not going to win 50 indi wars to make it worthwhile to hunt the rewards. I might win 25 indi wars in 8 weeks, but i'll end up just buying the Helm of the Betrayer anyway, which is better than the hat that comes with the first tier of rewards. I'm not welcome in clan wars because i'm not willing to leave my home for 2 months hoping to get a spot on the roster for the wars i'm able to do. i have a life, i have a family, and work. In the new schedule, i can do 3 or 4 wars per week. I'm just happy the devs gave us this new flexible schedule. I can earn the mith from each win, which i can use to upgrade my equipment. I encourage people like me, that enjoy warring , to continue to do indi wars. The experience level and builds have steadily improved since indi started. Each side will have inactives and leaky builds, but the more veterans that participate, the better the overall experience for everyone. The matchups are fairer for the general population. Indi is the only real way for new warriors to learn to war. Encourage your friends and clannies to try it. Teach them how to sko, let them learn the value of towers. Teach them how to leak less, how to help fill in the spreadsheet, how the mechanics work, and let them get out there and try it. Edit: it would have been useful to know that the Helm of the Betrayer was a Trinket and not a hat.....So I guess that's on me *facepalm*
Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials Yep, Indy wars suck. Primal wars suck. Round wars suck. Shame on the devs for not coming up with anything better and still trying to run a season on garbage. But the fact remains that Indy wars are simply not suitable for the season. I never meant to imply that all Indy warriors are lazy bums that won't xtal or have bad builds. Some do, some don't. But in the long run there will just be an equal number of each on every side, so it's a wash. And yes, there are a few outliers that can make a clan more successful at Indy wars, but for 95% of players the best you can do is make the odds 52/48 or some such. If you are a good wc, if you track, or if you personally can dominate (IMF I'm looking at you), then those few people can help an Indy war effort. Kaw has always been about clan based wars for a reason, and it needs to continue to be. But the devs need to produce good clan wars, not give us crappy ones and say "if you don't like crappy wars, here's another system that's plain fun and you get stuff just for showing up." Then people complain they don't get as much stuff as the crappy wars that require all the effort.
Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials What effort? At the end of the day it seems like you just want an advantage in earnings medals. Why do you care if someone else has the same opportunity that doesn't want to join one of the war clans or can't? Everyone is going in and doing the same war be it with strangers or friends. Your argument is 50/50 win shouldn't be rewarded the same. But how are the other wars better than 50/50 if not stacking and feasting on mids? Basically you're the one that wants easy mode winning two medals in a war that you have better odds of winning.
Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials For most iWars are the only option. Due to build restrictions on adt and sdt as well as bfe and bfa most clans won't let your average player war. S4 will have extremely high build standards so doubtful you'll get much action without at least being near BC for primals and either a sh or lb for round wars. For all the cries of fairness by those who thought they were gonna be excluded from s4 I'm not seeing much fairness for your average (majority) player. Even out the rewards devs and give people a reason to keep playing
Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials Look I agree with all u indi and clan wars should pay the same .. And I agree that none of the three systems are perfect so they all need work still .. And yeah the season should be held off till there's real fixes made no reason to rush it now that mith equip is for sale u all could just do wars and save up That being said .. U know what really chaps my ass? This we can't get into a war clan .... Ummm make one ... Ummm ur in a clan ur a member of a clan aren't u ? Or did u all forget or are clanless? If ur not a perm member somewhere guess wat? U can't do clan wars Awww pity u ... But if u remember correct these "clan" based wars are for clans to do ... So u want to war why are u looking outside YOUR clan ... Get YOUR clan to war .. Why is that so hard instead of looking for a free ride on some other clans coat tails just cause they win more often get together with ur clannies and effing war then Short version stop complaining u can't get into a "good" war clan and war with ur own damn clan like ur suppose to ... Other wise why call that a home clan ? U aren't part of a clan then u can't complain u can't do clan wars
Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials Nice thinking btw. Let's run the maths on the bright idea you guys just had with medals. Previously, we earned at least 2 rancor levels for a victory, and more in the latest stages of the season. We loose one if we loose the match. Let's assume that we had a 50/50 chance of winning, that would mean that the expected average gain (without taking into account the increased gains of rancor)throughout the season was of 0.5 rancor, and this average got better thanks to the last weeks. The cap for rancor was of 50. Now, with your new model, we have again an expected average gain of 0.5, but this average won't increase as the weeks pass by, and the new cap is at 100 (for 66% of the equip we used to get btw). To summarize: same gain, but the goal got doubled. Nice thinking, good job
Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials Yes,you're right let's all make war clans with inexperienced mids to be fodder for the half dozen or so good war clans out there. There is a reason participation numbers suck and Indies were introduced in the first place. We aren't interested in spending two hours,gold and an xtal to get chewed up so other people can stack their medals.
Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials BULL CRAP ... Aren't u a member of apoc? Hmmm apoc can't get u in a primal war? Have u even bothered asking? Primal wars u cast small or mid u match small or mid u get eaten by no one Reason wars went to crap was because all the best from all the different clans had no loyalty and moved to ee clans instead of fighting with home clans and building something up I'm not saying apoc even aware of situation but if they were and they don't provide their clannies with a place to ee then how are they loyal to their members? How are they showing support to u ? Like a real clan or alliance is suppose do? Then why be a member of a clan or alliance that won't stick it out for u or u won't stick it out for them? That goes for any clan but especially the major alliances as they have a huge pool of members they are suppose to be looking out for and helping U mean to tell me that in all of apoc or any major alliance there's only 20 people (who all happen to be the biggest or best built to war) that want to do ee? B effing S .. U could run 3 wars all at different sizes and in primal would match ur own size So don't give me that crap don't want to waste time as a mid I'm a freaking mid and I warred since the start of ee ... And with the same clan U want loyalty u want respect starts at home in ur own clans / alliances help ur people and urselves out and put together rosters and war with ur clannies... No ur not going to get a roster that wins every war ... Ur going to get a loyal roster that will grow and learn together and be a CLAN!!!!
Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials My clan or alliance has nothing to do with my views and opinions. I've only been a member for a week or so so I don't know the workings of how they set up ee. Furthermore, it's completely irrelevant. It's not about me and my personal situation it's about the community as a whole. Mids make up the vast majority of the player base. Yet they are by far the most under represented in clan wars. Why is that? Obviously there is a problem or what you're trying to pass off as an easy fix would happen. The second they started flooding wars people would manipulate rosters to to gain off them just like they always have done. Sorry you think no one has paid attention to what happened the previous three seasons?
Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials Lmfao u think I haven't paid attention ? Integrity in the war system depends on integrity from the clans participating Everyone talks about how great season 1 was ... Was it great no .. It had problems .. But yes it was better .. Why u ask? Because real home clans made up the majority of clans warring Now look ... Almost every clan that wars is a ee only clan made specifically for ee made up of all the best players from others home clans Why? Because of stacking yes.. But stacking and this loyalty issue go hand in hand people afraid to lose a couple wars .. Cause omg it's the end of the freaking world Now we have primal and u can't stack as well a clan that takes the time to figure it out and learn how to war together can survive as mids even thrive if ur willing to pay ur dues and learn and lose a few .. But guess wat? Ull match with others in the same situation more often then not if people manned up and did the right thing and showed clan and member loyalty But I forgot kaw all about the player not the clan or a sense of clan not about sticking together teaching and learning staining with ur bother or ur sister clannie in a fight ... Then why do we even bother having clans anymore? I don't disagree ull get ur but whooped sometimes but especially in the mid range in primal wars u match other mids u can have fun fair fights and help fill with more home clans then ee specific stacked rosters then the majority would have fair matches Ur right the vast majority of kaw is mids then if they actually started warring together then there should be plenty of matches between mids and mids right? But no u want and all the complainers want to get into a "real" war clan where u can fight in stacked rosters and add to the problem instead of clans and alliances taking responsibility for their own and making wars that all their members can do and have fun
Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials Individual wars should give 2 Medals like Primal and Round wars. Everyone says Indi wars are 50/50 Going by that logic, assuming you did all 168 Indi wars (which is VERY unlikely) within the 56 day time span, you'd still only reach 84 medals. Not only is the amount of xtals needed ridiculous, its also the fact that indi wars are spread out more so than the others. With Primal wars, they're more grouped together in the schedule, you do a primal now, and you'll have another primal after next indi, and you're done for the day. With Indi though, there's one every 6 hours. So if it starts at 8AM eastern time (sign up), then 2nd Indi war will be at 2PM, then the 3rd at 8Pm. Anyone with a job or school is guaranteed to miss at least one Indi war, most likely two if you have school and get off at 3 or 4PM. and if you have an indi at the last war of the day, sign up is at 11 PM, and war ends after 1Am. Anyone with an early morning job or school schedule wont be able to do that one without sleep deprivation or being late. You also have the consider that the devs stated that they may rebalance the distribution of Round, Primal, and Individual wars, if Round wars get higher demand. And i doubt they're gonna take another primal war slot, it'll be an indi slot which currently has 3. so now you're looking at 2 indi wars daily, that only give 1 medal. Long story short, Indi wars should give 2 Medals per win like Primal and Round wars.
Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials I wanna join a war clan... Lol, really though I have to find a clan that uses pal or line BC I'm permsilenced :lol: I'm glad though that we have indi wars this season and the equipment looks reasonable