Season 4 of the Estoc Trials (Updated)

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 29, 2014.

  1. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    Why does indi only give one? If anything, it should be other way around
  2. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    as a mid i never go up against clans like rising hawks or LB clans. normally another band of misfits like myself. maybe im just lucky but it would seem only another LB clan would get matched with a LB clan.
  3. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    In primal u can fight all mids and match all mids just be smart about how u cast

    Also devs should be working on a way to protect those mid casting rosters in primal wars by installing a tight hit ratio based on cs so mids under 20 mill cs don't match clans with 5-6 hfbc 40 mill accounts

    But do the math u can war and match other mids just don't stack top builds huge and raise over all clan cs to a point where u match those bigs

    Smalls stay in small rosters ... Mids stay in mid rosters and the bigs are all grouping together
  4. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    Here's a simple rationale for making clan wars worth more than Indy wars. Clan wars are harder to win.

    Indy wars it's always a 50/50 shot, so you basically get war medals just for signing up, regardless of your build, skill, size, etc. you are at the mercy of the other ppl that sign up in your side and others.

    Clan wars are a challenge. They require good builds, teamwork and effort to win on a consistent basis. They should be worth more.
  5. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    Exactly goth.

    I mean I'm just going to make a statless alt and cast it every Indy war and do 1-10 actions and get my free equip.
  6. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    Vamp I have lost with loada and beat cella and imf multiple times in individual wars. Its not always who gets the biggest lb. Also lost with pham. And beat sushi. The only lucky thing is getting the team with less eb builds or not have ken on your team. He likes to fall asleep a lot.
  7. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    I've been doing some thinking. This season seems like the hardest season to get equip. Just think about it previous seasons even if you got 2 rancor the whole season if you won all your matches that's 25 wars to get all the equip. Yea rancor lvl went down when you lost those seasons and this season it doesn't just act like they both didn't increase and think.

    You win every match primal wise cause that gives two medallions and the highest reward is 100 medallions. Well you need to win 50 wars. Give or take a few wars if your doing indys as well. My point is previous seasons you could reach max rewards way easier. And not to even mention the ridiculous amount of wars needed for ppl that can't find a war clan.
  8. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    How am I gonna do this! I can't find a good war clan!
  9. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials


    Maybe put up some towers? Grow?

    I can make an account your size in a week
  10. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    Indi wars should give more medals as harder to win... Just sayin
  11. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    Well that's good for you troll. To be honest I don't give a damn about how fast you can make my account. If you aren't gonna give me advice that is useful, then just don't give advice at all. Better yet, don't reply.
  12. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    I love how all the supporters of Indy wars paying equal medals are making the exact opposite argument. Those in favour of better Indy war payouts seem to fall into one of two camps:

    1. Indy wars are fun. I should be rewarded for having fun.

    I find Indy wars fun too, but...

    Obviously in any game, fun is part of the equation and fun and success should be somewhat correlated. But it doesn't follow that success should come from fun.

    Much of this game is premised in the idea that success comes from hard work (and/or spending money). For instance, People don't hit the same ebs day in day out just for fun. You do it in order to be successful, and fun follows from that.

    Incidentally, a big aspect of the sh problem was that it inverted that equation. They were successful without hard work, and were having fun at the expense of those that were working hard.

    2. I suck and my friends suck. I can't win clan wars with my clan or no clan will take me. A 50/50 shot at a win is the best I can do, so pls reward me.

    Do I really need to point out what wrong with that? Get better!
  13. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    Good war clans are mostly all exclusive, but you'll usually find a few searching in WC for people. Troll is right however, towers are necessary for entrance into 99% of war clans. Little late to build them though, so just watch WC closely and jump into the best clan you can find there.
  14. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    to be top 100 have to use at least 200 crystals. how about give some seals and some health crystals for top 100 too
  15. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    1 medallion for indi wars.... Whoever thought that up is a plank 
  16. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    Golthar, I don't agree with you. Here's how I see it, me or you, towered HFBC LB players vs the "regular joe build or towered mid".

    We have 2 times or 100% more opportunity then the Mid player to get into a clan or primal war, cause let's face it, most war clans don't want mids, they want ppl our size or bigger.

    The mids who do get Into primal or clan wars, are actually great for us, cause if they match us and our stacked rosters, then they have less then a 50/50 chance or winning, and we have a greater then 50/50 chance of winning.

    So the logical choice for them is to war in an individual war, where they have an absolutely even chance if winning, but get 50% the reward.

    So really, the big lb/hfbc guys, like us, we get our cake and get to eat it too...I have 2 times the opportunity to war, a greater then 50% chance of winning wars if we stack rosters we'll and twice the pay out, over the mid sized guy. ****, wow, that's just awesome for me. Sucks for 99% of KAW, but hell, who cares about them. I earned my spot on this Tap Tap game cause my credit card bought me a lot of extra stats. Sexy new banner, here I come!
  17. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    Golth. Your logic is really flawed lol. If it's 'harder' to win a clan war then by definition it's 'easier' for another clan? Which is precisely why Indy wars should be same value as all others. Making them worth less simply legitimizes exploits-and in fact-rewards them.

    Try again. There's really absolutely no reason Indy wars should be worth less. I will probably not war many of them so That's not why I'm supporting. I just think it's flawed and it sends a very bad message to the 'middle class' of kaw.
  18. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials


    One can interpret your points in two ways. On one interpretation I agree with you, on the other I don't.

    Yes it is true that mids have little to no place in clan wars, and I don't think primal wars have really done anything to rectify that.

    That fact doesn't invalidate either of the points I made in my last post on this thread. Fun should not directly imply success and sucking isn't a just indication for being rewarded.

    What it does point to is that the fact that some people suck is partly due to the inability of the devs to create a fair matching system that can't be stacked (at least not easily).

    In so far as in some cases sucking isn't your fault but that of the devs, it's unfair for those people to be punished as a result. In that sense I agree.

    But you play the game you're playing, not the game you want to play. And until the devs get a real matching fix together, do what you can not to suck under the current system. Don't go asking for rewards bc the game you want to be playing isn't the game that's on offer. In that sense I disagree.
  19. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials


    You're pretty funny. So in a clan war half the clans lose and half the clans win. So it's 50/50 too? No different from Indy wars right?

    The point you are obviously missing is that you personally and your clan can do a lot more to affect the outcome of clans wars that you personally can in Indy wars.

    Yes some clans will get slaughtered on a regular basis. Those are bad clans. There have to be bad clans if there are to be good clans. It's all a zero-sum game.

    But you have control over whether your clan is a good clan or a bad clan. its competitive like wars should be. In Indy every clan is equal.
  20. Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials

    Golthar, troll, etc...

    Not everyone that does indi wars is a noob with a noob build and no xtals. Every indi war I've been in has had mostly war builds, and dedicated wc and trackers.

    It's no easy task to make ss of both rosters, put together strategy, and brief clan all in one hour. Sure, there are free loaders that just show up and war half-assed, but that happens in every other type of war too. If it didn't, there wouldn't have been a Democles list.

    Indi wars are not a 50/50 shot. I have only lost one indi war - ever. I'm not winning them by myself, but I make a big ******* difference.

    I also like indi wars because they promote clan loyalty. Yes, they do. My clan (Dragons Elite) used to be a beast in season one. We had a falling out, and most of our war builds left. Now, the few that are left can still war in indies without having to join another clan. I've been there since I was 2 mil cs, but DE ain't gonna win wars any time soon. So what else is there for people like me?

    Anyone that doesn't agree can have a cookie 
