Season 4 Concerns & Schedule Change

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. Re: Season 4 Concerns

    Just reading, but why does it say CarCar?
  2. Re: Season 4 Concerns

    So street hockey players clear the way so they can pass
  3. Re: Season 4 Concerns

    Support zaraki.
  4. Re: Season 4 Concerns

    Add 7hrs for GMT TZ if thats what u mean
  5. Re: Season 4 Concerns

    Are you a tangent/robot/machine kaw_community? Please answer
  6. Re: Season 4 Concerns

    No support

    Lb and sh win again

    Devs get lb balls out ur mouth and listen to the middle class for a change
  7. Again, why do you care? It's one round war a day. If you don't like it, don't do it. Lotta children crying on this board because big/little brother got a popsicle too. 
  8. Re: Season 4 Concerns

    @ Xanthine

    Well if SH do not build then its growth?
    What r u then a Bonsai build i take it?
    Nope u hide behind a bigger popsicle.
    Explain why the only build in KaW does not build on lands so as to remain an SH to do EE wars with bigs so far outta ur league?

    FYI I was building up from a mid during S2/3 to compete in war better. Furthermore i spent the time n effort to do so. I did not take the easy way out as u did n found it difficult to get in war clans. I did not whine or complain or cry injustice. I forged on til i got to this point. SH r a niche n ppl who dropped down r lazy n exploiting for cheezy rewards n nothing more. They then defend their choice after reaping the rewards whilst others plod on on a genuine course by growing n building on lands. With SH amassing BFA/BFE/mith while not growing like every other build be it for war or eb says it all.
    FYI grow n get bigger eb plunder like all other ppl who choose not to stand pat. Here u r defending your choice to remain status quo. To think i recently posted for Clan Wars to return cuz IMO there were honest lb hurt by SH stacked clans. Well u changed my mind n I cannot wait for stacked clans once again to re-emerge n result in SH nerfed once n for all.
    My only problem is it cannot come soon enuf.
    2 weeks of devs monitoring Clan Wars will decide who is legit n who is full of it. I predict if Clan Wars r removed the total blame falls on the war clans n their roster stacking n the whiners will remain in denial n once more spam forums. Start looking forward to IW.

    Keep on bringin on the hate those of u who feel its necessary. If thats what floats ur boat so be it

    In the future speak of what u know n spare me what u think u know.

    Be a part of the solution n not the problem
    GL all warriors....Sherlock Holmes over n out
  9. Re: Season 4 Concerns

    Furthermore Clan Wars replaced 7 Primal Wars n everyone wanting Primal has to lump as it stands. That said take ur less than 1 month cs build n be seen n not heard.
    None of SH arguments r worthy of being heard if u hide behind the big popsicle. That is not planning nor tactics its riding along for free n moochers r get no respect.
    Mids have more at stake n their concerns r valid compared to a self acknowledged mid dropping down. Keep ur chins up all u mids n kick back n watch the implosion unfold.

    If n only IF somehow LB/SH stacked clans disappears then I'll eat my words n bow to those Clan War clans who took da bull by da horns n controlled their own fate.

    I lay down the challenge to prove me wrong n in so doing improve the warring experience.

    Over to RH et al
  10. Man, some peeps have to cry about everything… You don't want to war a stacked roster, go to indies and war with the noobs. Primals are full of stacked rosters and aren't going away. You perceive injustice because you chose a different path for your account. I could've chosen to be a tank and completely skip s3, but I didn't. And you know what? Season 3 was fun and I learned a lot about war, which is really the only reason why I still play this game. I don't need to "grow" my buildings to have fun playing, quite the opposite actually.
  11. Re: Season 4 Concerns

    @Devs , inactives are a real problem in indi wars I've lost a few close wars due to them.

    Why not monitor each war's roster and kick any and all inactives :30 into war, this would be a deterrent from being inactive and I think would be fairly simple.
  12. Re: Season 4 Concerns

    Well K.o.S just did a primal war last nite ...

    Anyone says mids are dead we had no bc builds in war at all and only 1 was even anywhere close look for urself look at opposing roster ... That's the type of matches u can get if ur smart about it and a little imagination in wc u can have great results

    Don't try to roster to outsize urself and when more people war u will have great matches that simple primal is great if u want more people more build types that can be effective and more fun wars period

    Yes there are still a few issues and I hope they work them out fast .. Still think they need a tight hit ratio based on cs only and to fix plunder to be based on cs only but over all it's a great system that allows for very close matching specially when more regular clans and rosters sign up
  13. Re: Season 4 Concerns

    Do not construe LB/SH stacked rosters with Primal stacked. Apples n oranges n self deluded analogy at best. As Hiney a above stated how Primal War rosters can be done.
    FYI we attack bigs n mids stack together only n get matched against bigs n PS rosters only. Ur not a big nor a mid ur a self imposed stagnant build. BBA/BFE r what ALL builds look to garner n not 2 outta 3 is good enuf. We war DI n hold our own we don't complain. We were matched against TAKA in an unfair match up n feel it was unfair. TAKA did not enjoy it but they did not raise a big stink neither. Yes they voiced their concerns but in a manner thats reasonable.
    We have been on both sides of the coin n continue to do Primal Wars cuz our peepz build accordingly. We encourage all ppl to grow n learn from mids on up. We have no SH policy for a reason by choice. We respect the choices of other Primal War clans. Btw ty for letting us have our Primal Wars so magnanimous of u.
    Lastly as for IW let those who enjoy n voice their concerns can do so without ur snide barbs. They really don't care what LB HFBC or SH have to say about IW n kudos to them. They have their own war corner to play in.
  14. Part of what makes great WC's so great is their ability to put together winning rosters. THATS strategy. Theres nothing strategic about putting 20 tanks into a room and letting them have at it. If you wanna do it, by all means continue. I only want to war with WC that give us the best chance to win. I war to win, not just to run into a brick wall over and over. Furthermore, the stacked rosters are an exploit, but so is everything else in this game. I warred against a clan who's average static defense was 5m adt and 6m sdt. Come on, thats not an exploit? Thats what war is all about, giving yourself the best chance to win .
  15. Its easy to be self righteous in an internet forum, huh? I'm sorry you don't like my build nighthawk, really I am. I hit eb's and battle list and war just like you. Where do you think all that plunder goes? One can only own so many pots… hmmmnnn.. Last I heard bfa/bfe are a legitimate part of this game. I mean hey, the devs are giving out shiny new gear all the time, and they are doing it again this season. We ALL should be able to use it in a format thats not so dependent on total strangers.
  16. Re: Season 4 Concerns

    Yes i must agree that WC strat is utmost important once the roster is done. FYI our WC does not do our war roster our Top leader foes the hard work. She is one lil caring n unselfish lady. She has sat out n still tracked to give a spot to another clannie.

    I would like all u ppl to know SONGBIRD77 is the engine that makes our war clan GUERRIERI PERPETUE go.
    I'm honoured to be led by u hon. 

    We also have had 3 mainstays as WC for Primal Wars starting first n foremost with ATROPOS with MECK n FONZY picking up the ball as well. We r truly blessed these ppl have led us in Primal Wars win or lose.

    Last but not least our warrior clannies have been stellar n sportsmans like in all ways.

    To OPS WC eg SylverDragon et al ur all worthy n nasty to war against n Best of Luck in S4 when ur not warring us
  17. Re: Season 4 Concerns

    Who u war with xanthine
  18. Re: Season 4 Concerns


    If all fairness n due respect i was riled when u specified me in particular by name. When u described ur plight as a mid we were both at similar places at that time in place. I chose to keep goin while chose the alternative path.
    S2/3 were the Genesis of LBSH hi lo stacking n created issues that too many ppl laid at the feet of devs for what we the warriors of KaW created. All i want n i believe u want is a fair war whether Clan or Primal Wars. IW r of there own nature n we must accept their value in helping bring more ppl into wars. SH r not inherently the problem but the nature of a few roster builders attempts at undermining match ups to predetermine the usually obvious outcomes.
    Therein lies the crux of the matter. EE was on a horrendous path to extinction if it continued. The recent invent if IWar n PWars stemmed that problem. Now CWars r reintroduced n the devs have basically stated the incumbents n leaders of CWars will be monitored in the name of a fair playing field.

    Thats my personal synopsis or the events leading up to n including the present varieties of EE wars.
  19. It would be a great idea if Kaw make Estoc war trials for low stats like me, where we can receive small equips, but it will only last for 3 Weeks. I'm just suggesting this
  20. Re: Season 4 Concerns

    No support, you get rid of round wars, people change build from sh and get round wars back... Wait never mind, sh deserve that inconvenience 