The funniest part of this thread is all the sh chirping how the devs 'listened' to them. Keep drinking that kool aid. What lb wants, lb gets in kaw, your just along for the ride.
Re: Season 4 Concerns Thanks for changing War 15 after so much hard work has gone into putting together a Primal Roster. War 15 should not have been changed. We won't be participating in your stacked lb wars ️
How about dropping in an iwar for that Aus timeslot of 9pm....then we don't need to be concerned about bad matchup.
Put indy war for 9pm aedst and that way ppl can just cast.if you dont have resources just outsource to asia the labour for that time. Wont cost more than a seal an hour
Amen queen. I just love redoin 20 man rosters and cancelling clannies approvals at the last minute. Would it have killed u to give us a few days notice.
You would probaby have a higher turn out if the slots were open consistantly. 9pm-6am is perfect for our Aus, Euro, Asian kawmunity. Perhaps it would grow over time if given a real chance and not a small test bed. ( over night cost to staff a response team at ATA understood. What about cheaper outsourced alternatives?)
Re: Season 4 Concerns Lol the only ones interested in round wars are the LB players.. They will likely only do the round wars so they can keep their EE and not get assass to 0 in primal
all the support for primal wars, Clan wars coming back and POOF only 2 clans war primal and 1 is taking a lot of crap for saying primals is not preferred. will be interesting on numbers for different wars
So whats gonna happen when people run full sh rosters and lb are dtw and lb end up losing for round wars?Full sh rosters are best way to counter lb+sh stack
Re: Season 4 Concerns Seeing clans that stack sh every war, complain about stacking in primals , while they do not even participate in primals , may be the most distributing thing in here . These idiots are so completely delusional , they use arguments based against the war tactics that they themselves use, in order to justify not warring in primals Common sense will never prevail with these morons on here.
While I think that there has been some positives recently, like Indy wars (which incidentally still need a lot of work to improve) I am still concerned that dialogue with the community has pretty much stopped, also what happened to the closed beta? You claim that primals have allowed for better matching yet there has already been a 330 cs vs 660cs? How do you explain this? You claim that having 20 man rosters allows for better matches yet 6 20 man clan warring does not change to 12, 10 man wars, with the increased ability to get a team together we might see 20, 10 man teams surely that's better for matching? With regards to indy wars I feel you need to help the wc out a bit more a smaller team will give them a chance. The other issue to me is that war is still to expensive, between, pots, spells and a xtal low level indy warriors are often at a disadvantage, then getting stick during war for being unprepared and possibly not coming back, early war experience needs improving.
Re: Season 4 Concerns All those moaning about stacking in primal - most the clans still stacking dont actually win And god i hope that clans have woken up and put on decent rosters for round wars ... Fix the problem dont feed it