Season 4 Concerns & Schedule Change

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. Re: Season 4 Concerns

    Planning n communicating back to 20 ppl in an organized clan is no problem for our clan. Our rosters vary depending on available warriors n our wc's do just fine n never a complaint
  2. all i can do is laugh…oh well gotta roll with the punches…lb/sh wars…indiwars…ps/tank wars…now i hope we wont have to see 40 threads in active topics…everyone can be happy now…
  3. Re: Season 4 Concerns

    The majority of work falls on our War Admin n she does many hours n hard work getting our rosters done. I see SylverDragon in wc many times filling roster n also does wc n one heckuva wc at that. Yet i hear no complaints from Syl. Good on u Syl ur a winner with a good head on ur shoulders. As for Atropos one of our wc's same to u. As for all u other wc's thumbs up
  4. Re: Season 4 Concerns

    All I gotta say is good luck getting a match in the regular wars
  5. Re: Season 4 Concerns

    Lets see lb/sh exploits again for 2 weeks n hope the devs put da kibosh on clan wars for good if clans ask for it if continue their old ways.
  6. Re: Season 4 Concerns

    Well maybe it's just me then if so .. Well so be it
  7. Re: Season 4 Concerns


    Devs cant respond to that. Thats why theyre bringing back classic wars lol
  8. Re: Season 4 Concerns

    What is round war?
  9. Re: Season 4 Concerns

    Cant think of any other reason for reg wars to come back. Was either dts huge stacked lb clans just to renew ee or sh exploit risters. No others stood a chance
  10. Re: Season 4 Concerns

    station the war times are def tight.

    would be cool if the system just pm'd you a link to a stat sheet of everyone casted in other clan .

    Locked clans at 1 hours 30 mins to match would be ideal imo.
  11. Re: Season 4 Concerns

    Would be nice Spilatch but not happenin bro

    1.5hrs sounds good for those clans needing it
  12. Re: Season 4 Concerns

    Thanks for update. Still say screw the round wars. But I overall approve. I further like how once you win, you don't lose your rancor or whatever
  13. Re: Season 4 Concerns

    I don't have a problem with time zone but it will be nice to have a thread that says these are war times for each time zones (tz) and possibly maybe a better understanding of when sign ups start and leave your clan for indi wars as well.
  14. Re: Season 4 Concerns

    Whether I agree with response or not is irrelevant.

    What is shameful is the way devs CONSISTENTLY fold to 'certain' specific and clan affiliated LB accounts when they complain on forums. It's disgraceful honestly. Many lb never get a response at all....but if a 'certain' clan affiliated LB happens to complain...well devs jump jump jump.

    Pathetic. Disgraceful. Shameful and Pitiful.

    'round wars' will be an epic fail.
  15. couldn't this be fixed by not including bfa/bfe in
    matchup and still allowing it to count in war?
  16. Re: Season 4 Concerns


  17. Even worse!
  18. Re: Season 4 Concerns

    Ty for listening KAW 
  19. Cmon cant have a season without rising hawks and all lb sh clans. Look forward to warring against those high bfa sh. Devs you shouldve made those round wars in Aussie/Asia time so if u need to war u get up early or stay up late!
  20. WARNING! RaNT MoDe EnGaGed!

    It is comical to me. Devs are hesitant to include clan wars in season 4. The same type of war that they stood by and tried to tweek and repair for 3 seasons. The same war type that the players understood better than the devs themselves. Jeeez laweeez...

    Do you guys remember the data about matchmaking they using to release? I do better data research analyzing the corn to rice ratio in my toilet 5 hours after I eat chipotle.

    I remember the beginning of EE. I remember the butthurt. Last time I checked, the majority of clans warring had adopted a "big at top, small at bottom" roster. When these clans were matched it was generally good warring.

    I would be pissed off too if my clan worked hard to put together a mixed roster and I was matched vs and EE roster of Lb/Atk/Sh... the main reason I would be pissed is because surely 1 or 2 other clans would have build a similar roster. Rather than handpicking the matches and putting similar style rosters together, they paired each clan vs Ee "stacked" rosters. Similar to how multiple ALL SH clans would cast and wouldn't meet. Duhhhh Hardy much???

    Can we not just get along? I love to smack people up in indi wars, I love the different strategies WCs use to win, I love warring with my friends but I also like meeting new people.

    This game is a social game. The problem is that every mouth-breather that wacked away on ebs (in addition to other things he wacks in the basement with the lights off at his computer) thinks his opinion is valid or constructive to an topic he literally knows nothing of.

    Microcosm of real life. Any person with a .99 cent website is now a blogger/news pundit... ranting and raving about whats wrong with the world. I LOOOOL hard at some of the people that emit moisture in large amounts from the brown hole in their bottom. Mainly
    because it is often idiotic/hypocritical/nonesensical. No credibility. Please only post if you have 50+ wars under your belt and an IQ above a frozen Ham.

    I understand the gripes people have against EE clan wars. I understand why. I think adding 1 freaking clan war a day is an excellent way to oppease the masses. Bravo devs.

    I think it gives all players a chance to enjoy the product. The thing we as players need to be fearful of is the developers tossing in the towel. I couldn't listen to hundreds of bafoons slobbering short sited opinions about how I should do my job either.

    I would suggest we as a community back off the devs before they go psycho and hit the red button. The button that turns off your kaw FOR-EV-ER (Sandlot reference).

    Don't hold them ti such a high standard, you probably kinda suck at your job too. They are, infact, only.. thinking apes.